My Cell Prison

Chapter 25: Choice of Specialization

Chapter 25: Choice of Specialization

The cellar entrance.

Han Dong had witnessed the strength of the Evil Spirit under the four-star difficulty with his own eyes.

The instantaneous regeneration of the arm, as well as the scene of injecting Yin Qi and completely suppressing Chen Li... Ordinary people had no chance of surviving when encountering this kind of evil spirit.

The situation was quite a bit more troublesome than Han Dong had imagined.

"Is this the four-star difficulty... Edward Murray is truly amazing, actually surviving such a terrifying inhuman ghost and even injuring the other party to some extent .

I only have one chance.

If I fail...both Chen Li and I will die here."


Be sure to be stable.

Even if life or death was on the line, even if the cellar echoed this Chen Li's screams of pain, even if there wasn't a hundred percent certainty of victory.

Han Dong also could not have any panic.

Once any noise was made during the approach, death was certain!

With the intrusion of Yin Qi and the deathly stranglehold on her neck, Chen Li was already in a suffocated state and wouldn't last long.

However, the eyes she looked at Han Dong did not contain the slightest signal of distress, but rather hoped that Han Dong would not care about her situation and would be able to smoothly get close from behind

Five meters.

Four meters.

Three meters.

Two meters.

One metre.

The sneak was successful.

Han Dong did not take out the "Plague Doctor's Short Blade" that he had harvested from the hidden event.

After all, Han Dong wasn't currently a [Mysticism] professional and couldn't use the weapon's true power.

"...Recall that odd feeling."

Having prior practice experience, Han Dong held his breath and tried to recall the odd sensation of the nightmare.

It was uncomfortable.

For some reason, when he thought of the faceless students sitting neatly all over the classroom and the various objects with tentacle elements, Han Dong felt very uncomfortable....

Maintaining this odd feeling, Han Dong slowly stretched out his hand, allowing his right palm to be placed on the back of the Evil Spirit's head.

In the process, a mass of 'Faceless Tentacles' marks appeared on Han Dong's eyebrow.

It was already too late when the Evil Spirit Akaman felt the slight touch on the back of his head.

Kiri Kiri! (slippery squirming sound)

Some sort of slippery, possessive tentacle grew quickly from the palm of the hand, ignoring the protection of the skull and slamming straight into Akaman's brain.

No screams.

No bleeding.

There's no bloodshed.

Without any of the morphological manifestations of a seriously injured person.

The Evil Spirit Akaman just turned his head in a daze and stared at the supposedly dead Han Dong instead.

Not understanding why he could 'come back from the dead,'

It was even less clear why Han Dong possessed such an ability.

The evil spirit that should have been feared by others was now a fear in its pupils... It seemed that due to the tentacles implanted in the brain, Akaman was seeing a scene of fear that she had never seen before.

In Akaman's vision.

Han Dong no longer looked like a young brown-haired man, but an unnameable one.

A monster who couldn't look directly at him and could evoke deep fear.

A grotesque pattern of tentacles spread out around the evil spirit's eye sockets, quickly spreading across the entire face and across the entire body.

An unbelievable scene occurred.

The tentacles growing from Han Dong's palm assimilated with the same Evil Spirit Akaman and 'decayed'.

In a short time, it turned into a large puddle of foul-smelling sewage.

Zzzzzz! The waste water that fell to the ground slowly evaporated due to contact with the air.

"Dead? An evil spirit that can regenerate super-fast and the flames can't even burn it out is dead!?"

Han Dong stared at the rapidly evaporating sewage on the ground, unable to believe his eyes.

He had thought that this would seriously injure and interfere with the evil spirit's movements, and then be taken care of by Chen Li, who had broken free from her bonds, with a kitchen knife... I didn't expect this sneak attack to be finished straight away.

Han Dong couldn't help but turn his head to look at his own palm, curious as to what the tentacles were.

Curious aside.

Han Dong was still the first to crouch down, the brass-rimmed syringe floating in his palm, the needle stabbing into the sewage on the ground... a cut of cell essence was drawn out.

At the same time.

An indescribable feeling of weakness swept over Han Dong's entire body.

It was much stronger than the feeling of weakness brought about by the previous practice of using the tentacles in the room.

Add to that the last half day's various actions, rushing, and the consumption of brain power.

Han Dong couldn't hold on any longer, his eyes became dull and he fell backwards.


"The Evil Thing - Sinister (Director's Revision)" is complete.

How to complete: kill the evil spirit.

Rewards given.

1. Basic Destiny Point [1].

2. Additional Destiny Point [1] (gained due to killing evil spirits.)

3. One "Fate Card (Novice Level)".

Since you are a newcomer, you have not yet made any Fate Point allocations.

Please first determine your major profession by allocating Fate Points, and then proceed to randomly select the "Fate Card (Novice Level)" later.

The voice in his head made Han Dong gradually wake up.

It was no longer a dark and damp plague cellar.

Han Dong was in a clean, white space... a pentagonal structure, with a distinctive door corresponding to the center of the wall.

The first door was made of metal, with a sword and shield pattern printed on its surface.

The shield had a distinctive cross symbol on its surface.

The shield has a distinctive cross on its surface, and the sign on the door reads "Crusader".

The second door was made of clay and had three books printed on its surface, corresponding to magic, sacred, and weird characters that Han Dong didn't know.

On the door tag was written-[Library].

The third door is made of animal skin, and on the surface of it is printed a hand and a circle mark on the palm of the hand.

The door tag reads, "Control".

The fourth door is made of brass, and the surface is stamped with one large and one small precision gears that fit into each other.

On the nameplate, it reads "Machinery".

The fifth door is made of ebony and bears the mark of the pentagram and a crystal ball.

The door sign reads "Mysticism".

Han Dong did not get excited by passing the Evil Spirit event, and at the first opportunity, he substituted himself into the 'calming stage', adapting and observing the situation before him.

At the same time, he also made contact with [Sinister Chen Li] through his consciousness.

Chen Li was currently resting in prison, and everything was normal.

"Assign Destiny Points and determine the major profession!

Those knights in the [Holy City of Nointeana] are extraordinary because of the supernatural abilities they gained from the Fate Space.

From my current understanding of the world, if I major in [Machinery], I think I'll be able to make a good living in the future, right? After all, it belongs to the age of steam machinery and most of the facilities in the city are related to copper mechanics.

However, I need to find an occupation that suits me."

Han Dong who was a researcher in life.

First, he stood in front of the clay door named [Library].

Once this door was chosen, Han Dong guessed that it was highly likely that he would be able to get entry into the 'Department of Magic'.

Moreover, Han Dong had been fond of 'magic' since he was young, and believed that with his scientific research level and ability to read literature, he would be able to quickly study various magic books and get started quickly.

Right at this moment.

A strange feeling arose in Han Dong's head, driving him to incline his head towards the fifth door.


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