My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 254

Chapter 254: Get used to

“You don’t think your character is way too rude” On their way back to the hotel Christian mentioned.

“Of course,” Sebastian agreed.

“Then why did you agree to play this charecter”? Christian asked.

“Why not? Someone sould portray him. There are people like that out there for real, I’m just portraying one” Sebastian shrugged.

“Still, it doesn’t make you... feel bad”? Asked Christian.

“Why should it? I’m not that Character. Sure I might punch him in the face if I meet this character face to face, but no, it doesn’t make me feel bad for portraying him”. Sebastian informed him.

“Well, I know you don’t wanna hear this but I hate your character” Christian grunted.


“Why won’t I?”Sebastian chuckled. “I played that character. The fact that I managed to make you hate him is a victory for me. What’s the point of playing a villain if people don’t hate him.” Sebastian shrugged.

“He didn’t seem like va villain. I think he is more of a selfish d**k” Christian recalled.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Besides, it’s fun playing Charecters who are different than you”.

“Well... ” Christian trailed off with a tone of disagreement earning a dirty look from Sebastian, “I mean, you are a little less jerk than him... but you’re a jerk” Christian shrugged.

“Thanks for the compliment” Sebastian offered him a sarcastic smile. “And that’s what I get for making you travel cross country” Sebastian mumbled, which Christian did not miss. He simply suppressed his smile.

Upon reaching their hotel they decided to order room service instead of going out, agreeing that both of them had a rough day. As they delved into their meal, they indulged into some conversation, “So how is the trip so far?” Sebastian asked.

“It’s a bit... overwhelming. But I love it. I wonder if this is how you felt when you arrived in our pack all these years ago” Christian admitted.

“A little bit, I mean, how can I not when I was in the middle of a witch attack, it wasn’t exactly a picnic.” Sebastian snorted. “Not to mention you were way too suspicious on me”.

“Hey, I was just doing my job. If I start good looking guys off the hook then I’d be a terrible Alpha” Christian rolled his eyes.

“So, I am good looking” Sebastian smirked.

“You’re an actor slash model. Isn’t that like the very first requirement for the job?” Christian rolled his eyes again.

“Oh please” Sebastian snorted. “But yeah, it was okay. The pack environment. I sort of expected the way things were. My mum told me stories when I was young, so it wasn’t so... alien.” Told Sebastian.

“Still, it’s not the same thing” Shrugged, Christian. “Even I know how humans live but...” Christian was cut off by Sebastian

“No, you know how humans live. You don’t know how I lived. What I knew was how Crescentile Pack lived, not just any random werewolf.” Sebastian clarified.

“I guess you are right,” Christian mumbled after a while. “But, thanks for inviting me. This definitely got me chance to get to know you much better” he smiled.

“So, does that mean you will come with me next time?” Asked Sebastian.

“Next time”? Christian blinked. “I’ll be Alpha then, it would be a bit difficult... almost impossible to get away from my responsibilities” He admitted sadly.

“For what it’s worth, I’d love to have you with me on my trips. Traveling solo is fun...but traveling with someone who is close to me is... much better” Sebastian smiled.

“Sealing that bodyguard position?” Christian teased.

Sebastian chuckled at that comment, “You didn’t have to go along with that. I would have corrected him”.

“And said what”? Christian shrugged. “The other day that chauffeur presumed we are friends. I mean, I know we are keeping it casual, but we’re not exactly friends either”. Christian pursed his lips, hoping that he didn’t make the situation awkward.

“We’re dating,” Sebastian shrugged. “That’s what I’ll tell others”.

“But, is that okay? You’re an actor. Telling that you’re dating anyone... let alone me can have really big consequences. I know it because telling my pack who I am was really scary. Telling the world is scarier”. Christian admitted biting his lower lip.

“But it felt good right?” Sebastian scoffed. “Sometimes it feels good to share. If my fans truly love me it shouldn’t bother them whom I am dating. They should be supportive” Sebastian shrugged.

“But, what if they’re not”? Christian asked.

“Then they can unfollow me. I am not gonna hold em back by lying.” Sebastian shrugged.

“It can cost you a lot,” Christian reminded him.

“I’ll take my chances. I’ll rather lose fans than pretend to be something I am not”. Sebastian shrugged.

“You’re an actor, that’s your job. Also, you pretend to be a human on a daily basis despite being a werewolf” Christian pointed out the irony in his statement.

Sebastian glared at Christian, “you had to ruin it, didn’t you?” he groaned, making Christian chuckle. “You know what I mean. I’ve wondered about these things before inviting you here. How it would affect my life and all. I’m not the impulsive kind” Sebastian insisted. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to tell people the truth”.

“Wait, is that why you didn’t say anything? Got awkward and all? Because you were worried about how I feel about telling your friends”? Christian asked.

“Duh! I know how you struggled with telling others. Heck it took you a decade and a few bottles of wine to tell me how you feel about me. Of course I was worried about you” Sebastian insisted.

Christian smile, “That’s really sweet. I don’t mind if you tell others. In fact...” Christian cleared his throat and leaned forward. “I’d prefer that” he whispered with a coy smile.

A smirk appeared on Sebastian’s lips before he put his lips on Christian’s. This time Christian responded enthusiastically and kissed Sebastian back with everything. This was the first time their kiss didn’t feel like some ruse, or even rushed. It was sweet, like the pie they just had, and warm that emanated from the inside.

Pulling away, Sebastian smiled at Christian, “I see you’re getting too used to this” Christian commented.

“I am. So should you, cause there’s gonna be a lot more of this” Sebastian smirked.

“Oh yeah”? Christian challenged him playfully.

“Yeah” Sebastian nodded confidently before they both ended up laughing. After their laughter subsided, once again they closed the distance. Sebastian snaked his arm around Christian’s waist and was about to push him down when a loud ringtone interrupted them prompting them to stop.

(A/N: I hate it when that happens)

Pulling away they smirked when a frustrated Sebastian picked up the phone. “What”? Sebastian answered, annoyed.

“Are you kidding me? I have plans”! He huffed into the phone. “Yes, I know I know. Fine, I’ll be there”. He mumbled before he hung up.

Christian raised an eyebrow to which Sebastian replied, “We have to be at the set earlier. The shooting was pushed ahead due to some problems”. He groaned.

“That’s sounds okay” Christian simply shrugged. Glaring at that comment Sebastian headed to bed, knowing he would have to be early the next day.


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