My Cell Prison

Chapter 43: Knight Academy

Chapter 43: Knight Academy

Walking up the steps of Ares, one actually felt like climbing the holy mountain of Olympus....

The reason lies in the material used to construct the steps.

With each step up the ladder, there was a feeling of fatigue imposed on the body from climbing dozens of meters up the mountain.

Completely relying on the newly acquired "Ghoul Arm", he forcefully dragged his body through the second half of the climb.

Honestly, Han Dong felt that it wasn't quite fair.

Trainee Knights who majored in the [Crusade] talent had a stronger physique than others, so climbing these stairs would definitely be a lot easier.

Climbing up the stairs and standing on the platform, Han Dong could clearly overlook the civilian districts built against the outer walls, including the Samai District where Nicholas used to live.

It should be noted that the four major civilian areas were built in the east, south, west, and north directions respectively.

The location of the sub-police station is close to the edge of Samai... with the occasional ghoul encounter and the Black Rose Knight Barton's hometown of Garner Civilian Quarter is close to it.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of time to move between the civilian areas alone.


In front of the platform.

It was a white stone building with a round vaulted ceiling, surrounded by a ten meter high stone wall that was closed off, and you couldn't see the inside of the Knight Academy yet.

There was only one option to enter the white stone building.

The main door was a mechanical structure.

As Han Dong approached, steam pushed the pistons, causing the large and small gears on the brass door to turn, and the door opened out on its own.

The ornate, brass-decorated interior rooms were revealed.

Rows of steel and metal bookshelves are placed along the walls, neatly arranging the files of new students.

In the center of the room, a round steel table sat a particular person in charge.

Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and a large amount of metal jewelry...the most special thing was. Beneath the brim, half of this person's face was replaced by a brass mechanical device.

Han Dong wondered if this person's brain was still sound.

"Please present your Knight Card."

A professional and magnetic voice emerged from the half-metal mouth.

While handing over the card, Han Dong carefully observed the metal side of the man's face, faintly seeing complete and functioning brain tissue through the hollowed out brass voids.

" Valen. Nicholas.

Passed the 'Novice Event of Four Star Difficulty' and chose to select the lesser base of [Mysticism].

Have been cleared by the interview panel, and have no major problems with your background or character.

Your card is now fully activated, adding the 'Vault', 'College Pass' and 'Bounty License' features.

The money you earn during your studies and the monetary rewards you receive for completing the bounty event will be recorded in the Vault and can be accessed at any bank in the city with priority treatment.

In addition, you are free to enter the general area within the academy and are able to take bounty quests that occur within the academy, or at the commission house or church set up in the city."

Only the golden trainee knight card was seen, fully activated through a device similar to a typewriter.

At the same time, the administrator, from a safe inside the iron table, took out a special metal-covered book, also bearing on it the emblem of a sword blade crossed with a white horse's head.

The Knight's Handbook (Academy Edition)

"The Knight's Handbook has arrangements for new students, so please follow the instructions above to complete the registration process for new students.

In addition, the school rules are also listed inside the book, so be sure to familiarize yourself with all of them within a short period of time, as breaking them will result in severe disciplinary action.

It should be noted that there is only one copy of the handbook and it cannot be shared with others, so if it is lost you need to reapply to the Academy management."


Han Dong looked over the contents of the handbook carefully.

The prologue i.e. the detailed entry application process for 'Trainee Knight' was recorded.

1.Go to the corresponding faculty according to your major occupation, pick up the course schedule, and complete the 'certification' and tutor selection according to the different requirements of each faculty.

2.Go to the student accommodation area within the college and obtain a random room number through the Knight Card.

"It's somewhat similar to the university... I wonder what the Mystery Department will be like. From what I heard from the administrators, there seems to be the least number of trainee knights majoring in [Mysticism]."

Out of this white vaulted building.

The high-coverage green forest, the open marble roads.

Metal kerosene street lights, built tens of meters apart.

The fresh air that came into his body was refreshing to Han Dong, giving him a feeling of paradise.

Due to the huge area of the Knight Academy, there were carriage stops at important locations within the academy... Without waiting long, Han Dong took a free ride on a spacious carriage to the [Department of Mysticism].

Han Dong noticed that there were guide signs standing at every fork in the road.

The five major professions corresponded to the five most important institutions within the Knight Academy... However, there were other important and indispensable institutions as well, such as:

The Knight Building, which is responsible for the management of trainee knights.

The Adventurer's Guild is responsible for declaring a dangerous bounty in the Holy City.

The Market Place, where free trade and goods can be bought and sold.

As well as the [Machinery Manufacturing Association], [Alchemy Association], [Textile Association]... [Writer's Association] that involved various technical fields, and so on.

Han Dong was interested in the [Alchemy Association]... Furthermore, he was somewhat curious about the [Writer's Association].

However, the iconic building that was normally found in universities - the library - was missing in this Knight Academy.

"Due to the different majors, I'm afraid the library has been split up and set up within different departments according to the type of books, right?"

The carriage arrived at the area of the academy governed by the Department of Mysticism.

The originally lush green academy scene was instantly transformed... Han Dong had not expected such a huge difference in the change.

The tightly arranged black dead trees were clearly demarcated from the common area of the academy.

A large number of crows remained on the branches of the dead wood .

At times the cries of a banshee could be heard coming from deep within the woods.

At times, some kind of giant spider could be seen flashing through the woods.

Even without a fence, no one dared to trespass into these woods.

There was a wide main path that ran deep through the eerie woods, winding its way to the main building area of the Department of Mysteries.

Of course, one needed to verify their identity in front of a black hollowed-out metal gate to step onto the main road... It seemed that as long as one walked on the main road, one would not be attacked by monsters and spirits in the woods.

As Han Dong stepped down from the carriage and took out his knight identity card, a raven near the branch fluttered its wings and stood at the top of the metal gate.

The black pupils of its eyes stared at the card and Han Dong's face.


The iron gates opened slowly, permitting travel.


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