My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 252

Chapter 252: Suppressed

Due to some inconvenience, the court work failed to work out. Not to mention the faraway driveway that they didn’t have the energy to keep traveling. Caleb considered staying here, to finish up with the process before returning home, but with Christian gone Caleb had an impromptu responsibility to look after the pack. Sure Melanie helped, but it was still Caleb’s primary responsibility. Anything urgent, and he had to be there.

To be fair Caleb was glad that his brother took this tiny vacation. For as long as he can remember, Christian was never the selfish kind. Everything he ever did was for someone else. Train to be an Alpha since he was a kid for the future of the pack. Look after Caleb because his parents were against his wishes. Endanger his own life so that Caleb could be with Ashton.

In a manner of speaking, Caleb owed a lot to his brother, and therefore this responsibility in his absence was more of an honor than a burden. However the work itself can be a burden sometimes. How the hell did Christian manage everything, he’d never know.

Caleb was driving in silence while Ashton simply stared out of the window, wondering about various things while the music player played some random song when suddenly there was a jerk. Turns out Caleb hit the breaks while he was going 50 miles per hour.

“What happened?” Ashton asked, recovering from the shock. He looked around fanatically to spot a dead body or some broken windshield or something. When he found none, he looked at Caleb. “Are you okay”? He was worried

“Not again”! Caleb slammed the steering wheel really hard before grunting in pain.

“What’s going o-..” Before Ashton could finish something hit his nose, “Oh”.


“Damn it! I Forgot my suppressants”! Caleb huffed as his heat hit a new peak.

“Wait what? You have been taking suppressants”? Ashton was shocked. He knew the effects suppressants had on the omegas. After his adoptive Dad passed away, his mother used them for a while. At first she thought it would be relieving, until it started to take a toll on her.

Wolves have much more stamina and vitality compared to humans, and yet his mother seemed to grow weaker with every passing month. Back then Ashton was still a teenager. He didn’t know his mother was on suppressants, but he did notice that his mother’s heat didn’t come anymore. With his alpha genes, that too with his half-blooded status, there is no way he would have missed a heat just like that.

Upon confronting his mother things finally became clearer. He convinced his mother eventually that if she kept taking it she might lose her life. The twins will be orphaned, and so will he once more. It took a lot of arguments before he finally convinced his mom to quit using it.

After that his mother recovered, slowly... But she did. Her heats were back, but with much less intensity. Maybe her wolf side could comprehend that she didn’t have her mate anymore. Maybe that’s why her heat bothered her less. In fact over time she got accustomed to the pain, thereby not needing any assistance any further.

With Caleb however the story was a bit different. His mate was alive. There is no way Caleb could ever be okay with the heat on his own. Is that why Caleb was forced to depend on suppressants. When he met Caleb after eight years, Caleb appeared the same. Which could indicate that he didn’t have any drastic effects of the suppressants. Still, they were better to be avoided.

“Yeah so what”!? In pain, Caleb shouted. “I can’t take this anymore” In pain he moaned.

“Caleb those suppressants are really harmful in the long term” Ashton expressed his concern to which he only received a snarl.

“I am in a lot of pain and I’m horny. Do you think I have time for a lecture”! Caleb shouted at him before he groaned in pain.

“Right” Ashton looked around frantically, to find a place to rest. Except there was none, because they were in the middle of a highway. Taking out his phone he googled nearest hotel/motels and the closest one was two miles away. It was not like Caleb could drive them. Ashton could try, but that 2 miles would be really painful. Not to mention he wasn’t exactly familiar with the route.

Out of options, Ashton decided to shift Caleb to the back seat, and taking out his handkerchief he tried to wipe off his sweat. Caleb unbuttoned his shirt subconsciously to let out some heat, to relieve himself of the pain. Ashton had witnessed Caleb in heat plenty of times, each of them being severe than the last, but never had he seen Caleb in this much pain.

Yes, the heat made him horny, but this one... it was just too painful. Ashton was internally blaming it to the suppressants that Caleb took. But right now, Caleb didn’t need blaming. He needed comfort, something that Ashton was doubtful he could deliver.

Usually sex relieves pain and the sex drive, but looking at Caleb it seemed that even a bit of making out would break him. “What are you doing..”? Sluggishly, Caleb asked.

“I am trying to make you comfortable.” Ashton declared.

“Ahhhhh” Caleb cried out loud in pain as he tossed and turned in bed. “I can’t do this anymore, I can’t,” he kept crying. He could easily spot the tears that were almost blended with the sweat. Caleb was one strong person. No matter how hard the heat has been, Caleb would cry due to it. If he was in fact crying, the pain must be agonising. At least that’s how it felt to Ashton who being his mate could feel a part of Caleb’s pain.

That pain suffocated Ashton as well. He didn’t know what else to do, so going off with his instincts he planted a soft kiss on Caleb’s lips. Before Ashton could pull away Caleb wrapped his hand around Ashton’s neck and pulled him closer to himself. Soon the kiss which started off as an innocent gesture turned into a heated one....


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