My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Payback

Ashton was on his way home when he heard a few noises. He kept walking nonetheless. Due to some issues he was late while returning home, which is why instead of taking the bus, he walked. He smiled mischievously when he thought of how he swapped the caffeinated coffee with its decaf counterpart. If Caleb found out, he would probably be mad. But that was his payback for making him play in his place the whole week, and not because he actually wanted the other to get some rest.

The more he walked the more he could feel someone was following him. It was not easy to tell who, since the woods were filled with werewolves, their scents were everywhere. But none of the scent was strong enough to imply that one of the wolves is following him.

He increased his speed of walking, but remained alert of anyone’s presence nearby. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back, as if someone shot something at him, and that’s the last thing he remembered before he passed out.

He had no idea how long was he unconscious, but when his senses started to come back he could tell his eyes were tightly closed by a blindfold and his hands were tied behind his back. He was shaking as if he was in a moving car. He felt around his surroundings and he could make out that he was in the trunk of that car.

There was a sharp smell of a few werewolves in there. Only one of them was Alpha, two Sub-Alphas, and a Beta. They did not probably realize that Ashton would wake up so soon, being a pureblood Alpha, his metabolism was way higher than the other wolves itself, let alone humans.


Despite being awake he remained calm and quiet. He wanted to see where they would take him. If they really thought Ashton was a human, and still tried to take him, he was curious to find out why.

There was no noise apart from the engine throughout the way. It took them a long time to reach their destination. Or maybe it only felt long because Ashton was stuck and got bored.

The door of the trunk opened and a strong male hand grabbed him out of the Car. He resisted him, but only to give him the impression that he was not pleased to be here. He tried to act as human as possible.

The knot in hand was strong enough to keep a normal human tied up, but it was too weak to keep Ashton tied up. A one quick pull and the rope will get shredded into many pieces. He dragged him into a place that smelled like metal and dust. With his sharp senses he could also smell a bit of blood. Just what was this place?

They pulled the blindfold off him and the sudden gush of a light hit him in the eyes, and he reflexively closed his eyes for a moment. It was ironic because there was only a dimly lit bulb present there.

As the surroundings focussed around him he noticed it was the same Alpha from this evening who was trying to harass that girl named Beth. They expected some sort of scared and intimidated reaction from him, but were disappointed to see him still unbothered.

“Do you know why you are here” That Alpha smirked.

Ashton just shrugged at the other boy.

For a moment it appeared as if someone lit a fire on a cracker. He became angry. “Because of you I got in trouble today you worthless piece of trash”! He shouted at him in rage. He showed an almost healing scar at the edge of his face with his right index finger.

That was odd, didn’t werewolves have accelerated healing? Was he hit by something that was dipped with wolfsbane? He wondered. He felt a tinge of pity, but mostly he felt like he deserved it. He was harassing the girl back then.

“So what do you want me to do?” Ashton asked him, still with an? unbothered expression.

“I want you to pay for what you did,” he says in a grave tone before punching him hard in the stomach. Ashton’s instincts told him to punch him back with much more intensity, but he held himself back just for the sake of his family. He cannot be outed as a pureblood Alpha now. There were many packs who hated the Pure Blood Alphas because of in born authority trait they had. They are very rare in the community of wolves, almost as rare as male omegas

He clenched his fists tightly as he received multiple beatings from all four of them while he lay on the floor.? He did not make any noise, as this was not the first time he felt this much amount of pain. He held it in as much as he could. After a while when it seemed they were done, that Alpha grabbed Ashton’s face and pulled him to see the latter’s bruises and smirked.

“Remember this before you ever interrupt me the next time”. And he got up to leave. He stopped for a moment and turned back. “Next time I’ll target your little sisters instead of you. That’s right, I know about your adoptive family”.

For a moment Ashton’s face darkened. He will tolerate anything as long as it’s on him, but under no circumstances will he tolerate anything done to his family or the people he cared about.

“Stay away from my family”. He warned the Alpha with venom in his voice.

“What did you say?” The Alpha snorted. “You think you can get away from here alive if I tried to kill you?” He smirked. There was a certain change of orientation of his face. The structure was a little different and the rim of the eyeball appeared blood red in color. That color was typical for an Alpha. “Do you even know what I am”? He threatened Ashton.

“Yes, you’re a piece of trash”. Ashton shrugged. He was never afraid of this Alpha to begin with and he was so mad right now that he forgot for a moment that he wanted to keep things about him a secret.

“You…”!! He shouted at him and bared his sharp canines at him. He threw another punch at him which he successfully caught this time. He put the other hand on the Alpha’s belly and threw him on the wall behind.

There was a minor crack on the walls as the alpha crashed into it. He got up with a little bit of help as he was badly injured from that impact. The Alpha was mad at him and was about to turn himself into a wolf when he smelled a very strong scent. The smell was so strong that it almost burned their nose.

It was evident that it was a werewolf, but who could have such a strong scent? They wondered.

Ashton approached them and looked directly in their eyes. “You would be lucky if you made it alive out of here”. He threatened them. There was a slight change in his voice. It appeared much deep and it had a dominant tinge to it. It was like; if Ashton gave them any order they will follow him without any question. That’s when they looked properly onto Ashton’s eyes and saw that his whole eyeball was blazing red. Not even the tiny black pupil was present there.

That could only mean one thing, that Ashton was a pureblood Alpha. And they were dead meat now.


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