My Cell Prison

Chapter 324: 324: Selection

Chapter 324: Chapter 324: Selection
Mr. Aha pulled out a pair of reading glasses and carefully stared at the arm in question.

He could faintly see the grasshopper bristles attached to the interior of the arm, as well as streaks of red circling the surface of the arm, faintly forming a red smiley face.

“This is not something from the amusement park… could it be a life form from a similar space elsewhere?” Mr. Aha quickly determined that the Clown’s Arm did not originate from here.

“Hmm… this individual had one of his arms severed by me.”

“Let me have a look.”

Mr. Aha retrieved a pair of white gloves from his pocket.

Through the sealed formation branded on the white gloves, he restrained the Clown’s Arm, held it in his hands, and observed it closely.

“[Insect Mutation Type] + [Creation Type] + [Space Type]

Such a rare tri-attribute individual… And just one arm possesses independent consciousness. Moreover, its nervous system is quite sophisticated. It’s a rather intelligent creature.”

Finding a matching body for this arm might be a bit tricky… Come with me. We might have something suitable.”


As Han Dong nodded his head, he stared at the completely stationary Clown’s Arm.

The arm, which should have been shouting and yelling, dared not say a word when Mr. Aha grasped it… Clearly, the clown had been restrained.

Mr. Aha hunched his body as he arrived at the door of the [Animals Room] and took out a special Bone Key from his mouth.

After a few turns, he opened the iron door.

Immediately, he felt as if hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at him from inside, all filled with a yearning gaze.

“As I mentioned… most of the living creatures I sell are ‘junk’ that I’ve collected. They are valuable in my eyes but can’t compete in the amusement park.

Let me take a look, but don’t get your hopes up.”

When Han Dong stepped into the Animals Room, he was immediately struck by the scene within.

The so-called [Animals Room] had been expanded and transformed into a white laboratory through a special spatial technique.

Every Strange Tales creature that Mr. Aha had brought back was contained behind a 4×4×4m transparent glass wall.

Most of the Strange Tales creatures were lying flat against the glass, hoping to be bought and taken away.

After looking around, Han Dong mumbled:”Most of them have weak aggressive tendencies, belonging to the more vulnerable Strange Tales… Did Mr. Aha protect them out of ‘sympathy’?”

Han Dong casually examined the creatures inside.

In a room full of scratch marks and Remnant Pages, a little girl dressed in Lolita style was pressed against the glass, longing for Han Dong to take her away.

The little Lolita hid her hands behind her back, as if she didn’t want Han Dong to see her long-nailed hands.

Moreover, in a glass compartment filled with 2/3 water.

A beautiful oriental mermaid was swimming inside, her lower body covered in dazzling scales. She was pressed against the glass edge, smiling charmingly and waving hello to Han Dong.

Perhaps because she hadn’t seen a ‘buyer’ for a long time, the excited mermaid accidentally exposed part of her body out of the water.

To everyone’s surprise, the part of her body that came into contact with the air immediately turned into rotting skin full of sores.

“Most of them don’t really want to be sold by you, they’re hoping to gain your trust and eat you… After all, these weak creatures haven’t eaten ‘fresh’ food for a long time.

Come with me, I suddenly thought of a creature that might fit your requirements.”

Under Mr. Aha’s guidance, Han Dong arrived in front of a glass enclosure located in a corner.

In the tidy and empty enclosure, a man dressed in a black suit and holding a black umbrella stood.

He had the appearance of a Caucasian, however his features seemed somewhat artificial, like a lifelike wax figure… His eyes had not blinked for a long time.

“This Strange Tales creature comes from overseas. I initially found just a single hair… I didn’t expect it to grow into a complete individual shortly after bringing it back.

It doesn’t show any emotional fluctuations,

and can adapt to most environmental changes.”

As he spoke, Mr. Aha activated a device inside the glass enclosure, spraying a large quantity of flames to roast the man.

Under the flames’ scorching heat, the man’s clothing, umbrella, and features melted like chocolate.

After turning off the flames.

The burnt clothes and features regenerated perfectly in a short time, thanks to the fluid secreted from within his body.

“How much?”

“Considering our good relationship, 50?”

“Just one hair strand costs me 50… Mr. Aha, that’s hard to swallow.”

“This creature is not simple… I haven’t fully researched it yet. Given its special nature, it should be able to accommodate your Clown’s Arm.

Could you please make the standard payment?”

“Hold on, let me hear the Clown’s opinion.”

When Han Dong took back the Clown’s Arm, an eye and a red mouth immediately appeared on the arm due to the breaking of Mr. Aha’s seal.

“This… I seem to have seen this somewhere?”

When the Clown stared at the man in the glass room, it seemed to have some impression, but couldn’t recall the exact context.

Han Dong asked: “Would this creature be suitable as your body?”

“Hmm… Let me think about it.”

The Clown’s eye looked around the laboratory, but didn’t find a more suitable body.

“Indeed, only this guy seems quite suitable, but the risk is also high… Geez, this is tough.”

When the Clown uttered this sentence, Han Dong decisively paid 50 Strange Tales Points, completing the transaction.

“Hey! I haven’t agreed yet, how can you make decisions on my behalf?”

However, Han Dong did not give him any time to prepare.

He directly had Mr. Aha throw the Clown’s Arm into the glass compartment… to see what would happen next.

Shortly after, an unthinkable scene took place.

The normally standing man in black, upon sensing an alien object entering his territory, rapidly transformed his body into a viscous substance… and completely enveloped the Clown’s arm within moments.

The aggressiveness was terrifyingly strong.

This was completely different from the other Strange Tales creatures contained in the laboratory.

About half an hour had passed.

Han Dong and Mr. Aha exited the [Animals Room].

“Good luck to you…”

After completing a transaction, Mr. Aha comfortably returned to his counter to rest.

Straight away.

A ‘follower’ in a dark red suit walked out from the Animals Room, his shiny pointed leather shoes adorned with smiley faces.

The Clown had completely changed from his previous circus image.

He had a trendy undercut, and his hands were tucked in his suit pants.

The white paint smeared on his face, as well as the overly exaggerated red lipstick and eye shadow, were still present.


The clown had ultimately prevailed and obtained control… but it had been a tough win.

This result made Han Dong feel that it was worth spending 50 points.

“Such a scary creature grew from just one hair, I wonder what the original creature looks like… But it’s all good, let Pennywise substitute for Togu during his absence.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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