My Daughter is an Assassin

Chapter 31: You Don't Deserve It

Chapter 31: You Don't Deserve It

Though the scarred man screamed, was in tremendous pain, no one sympathized with him.

Which one of these people wasn't a killer? Which one of them hadn't experienced a bigger scene than this?

This was something that couldn't be put on the table.

Since he was a killer, he had to be mentally prepared. And as he was a killer, he might be killed by others 

It was the same for those who wanted to stir up trouble. If they wanted to stir up trouble, they had to be prepared to get beaten up.

If they couldn't do that, then they shouldn't be assassins.

Fortunately, this was a training location, so Viper wouldn't go too far. After piercing the man's foot, he sat back in his chair and continued to be silent.

The scarred man was quickly taken away. As for where he was taken, no one knew.

Judith didn't pay too much attention to it. She took out her phone and started playing a game.

Her father had taken her on a lot of trips, and during the boring periods, like car and plane journeys, she would play her game. 

However, when she logged into the game, she saw a notification that made her angry. It showed that her father was online!

This meant that her father was also playing the game!

Therefore, she immediately clicked on Borg's profile picture and sent a private message.

"Remember this (angry emoji)!"

After sending it, she soon received a reply from Borg. Borg didn't avoid it and replied straightaway.

"Daughter, I'm really busy at my aunt's house. It's not that dad doesn't want to speak, but I hope you have fun in Africa. Be careful my dear!"

After saying that, Borg immediately turned himself invisible on the game. He completely forgot about his online status on the game and was almost discovered because it!

When Judith saw the message, she was so angry her shoulders were shaking.

Sometimes, she felt her father was really indecent. He had left a message saying that he was with his aunt, but earlier he had said it was his cousin! He didn't even know how to find a good excuse 

However, she had other things to deal with right now, couldn't be bothered to deal with her father, so she lost her desire to play games.

She simply turned off her phone and began to rest, listening to the people chatting around her.

They started to talk about the legends of the world of assassins.

This topic came from a boy. He didn't look very old, just a little older than Judith. When he saw an acquaintance, he started talking to him without any hesitation.

When he saw this acquaintance, he was happy. His friend asked him why he was so happy.

He said, "How can I not be happy? The Asura started killing from here! And he is the best assassin in the world of assassins!"

When he said this, everyone looked at him.

Because in the world of assassins, the legend of Asura was known far and wide. Everyone wanted to know about the legend of Asura.

Seeing that everyone was interested in this, the boy began to brag.

"Everyone knows that there is a legend in the world of assassins, and that is Asura! Everyone in the world calls him Asura, but what you didn't know is that when he participated in this competition, he was only five years old. The organization saw that he was too young and didn't let him participate. After he was rejected, Asura didn't give up but sneaked back into the competition. Without attracting anyone's attention, he won the championship!"

"Because of this, the world of assassins has welcomed a legend, a legend that can never be surpassed!"

The boy started to brag about the Asura's past.

After he said a long string of awesome things, his face filled with pride. He couldn't stop talking and bragging. 

They all listened to him, allowed him to brag. Most people knew he was bragging, but they didn't expose him, didn't tell him to stop.


At that moment, a disdainful laugh sounded from the front of the room.

Everyone looked to its source, wanting to know who it was

They saw it was Viper... 

One of them asked him, "What's so funny about this?"

As assassins and teenagers, they wouldn't submit to anyone. They were all prideful but respected one and other. However, Viper used dirty tactics Even if he was killed, they wouldn't think highly of him.

Who here was not an assassin and who had never killed before?

Furthermore, there were so many people here, and who was afraid of who was not certain.

Therefore, a boy wearing a windbreaker had immediately questioned Viper, wanting answers from him.

Viper did not look at him and said, "The reason why Asura is praised so much is because he is sacred to you ignorant people. Why wasn't he around during the Peak Battle of the century? If he is really powerful, why didn't he appear at the opportune time? Some of his legends have always been spread by weaklings like you. The more people that spread them, the more powerful he becomes!" 

Viper's words shocked everyone present.


Hearing Viper say that about Asura, some of the people felt insulted. Asura was their idol. They wouldn't let him say that about Asura!

Immediately, many people stood up and faced Viper.

At that moment, the door to the lounge opened.

The sound of heavy boots on concrete followed the creaking of the door. 

Seeing that someone had entered the room, the youths backed away. They all found a place to sit down and did not dare to speak.

The person who entered looked like an instructor. He was the famous top-notch assassin known as Scorpion!

He was ranked sixth on the list of assassins.

He was an incredibly famous assassin. His commission was high, and he did things quickly. He was liked by many buyers.

When the teenagers saw that such a big figure had walked in, they immediately knew the organization really valued this competition.

As the person in charge, Scorpion had a lot of power. Just being looked at by him was enough to make them quiver.

After Scorpion came in, he glanced at the group of teenagers, then looked at Viper. 

Then he said to Viper, "You are not worthy to be compared to Asura, including your father and entire family!"

As a top-tier assassin, he knew everything that had happened. He had eyes in many places.

Therefore, he heard what Viper had said about Asura.

After Scorpion said this, many of the Asura fans present were delighted.

Finally, someone could teach Viper a thing or two! 

"Are you humiliating me?" Viper asked Scorpion coldly.

"I didn't mean that. I'm just stating a fact. If your father knew what you said, he would probably agree with me and not you! Your father would only address Asura respectfully. He would never dream of speaking as you have spoken today! As for your dissatisfaction, I don't care. You can leave this place now without anyone stopping you."

Seeing the boy's cold gaze, Scorpion didn't have the slightest reaction. He did not care at all. He could easily vanquish every soul in this room without barely lifting a finger! 

After saying that, he began to call out names and continued to be the person in charge.


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