My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 275

Chapter 275: Relatives

“I gotta go” Christian got up as soon as he found some strength within himself to move.

“Right away”? Sebastian couldn’t help but be upset about this situation. “You barely got any sleep. You still have your morning breath”

“Yeah! But I’m also late.” Christian pointed out.

“How can you possibly know that? You never checked the time”. Sebastian pointed out.

“It’s a bright day. I’m definitely late. Also my dad just linked me and asked, and here I quote, “Hurry up son! It’s lunch time, where the hell are you?!” Christian rolled his eyes while he blurted the quoted voice by a fake deep voice, mimicking his father’s authority, which only made Sebastian cringe.

“Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but since when does he care about your lunch”? Sebastian asked.

“He cares about his reputation. My relatives are here. They want to see me” Christian shrugged. “At least that’s what my Dad said”.


“The same relatives who didn’t show up for the wedding?” Sebastian raised an eyebrow.

“The engagement party. I am sure they would have shown up for the wedding”. Christian shrugged.

“Does your Dad know you are here... with me”? Sebastian asked, reluctantly.

“Nope”! Christian exclaimed as he put on his shirt. “There is no way I am letting him know that. Thank god he can’t see what I am seeing, or else...” A smirk appeared on Sebastian’s face until Christian mumbled, “I should get going”.

“I know you’re busy, but I gotta say it’s really hard not to take this the wrong way.” Sebastian declared, making Christian halt in his way.

“What”? Christian paused.

“Come on! We had a great night. At least that’s what I think, and now you’re leaving so suddenly...” Sebastian trailed off, struggling to explain himself.

Christian sighed and approached Sebastian and was about to kiss him when Sebastian pulled away, earning a frown from the former, “morning breath” Sebastian reminded Christian. With an eye roll, Christian pulled Sebastian with force and kissed him anyway.

“I don’t care.” Christian declared. “I loved it, okay. Last night was kinda a dream come true and I really wish I didn’t have to leave yet, but I gotta... so, good bye.” Christian planted another peck after which he added, “You know I’ll be back”. He winked after which he left.

Sebastian, still tired, went back to sleep with a glee of morning kiss, meanwhile Christian had to be extremely careful not to step on anything slippery between Sebastian’s bedroom and the apartment door.

It appeared that the party people had almost completely destroyed this place. If Sebastian was going to clean up this entire place all by himself, then he had a whole day worth of work to do. When he finally managed to step out of the filthy apartment, Christian took a deep breath of relief, before heading off to the Pack house.

“Christian, where have you been”? The first person to spot him was of course his little brother.

“Work” Christian shrugged.

“No, I checked at the office. You weren’t there” Caleb shook his head and brought his face closer to Christian in an attempt to sniff. “Oh.. I see someone scored a home run” Caleb smirked earning an unamused stare from Christian.

“I can sniff Sebastian all over you. Unlike me and Ash you do give off an awful lot of pheromones” Caleb pursed his lips, suppressing his smile.

“Which means everyone will be able to tell” Christian rolled his eyes. ” Great, just what I need,” Christian remarked sarcastically.

“Relax. Remember when you came out to the entire pack?” Caleb asked. Upon receiving a nod from Christian he continued, “Well then, be that confident and own it. Just pretend it doesn’t bother you, and they will stop teasing” Caleb shrugged. “Anyways, I gotta go... I am working on this case, in which I would love your input, but for now, you have people to deal with. Bye” Caleb gave his brother a subtle nod and left.

Christian entered to see an entire table full of people in the dining hall, with plates recently emptied. The meal was towards its end, which means, they are fully loaded to annoy the crap out of him. “Christian, hey.. Do you remember me?” A lady probably in her mid-fifties (Not that she appeared as one, she could easily pass for late thirties).

“He Rose” Christian offered his aunt, Rosette, a fake smile. She was the sister of Rachel, ie, Christian’s mother, whom neither Christian nor his mother was fond of. But, they tolerated her. “Last time I saw you, you were a teen”

“Yeah..” Christian nodded. He remembers wishing he never had to see her again.

“I was sad to hear you broke up the wedding. Rachel told me why, but I would have loved to come if you didn’t”

“So, I shouldn’t have called it off?” Christian raised an eyebrow.

“Of course, you should have. But you should find yourself the right person soon enough” Rosette declared.

“Leave him alone” A groggy elderly voice snapped.

“Grandpa”! Finally one relative Christian was happy to see. “I didn’t know you were coming back.” his grandpa had decided to travel the world when he handed off the pack responsibilities to his younger generation, Rachel and Rosette. He wasn’t satisfied with Rosette’s leadership, but he didn’t bother to interfere either.

It was hard to tell where he was, in the Pacific, or in some distant town in Brazil. Last he heard from his grandpa was two years ago when he went to Turkey for his anniversary. Christian had to admit, his grandpa was indeed living the dream, even at his age.

Speaking of travel, Chirstian had a feeling that his grandpa would get along quite well with Sebastian as they are both known to travel a lot, even if Sebastian does it for work purposes. “My grandson is taking over Crescent Point! How can I not come!? Feels like I have been waiting for this day for eternity” The grandpa jokes.

“I am really glad you could make it” Christian smiled while giving his grandpa a hug.

“One more thing son, who is he?” Grandpa asked him.

“Who”? Christian frowned.

“The guy I am smelling all over you,” the grandpa asked, leaving Christian stunned, and possibly with a bit of palpitation.


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