My Daughters Are Regressors

Chapter 131: We Can’t Have Everything! But… (1)

Chapter 131: We Can’t Have Everything! But… (1)

“Why is the nymphobic demon roaming around the mansion…? This is a violation of the butler and chief, Sifnoi’s authority…!”

Sifnoi was really upset.She didn’t seem to approve of the demon Astarosa freely moving around the 「Junk Mansion」.Of course, Astarosa didn’t care.

She was digging a moat in the garden with Cecily, Naru, and Hina and filling it with goldfish one by one.

“Wow, holy shh…! So many goldfish…! Naru remembers raising goldfish before…! They flopped around and then evolved into a Gyarrdos…!”

Naru babbled about incomprehensible things.What was a Gyarrdos?What did the goldfish evolve into?

“Naru Style, ruthless splashing!”

Splash— Splash—Naru ruthlessly splashed the water.The goldfish followed her hand back and forth, interestingly.But because of all the splashing, Astarosa, who had been releasing them from the bag, became soaked and scowled.

“… You brat! I’m all wet!”

Snatch—Astarosa lost her patience and pulled at Naru’s cheek.

“… Hiiik!”

Naru wriggled about.Then Cariote, who had been watching, stepped forward.


“She splashed me first!”

“You mustn’t recklessly spank or bully the children. If you do not comply, you’ll have to drink the ditch water.”

“… Fine. I’ll let her go.”

Astarosa released Naru like she had no choice. Naru sniffled while holding her cheek that was red from the pinching, and Brigitte who had been watching from afar asked me.

“Is it alright to leave Astarosa like that? She’s a demon. What if she harms the kids?”

It was an absolutely sound argument.To others, it would seem like I had released a starving lion into a kindergarten class.

But I was somewhat certain after going to Pandemonium with Astarosa 3 days ago.Astarosa was called a demon but she wasn’t actually that different from when she used to be known as Cariote’s sister, ‘Dina’.

Just a being with horns and a tail prone to bad intentions.Yeah, just a regular human.

“When she’s around the kids, it neutralizes some of the evil karma. Letting her play with them is better for her, actually.”

More importantly, it was a peaceful scene.

Enough so that time flew by just from watching.

3 days since Molumolu had transcended and became a deity.The past 3 days had been confusing yet peaceful.

No more experiments.We could only wait leisurely for the time that was sure to come.Unhurriedly.Like slowly digesting what was left of this ordinary life.

“Hina! Finish your science homework!”

Tap—Right then, Salome jumped down from up high.Salome pulled Hina’s arm as she was playing, and Hina mumbled while looking at the goldfish swimming in the garden’s pond.

“… Goldfish.”

“What about the goldfish? You know you have finals in two weeks. After science homework, we’ll work on math and essays. Then….”

“Then play with Naru! Hina likes playing with Naru!”

Naru happily raised her arms.Of course, Salome snorted like there was no chance.

“Hina doesn’t like playing with you, Naru. Right?”

“... Hina is….”

Hina mumbled.Seeing this, Salome butt in.

“Hina needs to be in the top 10 for finals. She doesn’t have time to be playing like this so, Naru, don’t disrupt her studying. Do you understand?”

I recalled my past at that moment.When I was still in elementary school.

There was a friend who had hung out with me every day but then his grades dropped from all the playing so that friend’s mom got angry and scolded us, “No more playing together!”Salome also seemed to be preventing Naru and Hina from playing with each other.

“Then may I, Cecily, play with Hina?”

Cecily, who had been dipping her feet in the cold pond, asked Salome. Salome looked her up and down then shook her head.

“No. You’re no different from Naru.”

“That’s because we’re sisters.”

“That’s right! Naru and Cecily are like each other. And Hina is like Naru, too! We are the three sisters who are alike, called Naruberus!”

Cecily and Naru enthusiastically raised their hands.Seeing them, Hina giggled but Salome frowned like she was unimpressed.Swoosh—Just then, Hina looked at me.

Her sparkling eyes were likely requesting my help.I didn’t want to get nagged by Salome, but…. I suppose I should do something.

“Salome, when you’re young, everything is a lesson. There are lots of things that you can only do as a kid. This is the time when playing might be more important than studying.”

I recalled my own childhood.There were lots of tv ads for places like Evaland and Lotti World which had made me want to go.They mentioned having things like festivals and parades.

Of course, my mom and dad had said that they were too busy and never took me to those places.I got to go with friends after I had turned 20, and it had been pretty fun.

Every ride had a long wait, but I was still impressed, thinking, “Wow, there are such fun places in the world–”Yet I wondered what it would’ve been like if I had got to go when I was younger.If I had experienced such things when I could have enjoyed them as a child.

Then I might have not have turned out to be a thief.… Wait, maybe not?

Anyway.Hearing my argument, Cariote also nodded.

“Childhood experiences are important. Studying and learning to hunt is necessary, but so is having playtime. I also played when needed.”

Her words had everyone falling quiet.Sensing the strange silence, Cariote shrugged.

“… Why do you look at me that way?”

At Cariote’s question, Brigitte replied.

“Well, it feels out of character that you had any playtime. Your idea of playing seems like it’d be knocking over stones with rocks. Or hunting rabbits.”

“I played skip rope with elastics. With my sister, Dina.”

Cariote played with elastics like a regular girl. As I tried to imagine the scene which was hard to picture, Astarosa nodded.

“Yes, there were times like that. Cariote had long hair back then and wore dresses.”

I see.Everyone looked contemplative except Salome who seemed unconvinced. At this rate, Hina will still have to study.I guess there wasn’t a choice.

Swoosh—I pulled out a stone from my shadow.Not just any stone but one that shined in 4 different colors.

“This is the Snake Dragon’s Gem that was left behind after defeating the Grandmaster. I’ll hide it somewhere in the mansion so the first one to find it, keeps it.”

If an accessory is crafted from this gem, then it could increase the possessor’s princess level. It was such a good treasure that I was contemplating which kid to give it to, but in light of the situation it seemed best to offer it as a prize.

“It won't be easy to find. But moms can help out. Naru with Brigitte, Cariote with Cecily, and Salome and Hina will be a team. Alright, here we go.”

Swoosh—I put the gem back into my shadow.The shadow will be able to hide it well within the mansion.It’ll be somewhere hard to find.

* * *

“Naru, how about we stop with the pond and check inside the mansion?”

Splash— Splash—Brigitte suggested to Naru who was splashing the pond water.Of course, Naru kept going.

“Naru likes playing with water! It would be nice if Molumolu was here, too. Molumolu, where is he now?” He didn’t come home for dinner yesterday, either….”

Naru paused her splashing and slumped.She looked over at Molumolu’s food bowl that I had prepared in the garden.

The bowl contained acorns, crunchy biscuits and such, but it looked untouched.


As Naru was missing Molumolu, Brigitte spoke.

“Naru, don’t you want to find the treasure? If you find it, then Molumolu might be attracted to its shininess and come back.”

While saying this, Brigitte’s eyes were on Salome and Hina who were wandering around the mansion.Salome and Hina were searching quite determinedly, making them fairly strong candidates.Brigitte clicked her tongue.

“Salome, didn’t you say you needed to help Hina study? Is it okay to let her play like this?”V/\IssịT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).𝘤𝑜/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

At her question, Salome shouted her response from the window.

“I won’t let the Snake Dragon’s Gem fall into anyone else’s hands. That gem belongs to Hina. And most of Judas’s possessions will eventually be hers, too!”

I see.There seemed to be a bit of competition between Brigitte and Salome.The Snake Dragon’s Gem was a pretty awesome item so of course they’d be fighting over it.

Swoosh—Just then, someone approached me.It was Cecily.

Tug— Tug—Cecily pulled on my pants leg.What is it?


“Hurry and reveal where you hid the gem…! The brilliant gem of 4 colors…. If it’s cut into a bracelet…. Then I can catch everyone’s attention at the princess’ upcoming birthday party….!”

I see.She wanted to ask me about the location of the treasure.Tackling it head-on, I suppose?

“If you tell me the location of the gem, then I will especially let you pet this Cecily’s head. This isn’t a chance that comes often.”

An awesome chance.Of course, I already had my answer.


“... Not even for the honor of having me on your shoulders…?”



Cecily’s face became tearful.With tears in her eyes as if she was about to cry and hands fisted into her dress, she looked immensely frustrated and vexed.However, I was different from other doting dads.Why did the world have problems?My theory was that it was because they all raised their daughters like princesses.

When those preciously-raised children become adults and enter society… then the world will surely turn into a stage for a cruel game of thrones by those haughty princesses…!

—Oh, holy shh…! I am 25-years-old Naru…! I do whatever I want…! Because I am the Back Alley Princess…! Naru Style, ruthless massacre…!—You must immediately present cake and bread to this Cecily Von Ragdoll…! And I allow you the honor of kneeling at my feet…!—Hina… studied too much and became overwhelmed…. The world… I’ll destroy it…!”

I could picture it clearly.Hence I sought to maintain a level of strictness with all of them.For world peace.


Just then, Cecily dropped her mouth open.She exploded into tears.To think that Cecily would cry.

Tap—At that moment, Cariote landed next to me.Had she been searching the mansion’s rooftop and came down in search of Cecily?

“Cecily, why are you crying?”

“Judaaaas, won’t, let Cecily, on his shoulders, uwaahuwaaw.”

Cecily cried very sorrowfully.But I fully explained the situation to Cariote.

Babble— Babble—

“And that’s what happened.”

“I see. Cecily tried negotiating but she failed. Cecily, a noble lady mustn’t show her tears easily. Tears are the ultimate weapon to use as a last resort.”

Stroke— Stroke—Cariote expertly petted Cecily’s chin and head.As she did, Cecily slowly calmed down, and taking that moment, Cariote whispered into my ear.

“I won’t ask where the treasure is. But for a hint, I can offer something appropriate in return. An opportunity to touch my hand.”

An opportunity to touch her hand.It was hilarious that Cariote herself was saying this like it was a great privilege to hold her hand. How should I put it, it was similar to the way Cecily talked.

“Alright. I’ll give you a hint. Everyone, come /genesisforsaken


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