My Cell Prison

Chapter 81: Wrestling control

Chapter 81: Wrestling control

"It's the summoning of Andeva! A two-star summon can reach this strength?"

Celeste was surprised and at the same time, she wasn't idle.

Drink another bottle of Demon Replenishing Potion (consumed on cooldown, it's not very effective). (TN: think of it as a potion with a cooldown timer)

Forcefully bracing herself, she sprinted in front of the [Fallen Baker] and attacked head-on with a chain shackle and light shield.


As the giant holy hammer above his head was about to hit, Baker freed a hand and swung a heavy palm at the light shield, forcing Celeste back by more than two meters.

Ignoring the aftershocks of the clash spreading through her body, Celeste gritted her teeth and continued to stick close to the Fallen and fight the Fallen head on.


A small amount of 'blood' splattered on Celeste's face.

Looking up.

The woman in red, who had shown up from the dark and suddenly sneaked up on her, had been picked up by the shoulder through and hung in the air.

Celeste gritted her teeth and muttered, "I was naive, how could the summon of a two-star mystic apprentice fight a fallen at this level.

No way! This isn't going to work; I'm going to have to call on all of my energy...huh? What's he doing?"

Celeste, who was about to break the boat, caught a glimpse of Han Dong, who sneaked out from a dark corner, in the afterglow.

Completely unable to comprehend such an act of 'death'.


Perspective switch (Han Dong).


Han Dong took a deep breath.

This opportunity was even better than expected.

The front was attracted by Celeste's attention, and the back of her eyes happened to be on Chen Li.

Only, there was no time to lose.

Chen Li's state was abnormally crisis.

Even though the contamination was ineffective against her, a nerve-like tentacle grew from the center of her eyeball...the consequences of this thing accessing Chen Li's head would be unthinkable.

Both shoulders were pierced and picked up, looking directly at the writhing nerve tentacle, but Chen Li did not have any painful expression.

The pupils of her eyes glowed red, looking furiously at the giant eye on the back of this... doing her best to draw attention so that her master would have a chance to get closer.

"There must be no rush...there must be no rush! It must be stuck to the most precise time to get close, there's only one chance."

Han Dong discarded all outside interference, his brain doing the most precise calculations, and approached [Fallen Baker]'s back from the oblique rear.

Five meters.

Four meters.

Three meters!

On reaching a distance of three meters.

The nerve tentacles had been attached to Chen Li's face and were picking apart the epidermis, trying to drill into the interior.

Han Dong steadied his mind.

Any panicky movements at this point would be detected by the eyeball.

Two meters.


Endurance excellent Chen Li at this moment issued a scream, by this nerve tentacles into the skull, it seems to stimulate her brain area, seven orifices have a viscous liquid outflow, pain truly unimaginable.

Han Dong was still enduring.

One meter!

The nerves were now affixed to the surface of Chen Li's brain and were about to access the layers of the brain area.

The long-suppressed anger was fully erupting!

Beneath the bird beak mask, the otherwise normal-looking Han Dong had a fierce look.

Without using the Fate Weapon.

No ghoul arms shown.

Instead, he put a handful of his right palm on the giant eyeball.


Tentacles grow!

Dark tentacles with spots dig right into the eye....

Why Han Dong chose to do this was because the tentacles growing from his palm could instantly suppress the surface of the wound as he 'treated' the Celeste Knight's waist and abdomen.

From this point of view alone.

The tentacles were one level higher on Han Dong's level.

With this, Han Dong chose it this way... Compared to "Plague Doctor's Short Blade" and "Ghoul's Arm", it was difficult to inflict damage in front of such a high ranked Fallen.

Tentacle Access, Reverse Pollution!

A speckled pollutant began to spread on the surface of the eyeball.

At the same time, Han Dong faintly felt as if his consciousness was 'connected' to the consciousness in this eyeball.

Buzz! (tinnitus)

In the blink of an eye, Han Dong was already standing in the mysterious space constructed by the black sludge.

In the center of the mud, was standing [Marcellus Baker], the fallen trainee knight, except that the current him didn't have any mutated features... the consciousness body was actually still a normal person.

In Baker's hands, he was clutching the 'Strange Magic Book'.

Baker also felt the entry of an external object at the same time and immediately turned his head.

For a moment, he was actually so frightened that he kept backing away.

"You... you are that lord! No... that lord is dead! The death can't be're an impostor! It must be an impostor! Such blasphemy on your part is unforgivable!"

Listening to Baker's frightening comments.

Han Dong realized that the current him should be the original face of the Faceless One... he even had strange tentacles around his head, and also resembled the leader of a certain higher being outside the city walls.

Baker became more and more agitated, no longer backing away, but approaching Han Dong with a fierce look on his face.

"Counterfeit Supreme King, you must die!"

It had to be said that this middle-aged man was a bit scary when he was fierce, and it seemed like he wanted to strangle Han Dong directly.


Being in such a space of consciousness, Baker was just the ideology of ordinary people.

On the other hand, Han Dong.

Only the sound of a burst of flesh proliferation could be heard.

The right arm suddenly increased in size and thickened; its pointed claws exposed!

The Han Dong under the consciousness body is still able to exhibit the "Ghoul Arm", because in essence, this arm is originally a part of Han Dong.

The fallen man, Baker, has not yet fully completed the ritual, but is simply physically fallen, and his consciousness is still the same.

The situation was reversed.

Relying on one arm alone, the Baker was completely suppressed.

No matter how much this fallen person cursed.

Han Dong had only one purpose, this time delving into the underground space alone, taking a huge risk to participate in this 'high level' battle, the purpose was only the 'magic book'

With a movement of his thumb, the claws easily cut off Baker's right hand that was clinging to the magic book.

Upon seeing the magic book fall into Han Dong's hands, Baker, who was pressed to the ground, began to struggle with frantic screams, even disregarding the fact that his flesh would be cut open by the claws in the process of struggling.

"Ah! Give it back to me! Give it back to me! This is the key to my becoming 'king' vile pretender, wretched thief, blasphemous low-life, give me back what is mine!!!! "

"It's pathetic that humans have become slaves to a book."

Han Dong threw down this sentence.

There was no mercy in his eyes, for this kind of demon who refined his entire family of five and sacrificed over two hundred civilians, killing him a thousand times wouldn't be enough.

The power of the ghoul's arm exploded, claws tearing down.

Baker's conscious body was completely shattered.

For a moment, this space made of black sludge collapsed and disintegrated.


The vision switched to reality- the underground cave.

At this moment, Han Dong had reached his entire right arm into the giant eyeball and forcefully dragged out the magic book that was the 'core' of the book.

When pulling out the book that was filled with tentacles and nerve lines.

The giant eye on the back immediately began to shrink.


The Fallen Baker let out a kind of scream, his flesh could no longer hold 'human form' and his tentacles began to separate and disintegrate out of control.


Celeste naturally wouldn't miss such a great opportunity.

Converting most of the energy in her skull into "Holy Flame", she gathered it on top of the chain shackles.

Punishing Chain Strikes!

As the chain shackles smashed down, it was like a giant hammer descending!

The unbalanced, tentacled, fallen Baker has lost all of his defenses... crackle and pop! Being smashed directly into flesh by this hammer.

Han Dong, who had secretly put his books into his backpack, sacrificed a metal syringe to extract the cell essence of [Fallen Baker] the moment Baker was crushed.

At the same time also retrieved the severely injured Miss Chen Li into the prison.


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