My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 261

Chapter 261: Alvaro

Ashton was way too tired for anything when he collapsed, which is why he was surprised to wake up in a place that’s been long forgotten to him. His home, the very first one he remembers. Things were so surreal that he believed he was dreaming.

He walked below only to be greeted by his parents, his real parents... whose face he had long forgotten. “Mom, Dad” Ashton whispered. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He looked at himself, to see if he was young or not, which to his surprise he wasn’t.

“You’re just on time! Breakfast is ready! Hurry up” His mother called. Ashton blinked, mesmerized by the voice he never thought he would ever hear again.

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He ate in silence as his parents chatted with each other affectionately. The food tasted just the same from when he was younger, probably tasted even better. But who could tell?

He wasn’t sure what was happening. Why was he in this place at all? What was this place anymore, he didn’t know. “I have to go” Ashton declared and stood up from his chair immediately. He needed to find out what’s going on.

His mother shot him a glare, “Ash, I made breakfast for the whole family you’ll finish every bit of it!” Ashton blinked at her. She was just as strict as she was when he was a boy, except he didn’t hate her scoldings anymore.

“I’ll be back. Just a sec” He excused himself. His ‘mother’ assumed that he was going to the washroom or something until he walked right out of that door.


He wanted to look at the surroundings, to see if he could figure out what was happening. And that’s when he met him...His Wolf... Standing face to face with him.

“Did you... Did you do all this”? Ashton asked. Never in his entire life did he ever speak to his wolf, always shunning him away because he was too difficult to control. He didn’t even know how to. Which is why this moment was big for both of them

“Yes, I am channeling my memories” The wolf replied in a much deeper and aggressive voice. Ashton wondered if that’s how he sounded like when he gave the wolf control.

“Why did you bring me here?” Ashton asked, hesitantly.

“I didn’t. You came here yourself” The Wolf explained.

“No, I didn’t. What is this place even”? Ashton snickered and looked around himself.

“This is the cage you created for me, I just made it more homey for us” The wolf declared. “Why are you here”? The wolf asked.

“I.. I dunno. I don’t remember coming here” Ashton looked around frantically. “I.. I did want to talk to you though. But that was days ago” Ashton sighed.

“That must be it,” The Wolf nodded. “What do you want from me? I suppose you are not here to free me from this prison or relinquish control?” His wolf remarked.

The way he spoke was quite similar to Ashton, which made sense given how he was just another part of Ashton. “I want to know everything. Things that you hide from me”. Ashton declared.

“There is nothing much left for me to tell you” the wolf looked away.

“But...” Ashton trailed off, when another question popped into his head. “What should I call you?”

“You’ve referred to me as ” your wolf” your entire life. I guess you can keep calling me that” His wolf declared.

“But, don’t you have a name? You are clearly different from me...” Ashton wondered.

“I suppose I don’t.” The wolf mused. “But it’s better that way”. He shrugged.

“What do you mean”? Ashton squinted.

“In the world that you live in, I shouldn’t exist. If the word goes out, they’ll come after you... just like all those years ago” The wolf spoke.

“Yeah, but they didn’t get me last time,” Ashton insisted. “Whoever they are, they are my parents”.

“Your parents were never the target, it was always you” The Wolf declared. “To the world you’re a pureblooded Alpha, stay that way. Don’t try to be anything else” His Wolf warned him.

“But, I am not! I am not just some pureblooded Alpha, I am half-Valestine as well!” Ashton argued. “I can’t just ignore that part of me. I am sick of pretending to be someone I am not”! Ashton huffed.

“For you sake, I hope you learn. I won’t be able to protect you the next time. Or your loved ones,” The wolf declared before looking away. Following his gaze, he noticed his adopted family chilling with Caleb and Connor at a faraway distance. It wasn’t just him anymore, it was a bunch of people he cared about.

“What do you want me to do”!? Ashton snarled at the wolf, as the thought of something happening to any of them because of himself crossed his mind.

“Lie”! The wolf declared. “I want you to lie about your origins. Don’t share the fact that you have connections with Valestine Wolves.

“With whom would I share it with?” Ashton rolled his eyes, recalling he wasn’t exactly a friendly guy. “The only person who knows about it, is Caleb”.

“Keep it that way. He is our mate, and he is the purest of our kind. Don’t share with anyone else.” His wolf nodded. “You should leave”. His wolf declared.

“But, why”? Ashton tilted his head.

“This is your prison, so you can’t get trapped in here.” The wolf nodded. “But it still disconnects you with yourself. The more time you spend here, the harder it will be to return”

“And how do I get back” Ashton asked.

“That... is something for you to figure out. I have no idea.” The wolf sighed. “Maybe try going back to the people of real world”? He suggested.

“Okay.. I’ll give it a try” Ashton nodded and closed his eyes, only to reopen it immediately. “Wait, I am willing to lie but that doesn’t erase your existence”. Ashton spoke.

“You want me to disappear”? Dejected, the wolf asked.

“No, what I mean was, since you exist, you need a name” Ashton cleared his throat.

“You have anything in particular”? His wolf tilted his head, finally giving into Ashton’s idea of him having a name.

After a moment of deep thought Ashton mumbled. “Alvaro”.

“Alvaro”? The wolf tilted his head. “I like that,” he nodded. “Now leave”! He urged.

Ashton shook his head, and tried really hard to wake up. No matter what he did, he failed to do so. It started to worry him until he heard the words, “Ash! Ashton”! Coming from a place he couldn’t locate. It sounded like Caleb was trying to wake him up and therefore Ashton tried much harder to wake up.


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