My Daughter is an Assassin

Chapter 25: Being a Thief for My Daughter!

Chapter 25: Being a Thief for My Daughter!

"Lower your voice! What if someone hears you?"

After Borg told Eric the plan, Eric shouted. Borg glared at him and asked him to lower his voice.

Hearing this, Eric controlled his volume.

Then Borg continued to tell him his plan.

After listening, Eric said, "Brother, you really are a f*cking genius! You think of such great ideas. If you can really steal the test paper and my daughter is happy, then my private issues with money will be solved! I think this matter can be solved!"

With this in mind, Eric knew they had to carry out Borg's plan

Eric's daughter was already a genius. Linda had told him about Judith's results too. She was also a genius girl.

As this test was too difficult for even the most intelligent girls, they had to act on their daughter's behalf.

It seemed that the difficulty of this test was indeed very difficult.

Most importantly, if his daughter didn't do well in the test, then his wife would definitely be angry. If Linda revealed his money matters in order to change the focus, then he would be in trouble!

Linda had done this before. He knew his daughter too well. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, he should give Borg's plan a try.

As for Borg, his mind was full of thoughts. If he stole the exam papers and his daughter was in a good mood and rewarded him with a few hundred dollars of pocket money, then he would be able to buy the latest game!

Thinking of this, Borg was a little excited!

So, he said to Eric, "How about this plan?"

Eric glanced at him, and then the two of them smiled. They knew what to do.

Borg said to him, "Then let's do it this way, brother. Now, go buy a pack of cigarettes and we'll celebrate!"

"Get lost!" Eric shouted. This person was too much of a stranger.

He only had a little money on him, so he had to limit his spending. In the end, Borg was even more stingy than he was!

He was simply stingy to the extreme!

Eric had never met a person who was stingier than he was!


A few hours passed

On a bench in a park near the school, Borg and Eric each held a cigarette, enjoying the opportunity to smoke.

Of course, this pack of cigarettes was paid for by EricUpstodatee from n(0)/vš’†/lbIn/.(co/m

For the sake of the smooth implementation of the plan, he had thrown caution to the wind and gave in.

It was just a pack of cigarettes, and he decided to pay for it.

While they smoked, they began to plot and plan. In the end, they decided to meet at the school gate at ten o'clock tonight, then enter the school to steal the test papers.

After they finished plotting, the two began to fantasize. One fantasized that his daughter would praise him in front of his wife, and the other fantasized that his daughter would throw money at him.

The two of them could fantasize more than the other, but what they didn't know was that in the eyes of passers-by, they looked like big idiots!

Soon, the afternoon exam was over. They picked up their daughters and prepared to go home.

But both Judith and Linda were unhappy. The reason didn't need to be explained because the exam was very difficult. It was much more difficult than before, and they couldn't answer many questions.

It wasn't just the two of them; many other students were also unhappy.

As for what happened in the morning, because things had calmed down, everyone thought that the matter had been resolved.

Seeing their daughter like this, Eric and Borg were not happy, but they did not say anything. Before they parted, Eric and Borg shared a brief glance, and then took their daughters home.


When they got home, Judith took the initiative and started to prepare a meal, while Borg laid on the sofa and began to play his racing game

After dinner, Judith went to her room to rest. She said she had to prepare for tomorrow's subject, which she really wasn't looking forward to.

In order not to attract Judith's attention, Borg played his game for a while, then went to his room and pretended to watch TV.

When the clock tolled nine, Borg quietly left his room.

After he left, Judith came out of her room and quietly crept to Borg's room. When she heard a snore, she slowly put on her schoolbag and left the house via the balcony

After leaving home, Judith immediately took out her cell phone and dialed a number.

Soon, someone answer the call.

"Judith, I'm coming out!"

Hearing this voice, Judith quickly replied, "Okay, great. The risk of stealing the test paper is very high. You must be careful not to be discovered!"

The voice on the other end replied, "Yes, yes, I got it. Let's meet at the school gate!"


The call ended quickly. After hanging up, Judith disappeared into the night and ran towards the school

It had been Linda on the other end of the line. Today's exam was so difficult, but the two of them thought of a plan They were going to steal the exam papers!

Judith was a killer, so stealing the exam papers would be a piece of cake for her.

Linda had grown up on a military camp, so she wasn't a weak woman either.

The two of them had been talking about the exam, when they suddenly decided to go to school to steal the papers!

But what they did not expect was that their fathers were also on their way to the school


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