My Daughter is an Assassin

Chapter 33: Country L Rebellion!

Chapter 33: Country L Rebellion!

The person who got off the plane was of course Borg. He came to Country L in Africa.

Borg got off the plane and went to the waiting hall to wait for a bus.

When he arrived here, the place was extremely busy, heaving with people. When he took a closer look, he saw that they were mostly tourists from all over the world.

The African Savanah was a protected ecological environment, so it attracted a lot of tourists.

The line of people waiting for the bus was long. There were people from the United States, Europe, and from Asia.

There were also a few African locals at the airport. 

Many of them were wearing flowery shirts, sandals, and sunglasses, ready to have a good time.

Borg, who was standing at the front of the line, did not have to wait long for the bus to arrive.

Borg got on the bus first, but before anyone else could board, something happened that shocked the people from other countries.

The locals of Country L opened up a path, and the driver also got off the bus and started to guide the Chinese people onto the bus.

The first thing he said was: "Chinese people get on the bus first!"

After the driver said this, one by one, the Chinese people got on the bus and sat down.

The moment the Chinese people got on the bus, more than 70% of the seats were taken.

After the Chinese people boarded, the locals of Country L got on the bus, and all the seats were taken.

The next to get on the bus were the blond Caucasians.

When they looked into the bus, they saw that there were no seats. All of them stood there unhappily. 

If they didn't have to wait over an hour for the next bus, they definitely would not have taken this bus!

Seeing the defeated foreigners, many of the Chinese people could not help but snicker. 

At that moment, they felt the power of their motherland, and they felt proud to be Chinese. 

"The bus is about to leave. Don't delay our friendly Chinese passengers. If you don't want to get on, wait for the next one!"

The grumpy driver shouted at the foreigners who were hesitating at the door of the bus. This made those people feel deeply discriminated against, and they immediately chose to ignore the driver's words and refused to get on.

Facing such a situation, the driver didn't say anything and closed the door. He started the engine of the bus, and with a roar, the bus started to move.

"Sorry. But this isn't fair! We waited in line like everyone else, but the people who were at the back of the line were allowed to get on first! Why?"

While the bus was moving, one of the European's who'd stayed on the bus questioned the driver, wanting answers from him. From his furious tone and flushed face, one could clearly feel his anger!

"Because the Chinese are our friends, and your country is the aggressor!" the driver said indifferently. 

How could a driver who was employed to pick up guests speak in such a way? His words immediately made that person's face turn red.

"Eight years ago, the village where I lived was attacked. This attack was orchestrated by foreign aggressors to steal African minerals, and my father died at the hands of those aggressors."

"Six years ago, the Chinese government sent a large group of businessmen here and began to rebuild the damaged village. In just a few years, the population of the entire village was no longer worried about starving!"

"This is why we consider the Chinese as our friends. If you have any grievances, you can report it to the local government. I believe they will tell you the exact same thing!" said a black man standing beside the blond man, with a hateful look in his eyes.

When he said this, the Chinese people felt incredibly happy.

Decades ago, wherever Chinese people went, they would be looked down upon. Decades had passed, and no matter where Chinese people went, they would attract the respect of others, which they were incredibly proud of.

A few Chinese people stood up and offered the locals who were standing their seats.

However, when the Chinese people gave up their seats, the local people did not sit down. Instead, they thanked the Chinese, but told them to sit back down. The locals would not allow the Chinese to stand. 

Seeing this, some of the Chinese people started to take pictures of this scene and posted them to their WeChat accounts.

Borg, who was sitting by the window, could only feel helpless when he saw this. It was common for the United States to launch wars against the outside world, and he couldn't say anything about it, especially in Africa. This was a place that had been ruled by the French for over a hundred years.

Not to mention, Great Britain 

Africa suffered because of those foreign invaders. The invaders were indeed the culprits.

However, all of this had nothing to do with Borg. He would never send troops to Africa to cause trouble. 

Moreover, he had many friends in Africa.

The last time he came here was more than ten years ago. At that time, he had made many friends. Now he was back here, he wanted to meet those friends and see how they were doing.


After driving for more than an hour, they entered the capital city. But as they entered, a loud explosion suddenly went off.

The explosion was deafening, and it immediately made everyone jump up in fear.

Then, gunshots and the sound of bombs followed the explosion.

"It's the Red Scarves Army!"

"God damn it, they dare to make a move in the capital!"

"They're dead! They're dead!"

A few sharp-eyed locals immediately recognized this group of people when they saw them in the distance. They were all holding guns 

The Red Scarves Army was a rebel organization. They wanted to replace the local government army with their troops. 

This rebel group had been fighting for power in Country L for many years, and often attacked and laid waste to settlements. Countless innocent people had died under their hands.

However, no one expected them to actually attack Country L's capital city

The rebel group had started a domestic war and was carrying out the final step in their plan to seize power!


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