My beast Emperor System

Chapter 11: First Class

Chapter 11: First Class

"I don't remember seeing him enter the teleportation platform" A girl with big red eyes said. Judging based on the blade-like ears and the crimson red eyes, her flat nose, and her unusually long nails, Lucien knew she was from the kugo clan.

The Kugo clan are descendants of the Kugo God beast. Its bloodline has always been considered weak since it was amongst the low-tier magic beasts that the Raizen clan conquered under the name of the Phoenix Emperor Fei. The Kugo clan was later assigned to be one of the minor beast-men clans under the rule of the Drax family.

Rising on his feet, Lucien shot a glance and realized that everyone in this group is from the Ktinos race but with a low-tier bloodline. His anxiety vanished as his confidence returned ever since he realized these people are inferior to him in terms of social backing.

"Are you so shocked to see someone from the Raizen family, that you are rooted to your positions, or are you deliberately trying to block my path?" Lucien asked with a hint of impatience in his tone.

Hearing his words, these people were shocked but not intimidated. Thinking back on the Raizen clan, they remembered the incident involving the most talented member of the Raizen clan and the spatial master, Instructor Han. Since it happened only a day ago, the incident was still fresh in the minds of everyone so they quickly recognized Lucien and made the 'O' shape with their lips.

"Well?" Lucien couldn't understand why these people were yet to move about he was annoyed.

At this point, others in the hall were already taking notice of a student surrounded by a group of beast-men. They assumed it was a human student been bullied but when they looked closer they realized it was a member of the Raizen clan who was standing at the center of the small group so they didn't bother. It was impossible for members of the Kugo family to boldly harass a member of the Raizen family. Such an offense can lead to the entire Kugo bloodline getting wiped out.

"Hello! I am Pamela of the Kugo household I have heard so many stories of the vicious Raizen heir but you seem rather calm up close" the female Kugo clan member stepped forward and extended her hand to Lucien.

Seeing this Lucien felt slightly insulted since he didn't understand what gave her the boldness to walk up to him and speak, but also left him stunned. He gazed at the petite girl from the dog bloodline whose only specialty at the early stage is keen sense. The Kugo magic beast starts with no elemental affinity, only during the later stages does it awaken its affinity to the fire element, becoming the hell hound. In Lucien's opinion, people from this family are only slightly better than humans without nature's blessing. In fact, they are a little worse than human mages and sorcerers.

"You know who I am, yet you dare stand before me and speak? Are you not scared?" Lucien asked with a raised eyebrow.

Pamela was about to reply but then a powerful wave of energy spread across the room, successfully catching everyone's attention. It was a man barely up to 5'5 ft tall (0.055m). He wore a sleeves brown mage robe and held on tight to a cane which wasn't necessarily used to support himself. He was bald and has a rough brown mustache. Seeing him, the first thing anyone would do is laugh but members of the Drax family fell on one knee as they bowed to the man.

"Master Cain!" All of them screamed in unison leaving almost everyone around confused.

But for someone like Lucien who is from a prominent family, he knew the identity of this man. In fact, he has met with this man repeatedly during his younger days since the Drax family and the Raizen family have a very good relationship. Cain could be considered as one of the peak experts of the Drax family who chose to serve the empire by spreading his knowledge of magic to the younger generation.

"Yooooo! Old man can't, you're still alive? I'm pretty sure I attended your funeral service a year ago" Lucien's voice echoed across the hall dragging everyone's attention to him. Vicious glares from the members of the Drax clan were all pinned at Lucien but when they heard Instructor Cain chuckle, they couldn't help but returning their questioning gaze to the instructor.

"Hahahaha little fool I heard you made an enemy out of little Han and you wrecked an affinity orb on your first day, do you know how much that cost? you are just as noisy as I remembered you, little devil" Instructor Cain laughed heartily.

Lucien walked past the class and moved to the center of the hall to meet instructor Cain. With an eye brimming with excitement and hunger for knowledge, Lucien looked into instructor Cain's eyes and asked;

"What do you plan to teach me today?"

Hearing this, instructor Han chuckled and ignored the question. He shot everyone a glance first before asking a question that left them puzzled.

"Did you have breakfast today?"


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