My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 289

Chapter 289: Something Alternative

“Ash... what happened?” Reluctantly Caleb whispered.

Ashton was quiet for a whole minute, before he whispered, “I don’t know.”

Caleb looked around before he whispered, “no one can hear us... but if you want I can link you” he whispered in case Ashton was worried that someone would hear them.

Ashton shook his head. “That’s not it. I don’t remember. I was about to go to sleep when my head started to hurt. I felt this.... I don’t know how to put it.. a sense of familiarity. I don’t know what it was, but...the next thing I know I am being ambushed by cops as I laid naked by the docks.”

“You had a memory lapse....again”. Caleb noted with concern.

“I have had too many memory lapses. I just hope I didn’t hurt anyone while I was at it.” Ashton mumbled.

“It took me a while to collect my thoughts. These humans... I don’t trust them. I asked them to call you because I knew you were the sheriff.” Ashton declared.


“Yeah, you did the right thing.” Caleb nodded. There was a momentary silence in the room. “Do you know what happened? I couldn’t contact you at all.”

“You mean... via link?” Ashton asked.

Caleb nodded. “It was just like before, and I got so scared... I...” Caleb pursed his lips to take a deep breath. “I am so worried about you”. Caleb declared honestly.

“I wish I knew what was wrong. I... I can try to connect Alvaro-”

“No!” Caleb interjected. “You have had enough black-out for now. Give it a rest.

“Alright then.” Ashton mumbled. Caleb took his time explaining the case he had been working on, and how Caleb felt like it was sort of related to the wolves. When he was done, they sat there quietly.

“I know I am supposed to help you out with the apartment...” Caleb began but Ashton shook his head.

“We can set it up whenever we want. But, this is urgent.” Ashton said.

Caleb thought for a moment. “Do you think it’s a good idea to stay in that apartment all by yourself now”? He asked.

“You want to move in already”? Ashton suggested.

“No” Caleb shook his head, disheartening Ashton. “I mean, I would love that but I also want to bring the kids along. And I think I want them to see after we are done with the renovation.”

“I get that.” Ashton nodded.

“But, I also don’t want you to stay alone.” Caleb declared.

“I am not moving back. I can’t live in the pack house anymore. Especially since I just left. Questions will be raised, and honestly I... I am not very comfortable there.” Ashton admitted.

“You don’t have to stay in the pack house.” Caleb nodded. “Something alternative. I was thinking you could go stay with your mom for a while. She does have a room for us and I am sure she would love your company.” Caleb declared.

“I suppose she would” Ashton wondered. There was silence in the room for some time before Ashton mumbled. “I am sorry”.

“You don’t have to be. It’s not like you blacked out on purpose.” Caleb sighed.

“I meant about all this.” Ashton pointed at the door. Followed by a frown on Caleb’s face, Ashton elaborated. “Your friend thinks I am psycho. I am sure you didn’t want them to think that your fiancé is crazy.”

Caleb chuckled at that. “I mean, they are not technically wrong. You are kind of a wreck ball.” Caleb smirked, trying to tease his mate, perhaps lighten the mood. Ashton on the other hand wasn’t so amused.

“Oh please! You like the way I am” Ashton teased back.

“Nope” Caleb shook his head. Straightening up in the chair he added, “I love the way you are.”

Ashton smirked at that as well before shaking his head. “You know, if you want I can help you with this. I mean, I know I am not a cop or anything, but we have been through a lot together, and I am sure if this is related to my blackout it will be of help.”

“I dunno.” Caleb thought for a moment. “I can let you ‘help’ me. It won’t technically be official. But... will you have the time. I mean, don’t you have a job?”

“Christian and Sebastian are busy, you asked them for their help.” Ashton pointed out.

“Yeah, because they can’t get fired from their job if they miss.... Wait, maybe Sebastian can get fired from the acting gig, I dunno I have no clue about that.” Caleb wondered.

“I can’t get fired either”. Ashton declared.

“Yeah, cause your boss is a wolf and he understands ‘pack business’.” Caleb noted sarcastically.

“No, cause I quit”. Ashton shrugged.

“Huh”? Caleb was taken aback. “Wait what?”

“I didn’t want to work at the garage anymore.” Ashton declared. “I thought it’s about time. Why drag it.”

“Wow. When did you do that”? Caleb asked.

“Yesterday.” Ashton informed his mate.

“So that’s why I don’t know about this.” Caleb frowned. “Well, if that’s what you want, sure. Do you have any plans for now?”

“I wanna see what I can do. For now I needed to reevaluate things. A lot of things had changed around here... and trying to catch up had been...tad exhausting.” He admitted honestly.

“Well, Ashton. Until you figure things out, you can help me with this case.” Caleb offered. “But right now, you need some rest. I brought my car, so Imma drop you off and get back here. I’ll take the files back home for you to check it out in fresh mind.” he suggested.

“Aren’t you exhausted?” Ashton asked narrowing his eyes at Caleb.

“I am fine. I have had worse. Now go, I know very well that sleepy Ashton is useless. Let’s get you back”.

“Don’t you need to call my mom”? Ashton asked.

“I have a spare key. Come on”. Caleb patted Ashton arms and urged him to get up. They left the police station as many of the officers eyes were on Ashton as this was the first time they were seeing Ashton face to face. How could they not be curious.

Someone who hated attention, Ashton rushed through the hallways and finally let out the breath when he was back to Caleb’s car.


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