My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Forgotten Plans

That evening, Ashton decided to pay his mate a visit to the police station. He just got his first pay after all these years and he was excited to celebrate. It wasn’t much, since his pay was weekly, but still... enough to celebrate.

Ashton had no idea when Caleb got off work. But he decided to wait in case it took him time. Ashton linked his mate to check if Caleb was still inside or not. After confirming, Ashton simply sat down on the concrete bench outside.

After a while a guy came out of the door mumbling stuff, which after a careful listening Ashton deduced he was cursing his superior. “He is barely here but he pretends to be all high and mighty! Superior my ass, I have to take care of everything” He huffed.

He froze as soon as he spotted Ashton on the bench, as if he recognized Ashton. The expression of familiarity on his face confused Ashton, as he had no recollection of a situation when he had met this weird guy.

“You...!” That guy exclaimed as soon as he spotted him. “You’re him” his actions only confused Ashton further.

“Who are you”? Ashton asked with annoyance. “I am Scott Carson. I’m a sergeant here. It’s nice to Finnair meet you. You are Sher’s fiancée right”? He asked. Ashton frowned upon which he cleared, “Sheriff Wrisberg”.

“Yep”! Ashton nodded. “How did you know...”? He trailed off.


“Sher told us. He showed us your pic the other day when you couldn’t make it” explained Scott. “You look much better in person.” He commented.

Ashton frowned but didn’t say anything. After a few awkward seconds passed, Ashton asked, “The superior you’re cursing a moment ago... Was it Caleb”? Ashton raised an eyebrow

Scott paled immediately as soon as his mind processed the accusation, “Whaaat.. No!” He replied in a higher pitch. The dead blank stare Ashton gave him was implying that Ashton clearly didn’t buy it. “Okay, I’m sorry! Yeah it was him. He is usually nice, but sometimes he can be a bit... strict” Scott explained, trying not to say anything that would further aggravate the situation. “Please don’t tell him. I really like my job. My kids depend on me” he begged.

Ashton was surprised by how Scott just revealed everything. It was like instead of the police he was a petty thief under interrogation. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come up,” Ashton shrugged. Of course Scott was irritated that Ashton couldn’t just keep his mouth shut. But as for Ashton, he couldn’t exactly promise anything because of the mate bond they shared. Nothing, no memories were private for them.

“Anyways, I gotta go. I’ll see you some other time” Scott shrugged and took his leave.

Ashton waited for another hour, sitting there by himself, until a hand on his shoulder startled him. “How long have you been sitting here?” Asked Caleb.

“Not for long,” Ashton smiled.

“Why didn’t you come inside? I could have introduced you to my colleagues” Caleb asked.

“I didn’t want to disturb you”. Explained Ashton.

“That’s sweet of you, but FYI I don’t mind”. Caleb patted his back before Ashton got up. “Ready to head home”? He asked.

“Actually, I was hoping we could do something else,” Ashton replied with a smirk.

“Ashton, it’s all we did last week” Caleb rolled his eyes.

“Not that”! Ashton defended with a blush that was hidden by the dim light of twilight.

“Okay...” Caleb laughed at his mate’s reaction. “What did you wanna do”? He raised an eyebrow.

“Remember when I said, we need to relearn about each other. With everything that happened I forgot we didn’t get to do it much. So, I was hoping to go on our first date”. He declared, emphasizing on the word ‘first’.

“Like a roleplay”? Caleb smirked.

“You can say that,” Ashton nodded meekly. “But, instead of pretending to be someone else we would be us”. Ashton shrugged. “Except the part where we already know each other”.

“Sounds fun” Caleb’s lips twisted with a suggestive smile. “In that case... Hi! I’m Sheriff Caleb Wrisberg, how can I help you”?

Ashton fought the smile that threatened to appear on his face. “Hello Sheriff. I’m Ashton Parker, just a common man living in this town. I was hoping you could spare me a few of your precious hours?” Ashton asked flirtatiously.

“Is it urgent? I was actually headed home” Caleb teased.

“I’m afraid it’s very urgent.” Ashton played along. “You need to come with me right now” Ashton said ‘urgently’.

“Well, it sounds like we should get going,” Caleb nodded and walked off. Since Ashton didn’t have any vehicle with him, they took Caleb’s Car.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Caleb smirked at their destination. It was the same place where Caleb brought him for their 2nd date. Caleb was more amused that Ashton chose this place of all the places, “So what’s the emergency “? Caleb asked, playing and teasing.

“You see.. today this restaurant had low visits. There’s a lot of food, and if not eaten can create unnecessary wastage” Ashton smirked.

“I see, that is a very important crisis” Caleb nodded dramatically. “As a sheriff I should step up and help them. But I can’t do it alone. Will you assist me?” Caleb shrugged.

“With pleasure” Ashton bowed his head. “Always ready to help you help people”.

Caleb ended up chuckling for a moment, breaking his character before he headed on to the restaurant. After ordering, Caleb decided to talk, “So, while we wait on that, let’s get to know each other. Tell me more about yourself”.

“I’m a simple man. I work in a garage.” Ashton shrugged.

“Family?” Caleb asked.

“Oh, I have a big one. Twin sisters, a mom. A finaceé and three adorable kids”. Ashton shrugged. “What about you”?

“I have a big brother. He can be annoying but I love him. I too have a fiancée and three kids by the way”. Caleb added suppressing a chuckle.

“Common ground”. Ashton smirked suggestively. “So, tell me about this fiancée of yours” Ashton pried.

“Oh, there is nothing much to tell. He is just a simple man.” Caleb mumbled using Ashton’s own words against him. “He can be a bit possessive though”.

“Really”? Ashton blinked. “Don’t you think he will mind if he sees us together?”.

“Very. You should be careful of him. He will actually kill you”. Caleb teased.

“Well, the town sheriff will protect me,” Ashton smirked.

At that moment their dinner arrived and they ate while continuing their playful conversation. After they were done, Caleb mumbled. “Well, I guess we are done helping people”.

“Not yet. There is another place where you might be needed. If you are up for it”? Ashton raised an eyebrow at him.

Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, Caleb mumbled. “Okay, Let’s help people out more”.


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