My Cell Prison

Chapter 193: Unknown Warnings

Chapter 193: Unknown Warnings

Seeing Han Dong's eyes were unusually firm as he made this decision.

Captain Abel communicated with the mission receiver through the special 'Eagle Language'.

"Aunt Bardot, this lieutenant was appointed by Grandfather himself; he is a student of the Raven Prophet.

I hope Auntie will allow us to take on this 'stone well' mission, and help reserve two other simpler basic tasks."

The unique hawk language, plus the name 'Raven Prophet'.

The lady was moved.

Three stars counted as the most difficult of the series of basic quests in 'Camp'.

It was indeed a bit inappropriate to leave it to a new team.


"The Raven Prophet?! Is this man really taking students? (speaks eagle)"

Bardot stared at the young man in the team's raven costume.

"Chief Kenny is secretly protecting you, isn't he?" Bardot confirmed again.


"You must be careful, Abel, this well once had some minor problems while it was being processed by the Knights! Before you go down, make sure you make sound preparations, and explore deeper once you have ascertained the dangers below by external means if possible.

Do not be in a hurry, I will reserve the other two tasks for you."

"Thank you, Aunt Bardot."

With that, Han Dong and the others held the quest scrolls and headed to their destination.

The so-called sealed stone well was roughly located at the junction of the wheat field and the town.

Located at the center of the open space formed around the three buildings at the town's intersection.

Due to the bizarre problem of the stone well.

The alleyway between the three buildings was also blocked and needed to be cleared of the wooden block barricade in order to pass.

"This is the stone well?"

Not much different from the impression of a normal stone well.

The round well opening built of stone blocks, the wooden lifting water pumping device.

However, the well opening is currently deadlocked with a large number of boards of varying sizes, secured by means of iron nails.

The sheer number of boards used, and the varying degrees of new and old between the underlying boards and the surface boards, had clearly undergone multiple 'sealing' of the well.

It was most bizarre.

With the bright firelight to carefully observe, Han Dong could see a little black hair mixed in between the cracks of the boards.

In conjunction with the kerosene lamp held in the hands of a group of people, they were gazing at a sealed stone well at night.

With the passage of time, a strange feeling spread in the air.

Blacksmith Wendy was timid and frightened, pushing inside the crowd, deliberately leaning between the captain and his lieutenant for maximum safety.

However, just as Wendy leaned towards Han Dong, she had a vague feeling that there was something strange about the vice-captain, Beneath the beak mask, Han Dong's eyes seemed to be a little 'confused'.


Perspective Switch.

Han Dong himself.

While watching the stone well carefully, observing the strange black hair interspersed between the cracks in the wooden planks.

Click~click Tiny sounds of wood blocks breaking came.

The wooden block that blocked the stone well appeared from the bottom with a large number of cracks, cracking open in layers at an extremely fast speed.


Until all the blocks are disconnected and the stone well re-establishes contact with the outside world, it seems that something is about to crawl out of the well.

What could it be?

Black hair? A drowning woman? A ghost in the well? Or what horrible aquatic life?


Floating out from inside the well is a, red balloon.

The balloon with a smiley face on it slowly rises to the surface.

As the balloon floated up, an 'acquaintance' wearing a clown costume with white gloves and red hair was drawn out.


It can be a bit dangerous down here, don't die early before you get here! Otherwise I'm going to have one less interesting toy to play with.

Be cautious and call your teammates down with you."


"Lieutenant, Lieutenant! Are you okay?"


Thoughts flickered.

The strange images before Han Dong's eyes disappeared, the stone well in the center of the clearing was still closed, and there were no signs of damage to the wooden planks.

However, Han Dong was a little uncomfortable.

Slightly bowing his body, he reached out and pressed his beak mask.

"I've got an old physical problem, I need to rest for a while, You guys explore the situation around the stone well here first, I'll be fine on my own."

"Nicholas, are you sure you're okay?" Abel asked.

"Um, small problem, give me a moment."

With one hand on the mask and the other on the wall, Han Dong left the stone well area temporarily from between the alleyways.

Mia tried to follow him quietly, but was scared back when Han Dong turned back abruptly and threw a terrifying look at her.

Han Dong looked for a quiet, uninhabited area.


The ability to use the head outside of the city seems easier, and the series of space storage and teleportation processes are unhindered.

Han Dong rushed back to the sterile lab at once to check the "clown arm" placed on the testing table.

The series of 'illusions' just now were incredibly real, and the first thing Han Dong suspected was this arm.

However, the arm that was fixed by the testing table had never shown any signs of activity and was still tethered to it.

After testing, the arm had no consciousness of autonomous movement and could not have affected Han Dong.

"Pennywise is indeed a tough guy to deal with, but not so much that it's going to cast a mental shadow over me.

Ask Togo, the two of them belong to the 'deadly enemy relationship' and should know something about it.

This matter must be investigated, and I'll be in danger if a similar situation arises again during the joint."

Prison area.

Second cell.

Togo Gonzalez, sitting against the wall with a Bible in his hand.

Just kept reading it back and forth.

Han Dong explained briefly to Togo the situation he was experiencing.

A demonic language that could be understood through the master-servant relationship came out of Togo's mouth.

"Pennywise, he's the most manipulative guy in the world.

Its greatest power is neither juggling nor all sorts of weird combat abilities, but the ability to penetrate human and spiritual weaknesses and exterminate them from within.

I'm sometimes similarly affected.

That's why when a seam opened, I arrived first and went to his hiding place at all costs, ready to kill him outright."

"You're also affected by this? Is there any way to contain it?"

"The best thing to do would be to kill this clown, so that the influencing substance he 'housed' in your spirit will all dissipate, but we don't have the means or ability to travel there now. "

"Well, is there any particular way to temporarily counteract that effect?"

"There is no other way to do it than to kill the Joker.

However, from what you've described, the impact won't be great.

Also, make sure you heed the Joker's warning to you, it seems to me that Pennywise still wants you back for a showdown, doesn't want you exposed to the wilderness."

"Couldn't you have warned me from within?"

"Just now, Miss Chen Li and I didn't notice anything unusual about you at all."

"Is that so? Pennywise, really you are something."

Han Dong rejoined the town after knowing it was a Joker ploy.

He rejoined the team that was scouting around the stone well.


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