My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 326 - 326 So Goddamn much

326 So Goddamn much

Seeing Ashton next to him brought up some old memories from two years ago. Like how Caleb believed he almost lost Ashton for real this time when he failed to feel their connection and see nothing but darkness when Caleb tried to link his mate…connect with him on a deeper level in order to find him.

He remembers the darkness, and the feeling of hopelessness that he would never see his mate again, until…

Caleb heard whimpers in the dark that were familiar and yet not so familiar. Caleb recalled how Alvaro was capable of severing the mate link or something similar, and somehow he hoped that those whimpers were the proof of the same. Caleb ran, focusing his ears in order to follow the sound. He could see nothing. He could feel nothing and in the dark nothingness Caleb followed his ears (and his heart) in order to find his mate.

When Caleb finally felt something brush against his skin he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. It was a tingle as if some gush of air just touched his arm. Extending his arm he tried to touch whatever there might be in front of him. Something made contact with his hand whose surface was rough enough to confuse Caleb. Few seconds of lingering and soon he could see what… or rather whom he was touching. It was his mate, in his human form. Ashton. For some reason this version didn’t look as traumatized as the one he saw in the real world. “Ash…” Caleb let out. “Can you hear me”? Caleb spoke loudly in order to reach his mate.

“This feels familiar.” Ashton sighed. “Am I dying?” he asked as if it was not a big deal.

Caleb didn’t know what to say, so he simply nodded. “I mean, I want you to fight. Please don’t die. I need you. The kids, they need you.” Caleb rumbled on.

“I don’t want to… but I am not sure if it’s upto me.” Ashton shrugged.

“Please don’t give up.” Caleb begged.

“Believe me, I am trying my best. I wanna live too. I don’t wanna leave you guys. I finally have what I wished for my entire life. I do not want to screw that up.” Ashton mumbled. Before their conversation could proceed further everything went dark and with a jolt Caleb’s eyes opened in the real world.


He looked around himself and he saw that he was not in Ashton’s old home anymore but in the hospital lobby, while his head was kept on rest in the wall behind him. Turning around he noticed he was all by himself, until his best friend walked up to him, who himself looked in much worse shape. “Ash-” Caleb began but Matt cut him off.

“He is alive.” Matt declared. “Your brother asked me to be here because he has to take care of the mess these so called super werewolves left. You passed out so the people brought you here along with your mate. The doctor checked you for concussion, but said you’re doing fine.” he shrugged and handed him one of the two energy drinks he bought for himself.

“Why am I here?” Caleb was puzzled.

“The beds are full. The patients are literally being treated on the floor.” Matt shrugged. Hearing that Caleb’s eyes widened, but before he could speak, Matt added. “Not Ashton though. He is stuck to the machines pretty hard. Doctor said that it’s a miracle that after so much blood loss, his heart was still beating,” he shrugged. “He is still unconscious though. Sorry dude.” Matt added.

Caleb shook his head. “I am just glad he is alive… for now.” he sighed. “What happened to you? You look like you aren’t healing fast.” Caleb asked, hoping anything would distract him from the intense fear of the possibility of losing his mate.

“Believe me, I am wondering the same. But when I arrived here, I could barely walk.” Matt shrugged. “With so much damage, my body is bound to take some time to heal.” he sighed. “Like you’re the one to talk; have you seen yourself?” Matt scoffed. Caleb narrowed his brows so Matt added, “There were multiple deep cuts over your face and shoulders and I am assuming elsewhere as well when you arrived here. They do look healed now…almost.” Matt shrugged.

“Ashton protected me.” Caleb sighed. “Otherwise I wouldn’t have made it so easily.”

“Of course he did. He is your mate. Isn’t like that’s his job.” Matt shrugged.

“Yeah, well this time I needed to save him.” Caleb shook his head and sighed. He laid his head back on the wall and closed his eyes.

“You did.” Matt shrugged. “I mean the doctors might be surprised, but from what I hear… if it weren’t for you Ashton probably wouldn’t have made it.”

Caleb glanced at Matt with a despondent look but said nothing. He was too tired both physically and emotionally.

They stayed there for a while before Matt had to leave in order to get some rest himself. Caleb tried to see if he could see his mate once or not, but the room was kept secluded for Ashton’s sake. Mrs Parker urged Caleb to go and get some rest, recover himself while Ashton recovered. But no matter what, Caleb would not budge. Alas, exhaustion took over and with much heavy heart Caleb simply fell asleep in the waiting room.

When he woke up he rushed to the private room, only this time to be allowed inside. As he approached his mate he stared at the computers and the random values he had little to no idea of. He held the pale right hand of Ashton and whispered. “Please come back to me.”

As if Ashton heard him, his head moved. Ashton’s face was now facing Caleb’s even though his eyes were still closed. Caleb was curious, so he added, “Can you hear me”? After a few seconds of nothing Ashton’s head moved in a manner of a tiny nod. To further express himself Ashton gently squeezed Caleb’s hand that was in his own.

A smile crept up Caleb’s face, as his entire face lit up with joy. “Ash…” is all Caleb could say at the moment. It took everything in him not to hug his mate tightly as he soaked in his own happiness of getting his mate back. His mate was alive and he was recovering. He didn’t know what to say… so all he said was, “I love you. So goddamn much.”


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