My Cell Prison

Chapter 180: Life Outside the City (Part II)

Chapter 180: Chapter 180: Life Outside the City (Part II)

Translator: 549690339


The five pieces of chalk, simultaneously controlled by a witch, were writing down the recorded types of life outside the city on a large blackboard.

Limited to lower-class life and some basic knowledge.

The training location that Han Dong and others were going to was 69 kilometers away from the Holy City but still within the “controllable range”, which means it was an area that’s been investigated by the Holy City Knight Regiment.

Of course.

It’s just ‘investigated’.

Humans can only control areas within the Holy City.

Outside the city walls, even the land adjacent to the walls could undergo massive changes, and suddenly a large number of scavenger ghosts could emerge from within.

The farther away from the Holy City, the more the danger level increases linearly.

That’s why when Captain Kaimon gave the distance of 69 kilometers, immediately about 10% of the people left the site.

These people were not weak, they just weren’t willing to take such a huge risk during their apprenticeship as knights.

“Most of the anomalies wandering within the investigated areas outside the city are of lower rank.

The commonly seen lower-ranked entities are divided into three categories, listed below:

[Wild Beasts] – During the infiltration of higher-ranking life into the globe, the total number of wild animals decreased rapidly, estimated to have been reduced by about 90% (with some exceptions for insects).

The remaining wild animals have all undergone genetic changes due to various strange factors, or have fallen and become deformed due to being contaminated with filthy things.

The common types of wild beast changes are divided into the following three types: Thê sourc𝗲 of this conte/nt n/o/v/(𝒆l)bi((n))

‘Aggregation’ – commonly occurs in small wild animals, such as mice. This kind of aggregated wild beast has appeared many times within the Holy City, there have been several ‘mouse group incidents’ in the civilian area.

Initially, residents noticed a large number of mice acting in groups, attacking humans.

Upon closer observation, it’s found that these mice, their fur, even their flesh, are all connected as one.

When stimulated, the group of mice could directly transform into a big bloody mouth to devour its target.

‘Anthropomorphisation’, common in mammalian animals.

Take [Werewolf] for example; it has a significant difference from the traditional folklore Werewolf.

A werewolf’s image was drawn on the blackboard with chalk to demonstrate its traits.

A quite terrifying outward spinal structure! A gigantic white spine protruding from the body, with small tentacles growing between the spine gaps, indicating severe contamination and modification.

Many wolf heads had also grown out of its body’s surface.

Shoulders, belly, knees, similar twisted wolf head structures all over the body could bite any approaching living things ?It’s several times scarier than the common folklore werewolf.

‘Mother’ – a rare type of mutation.

Very few plants and animals, upon contact with higher-ranked beings.

Through a considerable period of corrupt evolution, could evolve into a highly reproductive ‘Mother’.

Mothers usually occupy a sealed area, such as abandoned villages, underground caves. They reproduce offspring rampantly inside and use a kind of ‘Mist’ to hide the area.

Most mothers have reached the level of demons, generally, the knight training doesn’t encounter them.


It mainly refers to some dead things that have been affected by the ‘aura’, given ‘life’, or even developed independent consciousness (mostly evil).

Classifying evil is quite complicated.

Even stones can be divided into ‘Gargoyles’, ‘Moss Rock Demon’, ‘Dark Stone’

The most common are the dead body evils.

The chance of a dead human turning into [Evil] upon contact with the ‘aura’ is the largest, it mostly turns into skeletons ?Of course, it differs from people’s common impression of skeletons.

Anyway, when outside the city, be careful of any dead things.


This is the most threatening category that needs explanation.

「Believers」-the most common category and the favorite way for high-level entities outside the city to cultivate humans.

To cultivate ordinary humans into absolutely loyal cultists.

As long as this group of believers can meet some requirements such as ‘hunting’, ‘sacrificing’, ‘satisfying’, etc., they will be given certain ‘benefits’.

Believers who get these benefits will become even more loyal.

The threat of a single believer is not great, even a regular apprentice knight could easily deal with it.

Special attention needs to be paid to places where a large number of believers live together.

Once the number of believers exceeds a double digit, the degree of danger will increase exponentially ?and if they are not handled properly, it can cause massive casualties.

Once they sense danger, this group of believers will not hesitate at all and will instantly conduct a large-scale sacrifice.

Summoning middle or even high-ranking terrifying entities.

Moreover, a large number of believers chanting together will also cause great spiritual damage to individuals.

Believers are a group of individuals whose bodies and souls are still intact, but their thoughts have completely fallen.

Although they appear human on the surface, they are merely a group of controlled puppets.

In addition, what needs to be noted is that believers are also divided into factions ?Due to the different high-level entities they belong to, these believers will also be different.

「Different People」-special individuals evolved from believers through ‘self-sacrifice’, ‘falling’, etc., still maintaining the human form.

Within the believers, there is another term for Different People–’Elders’.

A small part of the believers will undergo a high-level mutation during the worship process.

Which allows themselves to break through the human limit, no longer constrained by the flesh, and derive some extremely dangerous abilities.

This kind of Different People can freely switch between ‘human form’ and ‘alien form’, thus completely hiding their dangers, they are extremely dangerous.

According to the records, the most deaths of apprentice knights in elite training throughout history have been caused by ‘Different People’.

They have evolved an independent and complete consciousness system, sinister and cunning, an absolutely evil and dangerous existence, and must be paid special attention to.

「Insect Attachments」

Before discussing this group special, you must talk about how insects behaved differently from ordinary animals when the new era began.

This group of invertebrates did not undergo bizarre changes like [Wild Beasts].

Sharp senses and internal discipline led most insects to self-protect in a very extreme way when they sensed the arrival of the ‘apocalypse’.

Similar to raising gu, they devoured each other within the same race, leaving only one existence similar to the king insect.

The remaining king insects still feel danger.

Therefore, they chose suitable hosts for ‘possession’ before humans were completely extinct at that time.

Continue to grow by borrowing the potential of humans, trying to survive in this apocalyptic catastrophe.

Even so, they still couldn’t fight against [Demon] and higher-level existences.

Insect Attachments all over the world were killed in the process of struggle.

A small remaining part of the ‘Insect Attachments’ found a relatively safe place for ‘permanent hibernation’ before the Holy City was established.

However, as higher life forms occupied the world, the ‘aura’ also spread throughout the world.

Even if they bury themselves deep underground, they can’t escape the invasion of the aura.

During their hibernation, they gradually corrupted and fell ?slowly turning into a kind of ‘Insect Attachment’ that is not controlled by any high-level existence and acts independently.

They retain some characteristics of humans and insects, but due to the influence of long-term pollution, their thinking becomes extremely evil, and they launch indiscriminate attacks on humans.

When Han Dong saw the introduction about ‘Insect Attachments’ on the blackboard, he unconsciously looked at his classmate Mia next to him.


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