My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 277

Chapter 277: The Luna

The next thing Christian recalled was being gently shaken so that he would wake up. “Did I... fall asleep”? Christian mumbled in a groggy voice, stating the obvious.

“You did,” Sebastian rolled his eyes. “See what happens when you don’t take enough rest.”

“Yeah, I am not used to time off. From tomorrow I won’t have time off,” Christian sighed.

“Wait...” Sebastian trailed off. “You don’t mean you will be busier after taking on the responsibilities, do you?”

“Yeah,” Christian shrugged, in an ‘obviously’ manner.

“You are already too busy,” Sebastian complained. “Not to sound like a bummer, but if you are busier what happens to us”? Sebastian asked.

“Will that be a problem”? Christian blinked.


“Remember how I wasn’t a fan of how you left abruptly this morning.” Sebastian raised his eyebrows. Christian remained silent so Sebastian added, “You see where I am going with this”?

“What do you want me to do?” Christian sighed. “Not become the Alpha”?

“Of course not!” Sebastian defended immediately. “Look, being the Alpha is not just your responsibility, but... it’s something you’ve always wanted to be. It’s your destiny. What I want is that you find a work life balance. Down the line, I don’t want you to turn into a grumpy old man like your Dad. I hope you know I’m not a fan”. Sebastian mumbled.

“You think about that”? Christian smirked. “Our future”?

“Of course I do,”! Sebastian shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Don’t change the subject. Do you get what I am trying to say”?

“I get it,” Christian nodded. “Look, being the Alpha of this pack is gonna be tough as hell. But, I got Caleb to depend on once in a while” Christian smiled.

“And you got me,” Sebastian pointed out. “I know I am not the most active person when it comes to pack activities, but I can pull through when needed”. Christian opened his mouth to say something but struggled to say it. Seeing Christian hesitate like that frustrated Sebastian further. “What!? Just talk to me already”!

“Okay... ” Christian tried. “I know we are in a casual relationship, sort of... but do you wanna be my mate? For real? Cause the way you are talking about the future is giving me the idea”.

Sebastian blinked. He thought about his future with Christian, but at the same time he worried about commitment. “This is why I didn’t wanna say anything. Forget it.” Christian dismissed. “We don’t know what the future will be like, let’s not ruin today for it.” Christian got up.

“Wait,” Sebastian called out. After an uncomfortable pause he blurted. “What are they like? Your family? Should I wear formals or Casuals? It’s almost time” Sebastian changed the subject.

“Just be yourself. I am sure you will get along with them well.” Christian mumbled. “I should go... get ready. You know where I live... see you soon” Christian mumbled and excused himself leaving a troubled Sebastian behind.

Christian headed back home, and got ready for the evening. He didn’t put on some fancy dress, but put on a dark sweatshirt and pants to appear more... clothed than his usual attire. After a while, Sebastian showed up at the front door.

Being an open house, Sebastian didn’t actually have to knock or anything so he tried to link with Christian. Christian refused those links and Sebastian was on the verge his frustration was greeted by Ashton on the door. “Family dinner”? He asked.

Checking out the formal shirt and pant attire Ashton had Sebastian asked back, “You too”?

“Yeah,” Ashton sighed. “I really need to move out of this house. It’s awkward”.

“Ahh, you guys are here. Come in” Mrs Wrisberg who spotted the guys smiled at them. She smirked at both of them which made Ashton feel a bit uncomfortable, meanwhile Sebastian hid his anxiety pretty well with a charming smile on his face.

They were invited to the living room for an introduction before the official dinner as they planned. “Dad, you have met Ashton earlier. This is Sebastian”.

“Christian’s dude”? In a grumpy voice grandpa asked. Sebastian pursed his lips, not so fond of the way he was referred to, but he knew how to be polite, so he presented the grandpa the same polite smile he offered Mrs. Wrisberg earlier.

“Have a seat son,” Grandpa invited him and asked the servants for Christian to come down. “So, tell me about yourself, are you from this pack or some other pack”?

“From this pack” Sebastian answered with utmost politeness.

“I guess then you are acquainted with how this pack works,” Grandpa noted. Sebastian could sense some tension in those words but he didn’t bother asking him about that.

“Is that why you chose Christian?” Their aunt Rosette asked.

“Excuse me”? Sebastian raised his eyebrows.

“I mean, you are an Alpha, are you really okay with being the Luna”? Rosette clarified.

Before Sebastian could snap and say something Mrs Wrisberg intervened. “You will have to excuse my sister, she is incapable of accepting that born Alphas can be responsible Lunas. She has a tendency of underestimating a Luna’s position”. She snickered.

Sebastian was taken aback by the sudden outburst. Thinking back he realised that the aunt’s comment can be applied to the situation of Mrs Wrisberg as well. She too was the Alpha who chose the Luna’s position. But to be fair, Sebastian didn’t consider becoming the Luna...yet. It reminded him of the question Christian asked, was he willing to be serious?

They were together, but not in the mates sense and as much as he would love to carry this relationship on the terms of being a human, he needed to realise that being with Christian comes with it’s own extra perks. Being with him, being his mate would mean becoming the Luna of this pack.

He didn’t mind that this position was traditionally reserved for the women, or the omegas. What he minded was the implications it had, and the responsibilities. While Mr. Wrisberg was technically the head, most of the issues related to peripheral packs were tackled by Mrs. Wrisberg. And she was really good at it given how she barely asked the help of her children to deal with whatever was going on.

The only person she relayed to was Mr. Wrisberg. Which meant the relationship Mr. And Mrs Wrisberg shared was both professional and a personal one. Being Christian’s mate would imply having the same. Sebastian, who was carefree in his own might wasn’t sure if he could do that in the long run.

But... but... he didn’t wanna give up on Christian either. Not really. “Son,”! A loud voice and a gentle shake on his thigh brought back Sebastian from his own reverie. He noticed that it was Grandpa was calling him, and that it was Ashton who shook his leg. “Like my daughter said, Don’t take what Rosette says to your heart. You seem like a smart young man, I am sure you know what you’re doing”. Grandpa declared.

It was at that moment Christian walked in the room and stared at the ensemble in the living room. As soon as Christian and Sebastian’s eyes met, there was this awkward tension that was back between them, with a lot of self doubt that Sebastian was brimming with.


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