My Cell Prison

Chapter 208: Night Tour

Chapter 208: Night Tour

After all, it's just The Girl's Diary.

Most of the contents of the record are mainly about what happened around the girl, which only reflects to a certain extent the situation of the Stuart Manor.

However, the information provided in the diary also made Han Dong quite satisfied.

A little content in the diary also confirms the authenticity of some of the words before by the girl.

She was indeed chained by her mother to a special tree house under the apple tree.

However, the tree house was built for her by her parents.

Instead of maliciously restricting her personal freedom, she is 'protecting' her personal safety.

It's also mentioned in the diary.

The girl is congenitally deformed, manifested as 'cartilage' and 'barking'.

Her arms were soft like meat bars, and even if they were bent again, they had a hard-shelled bark-like structure on the surface.

Moreover, "malformations" are common in manor-covered towns.

The girl's neighbors were in a similar situation.

Through the little girl's self-talk in the diary, it can be inferred that the farm servant with congenital deformities will be taken to the hill castle, and there will never be a chance to come out again.

The girl was not taken away because she had cover for the tree house, and naturally did not know what was going on inside the castle.

The other one is.

The estate encourages multiple births, and more than ten children can even receive material rewards.

Moreover, the whole estate is in the wrong state.

The little girl had witnessed her parents coming to the scene where the people were arrested, the people of Stuart Manor refer to outsiders collectively as 'pigs'.

As long as you can bring the 'pig' to the lord, you can get a lot of food.

"Combining 'multi-life' with 'capturing outsiders' explains why so many bodies are piled up in underground areas.

As for the problem of congenital malformation, it should be due to the marriage of close relatives, apparently by the lord set the mandatory rules, deliberately let the estate gave birth to more 'deformities'.

As for these deformed individuals who were taken to the hills, it is estimated that they were related to some kind of evil ritual.

If you want to dig up more secrets, you can only go further. "

Han Dong closed his diary and shared additional information with the team members.

As for the next "barn" exploration, have a good night's sleep and solve it tomorrow.

"Nicholas, can I delay you a little?"

"No problem."

In the face of Captain Abel's invitation, Han Dong naturally cannot refuse.

Abel found him naturally for only one thing.

After all, Abel was a little confused as to how Han Dong and another mysterious apprentice had killed such a "high-class evil" while he and Dempsey were dealing with the brunette creation in the barber's room.

Also, it's the barber Charlie's nest.

Hairdressers with black hair cultivation techniques do not know how much black hair has accumulated in two hundred years, the degree of danger is self-evident.

"Would you like us to go out for a walk?" Anyway, there are a lot of "night watchers" in the town, there is not much danger, lucky words may be able to bump into some strange things or clues. Han Dong proposed.

"Well, I went to ask Dempsey to keep an eye on the basement and let us know immediately of anything unusual. "

The basement of the residence is also a risky opening, it is necessary to pay attention to, and even at any time to send people to guard.


Abel changed into a hooded coat that covered his appearance and gathered outside the door with Han Dong to begin the night meeting.

As Abel walked between towns, Han Dong observed.

Abel's arms waved vigorously and steadily as he walked, and if you look closely, the dust that rises is almost the same every step of the way.

The pace of breathing, the rhythm of swinging arms, the rhythm of the pace is exactly the same.

Maintain a minimum energy consumption for action and be ready for combat situations.

"This time the underground hair task, all rely on classmate Nicholas, I'd love to know how you do it, but everyone has their own secrets.

The better you are, the more likely our team is to win the "excellent" rating."

Abel is very euphemistic.

"There are some special techniques for dealing with 'polluted life'." Han Dong simply responded.

"Well, what do you think of this "camp"? Our first day was much more than expected, and the next path of exploration has been presumed.

Will it be a little too fast, and will it be possible to evolve into a dangerous situation out of our control? "

"Speed is OK, just keep it that way."

We just need to focus on the underground area, as for the situation on the ground, it is left to the other knights.

I think this training session may involve some secrets, if you can go deep into the estate, perhaps can get some unexpected benefits. "

Han Dong just said so on the surface.

In fact, as far as rapid exploration is concerned, Han Dong has a certain private heart, He wants to draw on more of the essence of pollution to achieve a measure that perfects the little magic eye.

Coupled with the "chaos weapons" that we have just known today, if we can solve more of Stuart's family officers, we may be able to obtain similar props, which can be used either to sell for money or enhance Chen Li's strength.

"If I think it's possible to 'get out of control', I'll try to slow down our exploration, and I hope Nicholas doesn't mind."


The number of vigils in the town is relatively large.

Basically, every street has 1 to 2-night watchers wandering back and forth, sometimes jumping on the roof to observe the surrounding situation.

The Night's Watchman was wearing a long black hooded cape and carrying kerosene lamps.

The lights could faintly reflect their five officials.

On this point, Han Dong is watching quite clearly.

Two people on some school things chat, unknowingly crossed five streets, the time is about, just as the two were preparing to return home to rent for a rest.

"Strange, the night watchman looks exactly like the night watchman on the street where we live. "

"Well?" Abel apparently did not observe such details, and the fire could only vaguely reflect the five officials, it's really hard to tell.

"Abel, wait a minute."


Standing at the street, Han Dong carefully observed the night watchman and confirmed that he was only patrolling the street.

To confirm that his observation is not wrong, Han Dong immediately accelerated back to his residence, found here a night watchman, the five officials are the same.

Of course, it could be a pair of twin knights.

When Han Dong took a try to find the night watchman and elaborated on the situation.

Under the hood, there was a strange smile.

The man immediately dissipated into a plume of smoke, leaving only the night watchman's robes and lanterns, and a letter.

The Night's Watch Mission - Triggered

Note: The Night's Watch mission is open to teams, only the current trigger and its surrounding two members of training squad. No outside help may be sought during the execution of the task.


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