My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 301

Chapter 301: “I think I know who did this.”

“As tempting as the offer sounds, I can’t.” Sebastian shrugged.

“Why not”? The disappointment in Christian’s face was quite evident.

“Because, you’re hungry, and if I mark you you’ll be horny as well. And that’s a combination you do not wanna try.” Sebastian smirked.

“Okay...” Christian nodded uncomfortably.

“The pizza, it’s almost here”. Sebastian declared. At that moment an alert went off on Christian’s phone, causing both of their attention to divert. Christian’s face lit up as soon as he checked his phone. “What’s going on?” Sebastian couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s Ashton. I offered him a job, to help me out and stuff. I figured with you busy and all the responsibilities that are over my head, I can use some help. Well he accepted my offer”. He smiled. “He told me he quit his job, so I figured, why not bring him in. He was looking for something different anyways.” Christian shrugged.

“Wait, so if I go... you will be alright?” Sebastian asked, feeling weirdly comforted by the fact.


“I mean, when it comes to official business, I can always find someone to help me out.” Christian shrugged. “It’s not that hard to find a replacement.” Somehow Sebastian didn’t feel very comforted by the word replaced. “As for my personal business, no I’ll not be okay... cause I am gonna miss you an awful lot.” He declared.

“Good.” Sebastian smirked. “As you should.” he shook his head. “I am not gonna lie, I feel much more comfortable taking that job now that I know you have an extra pair of hands to help you out.”

“Like I keep saying to you. I have my lil brother. Melanie and even Ashton at this moment.” Christian declared. “I’ll be fine,” he nodded. “Now, let’s go have that dinner.”

“As soon as the pizza comes, we will.” Sebastian chuckled. “Meanwhile, let me call Dean, my agent. I should let him know that I’ll be doing it.” he smiled and exited the room.


The next day Ashton was quite excited to start his new job, but he couldn’t help but feel sore all over. Clearly he and Caleb slept in their huge bed, so he couldn’t quite comprehend why he was this sore. Nevertheless, he drank some coffee to fight the tiredness (not that coffee is very effective in his system. Caleb had left before him, so he bid his kids a farewell and decided to head out.

He wasn’t sure how formal he should wear given how most of the pack members preferred as few clothes as possible. Then again, he was to manage the human side, i.e. the duties of the mayor so maybe showing up shirtless with shorts is not the best option. He simply wore his regular clothing, a wrinkly old but comfortable T Shirt with cargo pants.

As soon as Ashton reached the office he felt a strong scent hit his face, which clearly gave away what Christian had been upto the day before. Of course, there was no need to mention it so he simply headed in. “What do you want me to do?”

“Well, I was gonna have you call the press conference but there are new complications at this point.” Christian sighed. “I just talked to Caleb, you should visit him once and get everything right.”

“What’s going on?” Ashton frowned.

“You don’t know?” Christian was taken aback. “Caleb didn’t tell you?”

“I haven’t spoken with him since last night.” Ashton shrugged. “What happened?”

“Just talk to Caleb. He will tell you better than I would.” Christian shrugged. “You can go to the police station and talk to him directly.”

“Okay...” Ashton trailed off. This entire conversation left him with nothing but confusion so he decided to call Caleb and speak with him. When Caleb didn’t pick up his phone, Ashton linked Caleb. [Are you alright?] was the first thing he asked when he found Caleb in an area that looked like a crime scene.

[Yeah, but we have another murder on our hands] Caleb informed his mate. [Except it’s a bit different this time] he sighed.

[Send me your location, I will go there immediately.] Ashton declared.

[You don’t have to do that] Caleb tried to calm down his mate.

[Actually, I kinda do. I work for you brother now, remember? He wants me to check it out.] Ashton declared.

[Fine, I’ll text you the location] Caleb shrugged and disconnected the link.

Soon after, Ashton showed up at the scene earning judgemental glances from everyone around, especially the sergeant. Of course, they were aware of the fact that this was their sheriff’s fiance but they also knew him as the weird guy they found at the bayou.

Not feeling safe enough to talk out loud, he linked Caleb. [What’s so different about this one?]

[Whoever did this, tried to hide their tracks. And the way of murder seems a bit different now.] Caleb declared.

[Maybe the killer is getting more refined?] Ashton suggested.

[Possible, but luckily no civilian had discovered this yet, so we have managed to keep this off the press] Caleb sighed. [I don’t have much information on this case, but if you wanna take a look, I will be happy to clear this area for you.] Caleb declared.

[That would actually be great] Ashton agreed.

Caleb called the team and informed them to start working on it. He ordered everyone to leave while he stayed back so that they could hurry up the process. Once they were gone (albeit reluctantly) Ashton spoke loudly, “Your coworkers hate me.” he sighed.

“Don’t take it personally, they hate me too.” Caleb shrugged casually.

“Wait, I know why they hate me, but why do they hate you?” Ashton was confused.

“Cause I am their boss.” Caleb nodded. “No one likes their boss.” he scoffed.

“I have no problem with Christian.” Ashton pointed out.

Caleb let out a sarcastic laugh, “Give it time.” he shook his head. “Come on , let me show you something,” he added.

As they both approached the police tapes that secured the area of the scene Ashton felt a pang of numb headache hitting his head. Ashton tried to ignore it but he did let out an involuntary wince grabbing his fiancee’s attention.

“Ashton are you alright?” Caleb asked him.

“Yeah, I didn’t sleep well last night.” Ashton shrugged. “What is it that you wanted to show me?” he asked.

“Well, see the pattern of killing?” Caleb asked. “Instead of shredding it seems like someone caused them to bleed to death,” he shrugged. “And then cut it into pieces. Or at least that’s what my forensic guy said. He is still running the DNA samples, but I am not that hopeful. Everything we look for is going to a dead end and...” he trailed off as he noticed Ashton staring at that scene with blank eyes, as if he was focussed on something. “Ashton?” Caleb called out. “You okay?”

Ashton blinked before staring at Caleb. “I think... I think I know who did this.” he mumbled.

“Wait really?” Caleb was taken aback. “Who”? He asked, and couldn’t wait for a clue. However, Ashton didn’t share the same enthusiasm. He was terrified on the other hand.


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