My Cell Prison

Chapter 109: A Date with the Boss

Chapter 109: A Date with the Boss

There was something about the [Fake Coslin].

Han Dong had his suspicions from the first moment of the meeting.

The hidden incident involving the Joker, the three of them had actually managed to pass through unscathed, clearly out of the ordinary, it wasn't that Han Dong didn't believe in his teammates' strength.

After all, Han Dong himself had been wounded while executing the detachment.

Once shot multiple times in the lower half of his body by bullets, once invaded by a swarm of parasites.

The first time they met, they swept the three of them once with [Eye].

There was nothing wrong with Cass and Sister Sophia.

However, it was discovered that there was a red energy hovering in Coslin's body.

In the follow-up clue exploration session, Han Dong made several observations of Coslin.

It was confirmed that this red energy was by no means accidentally contaminated by Coslin, but was 'self-contained', Together with Coslin's subsequent deliberate act of actively asking for the camera, his identity was basically confirmed.


It's late at night.

Walking between the boulevards the 'fake Coslin' changes slightly.

The red lips split and the cheeks turn white.

Only, the Joker still retains Coslin's costume and hairstyle.

As long as you don't look at his face, he is also still a short 14-year-old high school student.

And so, the time for the two to 'ghost' began.

Anger was anger, and there was something about what happened to 'Bella' that Han Dong would not forget at all.

However, the current situation belonged to a special situation, In the following chat, if Han Dong had any hostile feelings or unnaturalness, it could lead to a 'breakdown'.

There weren't many chances to meet with the final boss from the Destiny Event in private and have a few words.

Han Dong was still very good at controlling emotions, currently directly treating the Joker as a 'temporary partner' and talking normally.

Throughout the Holy City.

Trainee Knights, placed in the incredibly dangerous Destiny Space, were either thinking about how to deal with the final boss, or thinking about how to gain more survival time from the claws of the final boss, etc.

But Han Dong, going out on a date with the final boss on the second night of the event's opening night was unique.

"Are you bored? Try to turn the whole town into your game town, or are you worried about something?"

Just as Han Dong asked the question.

The Joker cracked his mouth open with an exaggerated smile.

Obviously, the mouth didn't move, but there was a strange sound forming out of thin air.

"It's rare to see a smart person like you, the first few visitors who came in here died while playing.

You guys are considered the most interesting group, and you, again, are considered the most interesting one in your group."

"The other tourists?"

Another layer of this sentence seemed to be saying that there were other trainee knights who had come to [Derry Town] before.

However, since the Joker was still alive, that meant that the previous teams had naturally lost track of them.

"Yeah, a bunch of tourists buried in various games, playing and losing themselves. There are also some little guys who came to me with a hard head and hey, I didn't even have the chance to let them play more if I wanted to."

Hearing this information, Han Dong remained expressionless and asked further deeper.

"You know some 'secrets' from these people, don't you?"

The 'secret' here was referring to the Destiny Space.

The Joker belonged to the ultimate boss of this Fate event.

But essentially, he was still a scenario character.

According to the above conversation, the Joker had learned about the Destiny Space from the previous teams of Trainee Knights in nine out of ten cases.

Only then would he think of creating a large number of fake branching scenarios, transforming Derry Town into his 'playground', and treating the subsequent arriving teams as 'playthings'.

The Joker just kept laughing and did not reply directly.

Han Dong felt that the time was about right to cut to the real topic at this moment.

"However, no matter how powerful you are, you should only be able to control the [Surface Layer], right?

For something deeper, you still can't reach it, that's why you tried to disguise yourself as 'Coslin' to blend in between us and try to make a trip to the hidden sewers.

I'm new to this place, but I can probably guess this.

The [Sewer] that transformed Bella-san into a parasitic monstrosity is in no way inherently part of Derry Town, or rather, this one sewer area is connected to an 'inner layer' that even you wouldn't dare to step foot in.

Did I guess right?"

The Joker was busy pulling out a red balloon from his coat pocket after hearing this.

"Congratulations, you guessed partially right! You will be rewarded with a balloon."

After confirming that the balloon was fine, Han Dong decisively took it, to satisfy some of the boss's demands as much as possible so that the conversation could go on smoothly.

"Ahem, let's talk about our 'deal' then."

Han Dong's tone gradually became more serious.

"I won't reveal your identity, meanwhile, the two of us will be a small team and head straight to the [Sewers] with the clues.

As a condition.

We need you to return the 'Coslin' to us, if you haven't ripped it off yet."

Who knows, the Joker directly touched a cloth doll from his pants pocket, corresponding to the cartoon version of Coslin.

"Ta-da! This little guy will give it back to you now.

But then, you need to wait until the sewer incident is over before this little guy can return to his human form."

Han Dong determined the doll's authenticity through some sort of [Eye].

After handing it over to the doll, the Joker stared straight at Han Dong, his odd voice echoing inside Han Dong's head as follows.

"Smart doesn't mean strong enough, sewer 'stuff' can be hard to fix, prove yourself, will you? The strength to kill a giant parasite isn't enough oh."

"It's not enough? Then how about this."

Han Dong suddenly put his palm on the Joker's shoulder.

Squeak! (squirming sound)

First time.

For the first time, Han Dong sees the Joker's expression change and his smile disappear!


The Joker retreated five meters back violently.

But due to Han Dong's move too quickly and without warning, the tentacles had touched the flesh of his shoulder.


A speckled contaminant spreads across the Joker's left arm.

The Joker cried out in pain on the ground, while the Joker's other hand, from between his fingers, pops out multiple scalpels that quickly cut away all of the contaminated area.

The left arm, and part of the left half of the body was cut and separated.


When it falls to the ground, it turns into thick water, along with the clothes.

"Super Rapid Regeneration"

The Joker's flesh was like a lump of sarcoma filling, the flesh splitting and forcibly shaping itself with skin, rapidly constructing a new body.


An extremely strange laughter echoed in the night, and the leaves of the surrounding sycamore trees swayed with it as well.

"Do you want to kill me?" The Joker's voice had a strong murderous intent in it.

"Weren't you the one who told me to show my strength? What's wrong with that?" Han Dong looked innocent, but inside, he was laughing playfully, part of his pent-up anger was proudly vented.

The Joker stood up abruptly, quickly approaching at a twisted pace, his pale face almost pressed together with Han Dong.

Han Dong was still standing in place, looking as if he was indifferent to the situation.

The two of them just stared at each other for five minutes.

"Interesting, I really wasn't wrong about you, Let's send you another balloon, I'm very satisfied with your performance!!!"

"Good cooperation, Mr. Joker."

Han Dong took the initiative to reach out and shake the Joker's hand as he received the balloon, making a 'deal' with the ultimate boss of the event.


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