My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 318 - 318 Old and blue

318 Old and blue

The violins rang, setting the mood of the wedding in the hall. Soon, Ashton, accompanied by his mother, walked into the aisle to make it to the end. He could see Connor standing at one side, and on the other side it was his to-be-brother in -law, Christain. Wait, was he Caleb’s best man? Ashton wondered as he made it to the end of the aisle. But that was not the most surprising thing he found there. There he found his twin sisters standing, dressing and excited like little humming birds.

“You two…?” Ashton whispered as he stared at them.

“Yepp, we are officiating”! Ava declared as he couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“We?” Ashton was taken aback further.

“Yeah, we.” Ariel nodded. “We couldn’t decide which one of us could do it…so”

“So, we’re both officiating.” Ava shrugged confidently. Ashton shook his head with a tiny smile before looking at the other side, the beginning of the aisle, where Caleb accompanied by his parents walked down.

Even though Caleb looked amazing most of the days, today he just looked more perfect than he had ever looked. And no matter what Ashton just couldn’t stop staring. But here is the thing, he didn’t want to either.

As Caleb stepped up at the platform situated at the end, he noticed Ashton staring at him. He let out a sigh before linking Ashton. [Are you ready for this?]

[Yes, I have never been more ready.] With a smile Ashton replied to his mate. They both looked at the twins and gave them a subtle, but noticeable nod, giving them the permission to begin.


“Dearly beloved,” Ariel began. “Thank you everyone for joining us in this auspicious ceremony, that is the wedding of our brother and his mate”. Ava began.

“I think I speak for most of us when I say we have been waiting for this day for a long time. But something or the other always found a way to delay this day” Ariel began. “But I am glad, despite everything, we are here today.” She added.

“We have known Caleb since we were twelve. My brother who never had a single ‘friend’ in his life that we knew of suddenly showed up at our house with a random dude one evening. ” Said Ava. “Of course, even at that point he refused to call him his friend.”

“He blushed when we asked him if they were boyfriends. He thoroughly denied it of course. But I could tell he felt differently.” Said Ariel with a chuckle. The same chuckle was evident in the grooms face.

“We knew they shared a deep connection even when they were being idiot about it”

Both of them giggled together followed by a wave of laughter in the crowd. Said Ava

“We have witnessed them being friends. We saw them falling in love, saw them being with each other even in the most difficult times, and every time life presented them with a challenge, they worked through it.” Said Ariel.

“Not only has their journey touched our hearts but also inspired us that love is stronger than anything in the entire world.”

“And after everything, we have gathered here finally, to celebrate their wedding after all these years”. Said Ava

“I believe you have prepared your own vows.” Ariel nudged at Caleb.

“I never imagined someone like you existed, someone who could understand me, support me like you do. I never knew I could fall for someone like you. But now… here I am, standing in front of you. And I have never been happier. I love you Ashton Parker” Caleb declared bringing a teary smile to his mate’s face.

“For those of whom who don’t know me, I am not a very open person. Ever since I met Caleb, he irritated me, annoyed me, asked me all these intrusive questions and eventually made me fall for all these behaviors.” Caleb ended up laughing at that.

“For me, love is not just a feeling, or a moment which means everything. It’s a process that takes place within us all the time, every moment we take a breath, every time I am surrounded by my loved ones... and every time I look at you. ” At this moment, not only Caleb, but pretty much everyone in the audience was struggling to hold in their tears. Even Ashton was having a hard time continuing.

“Every day I wake up knowing that I love you more than I did yesterday, and yet I believe there is no way I can love you more than this.” Ashton took a deep breath, as he felt his voice getting hitched at the end.

“Thank you, for making me a better person. For choosing me to be your mate. For loving me so much even when I struggled with loving myself” Ashton mumbled, tears almost overflowing from the corner of his eyes.. “I love you so much too, Caleb Wrisberg”.

The entire hall was covered with teary eyes and happy faces, and even the twins needed a moment before they could continue. Both Ava and Ariel had to clear their throat, and glanced at each other hoping that the other would continue. But they both knew they didn’t wanna lose the opportunity, so Ava began. “Do you, Caleb Wrisberg, take Ashton Parker, as your lawful husband”? Asked Ava.

“I do”. Caleb declared, pretty loud for someone who had tears in his eyes.

“Do you, Ashton Parker, take Caleb Wrisberg as your lawful husband”? asked Ariel.

“I do” with a much muffled voice, Ashton declared.

“We both pronounce you, husbands for life. You may kiss each other” both of them declared at the same time. Taking a step towards each other Caleb and Ashton kissed each other marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.


I know I have been really MIA for a while, but the truth is I have so little time free time left that I barely get time to think let alone write. My duty hours have become somewhat better and hopefully I’ll be able to stand my commitment to the story. I have come a long way with this story, and thus I will complete it no matter what. Thank you to all the readers who still support me for waiting for me so patiently.


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