My Big Brother is Seeking Death Again

Chapter 31: They are not only a bunch of spirits but pure evil spirits!

Chapter 31: They are not only a bunch of spirits but pure evil spirits!

Seeing that the chain was being dragged towards the Death' and Life' door, Shi Xia felt pain in her hand just looking at the color of the chain. Her waist was bound tightly, and her situation wasn't any better than Zhen Bing and Long Aotian who were bound beside her. Suddenly, a hand reached out and pulled her through the formation, avoiding the chain. One hand grabbed her tightly and the other hand threw over a seal while reciting something. All the chains binding them suddenly turned into ash and scattered on the ground. With a clang, the spell formation beneath their feet was broken.

"Impossible!" Ji Han's eyes opened wide fiercely, and he spat out a mouthful of blood because of the formation's backlash.

But Zhen Bing, who was the one pulling Shi Xia out of the formation didn't stop. Embracing Shi Xia with one hand, he picked up the collar of Long Aotian with the other, and ran forward with lightning speed. In a flash, he avoided the group at front and entered the Death' door under the eyes of the astonished group.

Good job! Shi Xia silently praised her own follower. She almost forgot that Zhen Bing was a sixth-rank demonic beast, comparable to the cultivation level of the one called Ji Han. But they were battle scums, so it was wisest to run.

Zhen Bing flew with them for a long time before stopping. The surrounding area was even darker, at least there was still a little light on the place they were before. But this place was completely dark without any speck of light. But Shi Xia wasn't concerned about the fact, she quickly recited a spell and lit a fire. The place they were in was like a long endless corridor, surrounded by smooth stone walls. Zhen Bing ran for a long time but still couldn't see the end.

"Well, they probably won't catch up for a while." Shi Xia said and gestured to Zhen Bing to stop, "Put me down first." She patted the hand around her waist.

Zhen Bing hesitated for a moment before slowly releasing her. He scanned her up and down once and asked, "Are you hurt anywhere?" Saying this, he began to pull her hands here and there and check for any injury. While doing so, he also deliberately pinched her face.

The corners of Shi Xia's mouth twitched. Are you checking the freshness of the vegetables? Shi Xia removed his paws out of her face by slapping them away and declared, "I'm fine!"

"I'm not okay " Long Aotian opened his mouth and said in a choking voice. His face had turned purple. He raised his hand and pointed at his neck, "You You are strangling. loose your hands!" It was okay that Zhen Bing carried him out of the danger zone but he didn't need to grab his collar, almost choking him to death.

After hearing Long Aotian's choked voice, did only Zhen Bing remember that he was carrying another person. Feeling disgusted, he threw Long Aotian away. Long Aotian fell on the ground with a thud and let out a painful scream. His body rolled several times before stopping when his back hit the stone wall. He quickly got up and tried to catch his breathing. Embracing Shi Xia but carrying him by the collar, how could he be so partial!

Shi Xia went to help Long Aotian, seeing him struggling to calm his breathing down. Although they should be grateful for saving them, Long Aotian's body was too big and so his clothes were almost hugging his body tightly, making his collar narrower than necessary. So he(Zhen Bing) shouldn't have carried him by the collar.

"Better?" She reached out and patted his back to help him catch his breath. But she just patted once when Zhen Bing squeezed between the two with a disgruntled face and separated them from each other.

He pressed his fingers at Long Aotian's forehead, just between his eyebrows. Long Aotian, who was struggling to calm his breathing down a while ago instantly felt better, and his face that had turned to blue became normal.

After helping Long Aotian, Zhen Bing immediately pulled himself away from him, along with Shi Xia as if he was avoiding the plague. He also didn't forget to wipe his hands a few more times on his clothes.

"" Why does it seem like he's disgusted?

Shi Xia used the fire in the hand to carefully look at the passage that looked like there was no end before asking, "Zhen Bing, why did you want to enter the Death' door?" Just now, although he moved very quickly, Shi Xia clearly saw that the Life' door was much closer to them. But Zhen Bing instead rushed to the Death' door.

"Both doors are the same." He looked up ahead as he said, "It's just that the encounters are different."

"Huh?!" Shi Xia was surprised, "You mean there are dangers on both sides, and both have hidden formations and traps?"

Zhen Bing nodded, "There are fluctuations of spiritual power on both sides. I think the word Life' and Death' on the doors is just a foretaste of the different properties of the formations laid inside."

Damn, I think Ji Han and his group are right ah!

"Then Zhen Bing, can you guess what traps could be inside?" She pointed to the blackened passage and asked.

Zhen Bing shook his head, "I can't sense exactly what formation is laid ahead, but it must be related to death."

The Death!

Shi Xia felt a chill running down her spine as she shuddered. She took a weak step back before asking in a trembling voice, "It won't have ghosts, will it?"

"Even if there are ghosts, it's okay." Long Aotian, who was able to finally catch his breath, beat his chest and said with a righteous face, "I'm not afraid of anything dark. I've never done anything wrong and have no guilt in my heart. Ghost or God, no one can do anything to me." Saying this, he looked at Shi Xia and casually asked, "benefactor, you won't be afraid of ghosts, right?"

"Ohhh " Shi Xia barely pulled the corner of her mouth and answered, "How is it possible!"

The little ghost movie theater running in my head, stop it!

"If it is a ghost, then it's rather good for us." Zhen Bing suddenly said.


"Ghosts are yin energy and spirits are yang. Yin energy is the opposite of Qi so ghosts generally don't dare to come near any cultivator."

There is such a good thing! She instantly gained the confidence she never had and deleted the ghost movie theater in her mind with one click. She has brought her buff and ghost dispeller, she isn't afraid of anything.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!" Shi Xia walked towards the passage with confidence steps. But who knew why if it was the psychological effect, she felt as if the surrounding became a little colder.

They walked for ten minutes, but the hallway was getting wider and wider. From the original single hallway, it divided and six more hallways were formed. The hallway continued to expand and finally became eight hallways. When they finally reached the end, a wall was standing in front of them.

The wall was very high, surrounded by the eight hallways that were tightly blocked. The wall was very flat, not even a small pleat, except for the brick in the middle of the wall that looked very out of place.

Shi Xia looked at the brick, the whole body of the brick was releasing a "come press me ah" aura. The corners of her mouth twitched as she asked, "Pressing this brick would start the formation laid here, right?"

" should be." Zhen Bing nodded his head.

"So do you guys think I should press it, or not?" Shi Xia's OCD hands began to twitch.

Long Aotian's face stiffened and he said after a sigh, "Benefactor, press if you want. There's no other way here anyway."

Shi Xia took a deep breath, reached out and pressed the brick hard, forcing it to fit the group.

She just removed her hand from the brick when suddenly a loud sound was heard. The once flat wall in front of them began to open in the middle. The bricks moved away, like blocks and the path in the middle became wider and wider. Just in a minute, all the bricks from the middle moved away, revealing the creepy picture of the inside.

Shi Xia thought what deadly things could be inside when she saw a variety of horrible human figures standing densely on the opposite side of the hallway. Each of their appearances was too unbearable to see. One missing arms and the other missing legs, the whole body was either covered in blood, or a variety of unknown insects were crawling their body. Some even had their belly wide open, their white intestines pouring out and swaying at each step they took. Some of their bodies were rotten, revealing the white bones inside.

In addition, they were all either floating or moving sluggishly. But they were just moving from one corner of the hallway to another, not going forward or backward. In short, they all looked like the standard zombies of a zombie film.

If it wasn't for the previous experience of seeing the tragic appearance of the old men falling from the cliff everyday with broken bodies and severed limbs, with how low her psychological basis was, Shi Xia would have either already fainted or thrown up her dinner. But other people were not as lucky as herself. Zhen Bing didn't have much of a reaction, only Long Aotian was vomiting his guts out.

But it was strange that the ghosts or whatever they were, who had such horrible appearances, completely ignored the sudden appearance of three people. They continued to aimlessly float here and there. Those who had their intestine dangling outside picked up the fallen intestine and stuffed them inside. Seeing them ignoring them, Shi Xia remembered Zhen Bing's words and couldn't help but lament, so is it true that these ghosts are afraid of cultivators?

"That should be the exit." Zhen Bing pointed to the back of the ghost group. Shi Xia glanced at the place he pointed at and only saw a dense shadow of ghosts.

A burst of bone-chilling gloomy wind came, which made her shiver. Shi Xia took a deep breath, patted her heart and then entered the hallway with Zhen Bing. Long Aotian, who had been vomiting, also held the wall to support himself and walked in.

The moment they entered, a familiar sound of something moving was heard. The wall that previously disappeared suddenly reappeared, instantly blocking their way back. Only this time, there was no raised wall in the middle. The wall was completely neat and tidy.

"No need to worry." Zhen Bing took her hand and said with a serious face, "The ones here are ordinary ghosts or evil spirits, not ghost cultivators, they won't come near us because of our aura. It will be fine."

Yes, yes, yes! She is a cultivator. Full of aura, she is not afraid! Chanting this in her mind, Shi Xia boldly took a step forward.

Suddenly, the zombie-like spirits who were just wandering around stopped all of a sudden as if a switch had been pressed. The creaking, moving and floating, all stopped at the same time. Then, like a group of puppets with strings, they all turned their heads at the group of three with glowing red eyes like the traffic light.

Shi Xia suddenly had a sense of foreboding

The closest to her was a spirit with a broken leg. It raised one of its bloodied hands, and slashed towards Shi Xia with its nails. Its mouth also started to create a strange gurgling but threatening sound.

Shi Xia was startled, she hurriedly dodged sideways and retreated a few steps back. Turning her head, she gave a blank look at Zhen Bing with a head full of black lines and asked, "What happened to the promise that we would be okay?" Where is the trust between master and spiritual beast?

Zhen Bing's calm face stiffened but he still continued in a serious manner, " just this one is a bit special."

"Ho " the broken leg spirit saw that his attack didn't work and suddenly let out a high pitched scream. The other spirit instantly took the stance to attack at the same time. They all started running towards the group of three while creating a strange click click' sound.

Shi Xia: "" Didn't you say only this one is special?

Long Aotian: "" Wasn't it the only one who is special?

Zhen Bing: " " Well, this group of spirits are a bit special.

The three had to retreat to the corner.

"What now?" She was still an apprentice cultivator, she didn't learn how to catch ghosts!

"Don't panic!" Zhen Bing said in a deep voice, "Ghosts are heavy with Yin energy, and pure Qi is their nemesis."

"Then what is pure Qi?" Don't change the language in the middle, okay?

"All five elements of Spiritual Roots are!"

"You mean we can use any spell to restrain them?" I'm not uneducated, don't lie to me!

"Yes." Zhen Bing nodded, but added a sentence at the end, "It should "

"Good, then you use fire attack, I will use wood spells to stop them."

Shi Xia mobilized her aura and conjured up two thin vines from the ground, wrapping them directly around the waist of the nearest ghost and pulling as hard as she could. Zhen Bing waved his hand to conjure up a fireball and threw it towards the ghost caught by Shi Xia.

Seeing that the fireball was about to hit the ghost, the ghost didn't even try to dodge. It suddenly opened its mouth wide, his jaws fell directly to the ground. The moving fireball entered its mouth and with a sizzling sound, the fire suddenly extinguished. The ghost even burped after swallowing the fireball.

. . . . . .

It actually swallowed the fireball, swallowed the fireball, swallowed,

The ghost actually swallowed the fireball made of Qi. Who said spirits and ghosts can't do anything to cultivators ah!

This is definitely not a group of ordinary evil spirits or ghosts. It's a group of pure evil spirits, and they are obviously not from the lower class!

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