My British Empire

Chapter 13: Marriage of Catherine Parr

  Chapter 13 Catherine Parr's Marriage

  Edward stayed up all night, and then told Lucy not to disturb him, and he had to catch up on sleep, because he felt that his body was still weak, and he couldn't hurt himself too much for the sake of his little brother.

  Lucy also fulfilled her responsibilities very well. Instead of being naughty as usual, she began to serve Edward to undress.

   When Edward lay on the bed, he could no longer bear the fatigue of his body, and slowly closed his eyes.

  Lucy helped Edward cover the goose down quilt, and closed the door lightly. Lucy knew that Edward should not make any noise before going to bed, otherwise he would not be able to fall asleep.

   I don't know how long it took, Edward only felt a sore neck, a dull brain, and a terribly thirsty mouth. I can only get up in a daze.

   "Lucy! Lucy! Pour me a glass of water." The first thing Edward did after waking up was to call Lucy for water.

   And Lucy did not disappoint Edward. After a while, there was a sound of footsteps. Lucy brought a glass of warm water to Edward's mouth, and Edward drank it in big gulps.

   After drinking a large glass of water, Edward heaved a sigh of relief and hiccupped. He felt happy, and the fatigue from staying up all night disappeared.

   "Your Majesty! You know that you are not in good health, so don't stay up late. You don't know how much we worry about you!" Lucy said with concern while helping Edward dress.

  Edward knew that his physical condition was not good, and he was wronged, so he couldn't make any arguments, so he had no choice but to raise his hands in a gesture of surrender.

   "Okay! I surrender, Sister Lucy is right and I will try not to stay up late in the future!"

   "Hehe!" Lucy was laughed at by Edward's tired look, "Your Majesty, when you fell asleep, Princess Mary, Princess Elizabeth, and Queen Catherine all came to see you!"

"What? The sisters and the queen mother are here!" "Well, the Duke of Somerset also sent people to greet you! And the Archbishop of Cranmer, the Earl of Walkerley... all sent people to greet you Condition."

  Edward did not expect that he would attract almost everyone's attention after sleeping.

  Edward has not yet adapted from his own identity, even if he has no rights at present, but he now represents England and Wales, as well as Ireland, which is not very obedient, and his every move is eye-catching.

   Just now, after hearing that Edward had woken up, the sixteen regent members outside Windsor Castle heaved a sigh of relief.

  Because if there is any accident for Edward, it is expected that Princess Mary will ascend the throne, and there is no need for the Regency Council to exist, and they will no longer act as king.

   Before Edward could catch his breath, he saw a gust of wind blowing in, and a figure hugged him tightly, so tight that Edward couldn't speak.

   Needless to say, Edward knew it was Elizabeth. The helpless Edward could only remind Lucy with his eyes.

  Seeing this, Lucy immediately understood and said to Elizabeth: "Your Highness, please release His Majesty the King, he is almost out of breath!"

  Lucy's hint was very effective. Elizabeth yelled, let go of Edward, and looked down at her feet with a flushed face.

  Edward took this opportunity to take a big breath of fresh air, and Elizabeth lowered her head even more seeing this.

   "Isa! Don't be so reckless in the future, you have to look like a princess!" Edward took this opportunity to teach Princess Elizabeth a lesson, and Elizabeth also bowed her head in embarrassment without saying a word.

  Edward was very satisfied with Elizabeth's obedience, and he couldn't help feeling proud. But such a happy time didn't last long, and Elizabeth returned to her original state.

   "Hey! Edward, you have taught your sister a lesson, do you know when enough is enough?" "Yes! Yes! I understand, I understand!" Facing Elizabeth who had recovered her combat power, Edward could only back down.

  Edward's retreat obviously worked. Elizabeth gave Edward a proud look, looking extraordinarily cute. Seeing that Edward was fine, he turned around, shook his beautiful long blond hair, and hopped out of the bedroom door on moccasin boots.

   "Oh! I almost forgot. After you woke up, Catherine said that she had something to discuss with you!" When Elizabeth was about to leave, she suddenly dropped such a sentence that made Edward puzzled.

  Edward can't care so much, the most urgent thing is to fill his stomach.

   Half an hour later, Edward took his little maid Lucy to Queen Catherine's bedroom.

   Along the way, Edward thought about Queen Catherine's life experience, wondering what she would do to him if she had nothing to do!

  In 1529, at the age of 17, Catherine married Edward Beau, 2nd Baron Borrow of Gainsborough. Edward died in the spring of 1532. Catherine Parr married John Neville, 3rd Baron Latimer of Snape, North Yorkshire in 1534. In 1536, during the Pilgrimage of Mercy, Catherine was taken hostage by northern rebels along with her two stepchildren. John Neville died in 1543.

   At the home of Princess Mary (later Mary I), daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, Catherine Parr caught the King's attention. After the death of her second husband, the wealthy widow developed an affair with Thomas Seymour, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley, brother of Queen Jane Seymour.

   But the king liked her very much, and she had to accept the king's love.

  According to the words of history, is it possible that her old relationship with Edward's cheap second uncle Thomas Seymour has rekindled, eh! definitely is!

  Edward and Lucy arrived at Whitehall Palace together, "Boom, boom!" Lucy walked forward and knocked on the door.

   Soon a graceful maid came out and led Edward into the bedroom, and suddenly a feeling of wealth and grandeur came over his face, which made Edward very uncomfortable.

  Because Edward felt that he was already the king of England, Wales, and Ireland, and his status was too noble, and no matter how well decorated he was, he could not go any further. On the contrary, the simple decoration is more realistic.

  Actually, Edward's idea was wrong at this time. During Henry VIII's time, a French envoy visited England. Henry VIII received the envoy in gold and silver because of the money of the Reformation.

   As a result, after the envoy returned to France, he lavishly praised England, calling it a civilized country and a civilized country. Yes, the former continental European countries have always regarded England as a barbarian country and uncivilized.

   It can be seen from this that the level of money worship reached by people at that time.

  Edward can't control her either, because the Queen can use her dowry at will.

  With a respectful heart, Edward met Queen Catherine, while the little maid Lucy had already stayed outside the door.

  The queen's face is very delicate, which is different from the roughness of Westerners, and her figure is not out of shape, and there is a touch of extravagance. No wonder Edward's cheap second uncle still likes her.

   She was hesitant to speak, but after a while she seemed to have made up her mind, and said shyly, "Edward! I have decided to marry your uncle Thomas Seymour!"

   Thanks to Yuri Yefimovich Serov, who is 1111, zero1234, funeral night, Minhang Dream Talk, everyone's support.



  (end of this chapter)


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