My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 240

Chapter 240: Night Sweats

Saying that Caleb was happy would be the understatement of the century. And probably feeling this euphoric was the reason why he couldn’t fall asleep. That and he basically slept an entire day in the hospital the previous day. As for Ashton, he was literally snoring. Honestly, he didn’t know Ashton snored. Then again, Ashton didn’t get much sleep earlier. He drove all night just so that he could be close to Caleb.

As Caleb stared at his mate, sleeping peacefully, all kinds of emotions ran through him. He still couldn’t believe he would be marrying this man. Sure they were mates and someday it was meant to happen, but he didn’t expect that someday to be today. At this very moment he felt like the luckiest guy alive.

His phone buzzed with a notification from Mrs Parker, in response to Caleb’s message asking him about Connor. According to her he was fast asleep. Another text followed where she subtly asked whether or not Ashton gave him something. Chuckling at her attempt, he took a photo of his ring with the flashlight on and sent it to her with a caption, ‘I’ll bring this one home tomorrow’.

Caleb’s smile only increased at this point to the extent it was starting to hurt his cheeks. He traced Ashton’s face, staring from his hidden hairline to his sharp jaw. A moment never felt so peaceful, too bad it didn’t last long.

Suddenly a crease appeared on Ashton’s forehead indicating that he was in distress. Caleb thought maybe something prick Ashton or he woke up momentarily, but as the minutes passed Caleb realised that was not the case. From slight forehead crease to sudden involuntary twitches Ashton’s peaceful demeanour took a drastic turn way too quickly.

Caleb didn’t know what to do so he gently shook Ashton only to get no response from him. “Let me out,” Ashton mumbled in his sleep. ‘Just let me out”! He shrieked. Caleb wasn’t sure what was happening, so he shook Ashton violently to get him to wake up.

When Ashton finally opened his eyes his whole body was covered with sweat. “Ashton, Ashton” Caleb tried to calm his mate down who looked around himself frantically, trying to grasp the situation.


It took Ashton more than a minute to calm down, to bring his breathing back to even. When he was finally soothed enough, he spoke, “I saw... I saw something”

“Is it a bad dream? From when you were nine”? Caleb couldn’t bring himself to say ‘when your parents were murdered’ especially when Ashton was this distressed.

“No... this was different” Ashton shook his head. Trying to recollect, he mumbled. “I saw that wolf... identical to mine. The one I fought, before I woke up next to you eight years later” Ashton declared.

“That must be horrible, remembering that wolf,” Caleb consoled his mate.

“I fought with him,” Ashton whispered. “I never recalled fighting with him, but now... I saw myself fighting with him. He was... strong, way stronger than me and I think... he knocked me out.”

“Wait, are you telling me you are remembering”? Asked Caleb.

Ashton nodded at his mate slightly, “I am remembering things that happened with my wolf. Why... what is happening to me”?

“Hey hey, calm down. We will figure this out, I promise, okay” Caleb assured him. “Now, tell me what you saw. If that’s okay.”

Ashton needed a moment but he nodded. “As I said, I was knocked out. I think my wolf severed the connection with you before I passed out. I didn’t know how he did that, but...” He trailed off. “Anyways, I woke up in this place. It was cold... even for me. Not unbearable, but I could definitely tell. I was in this cave/ prison, where they were holding me captive. Then these... big wolves approached me...” Ashton trailed off again. “Those wolves.... Were bigger than me” Ashton couldn’t seem to believe himself.

“Anyways, I couldn’t understand what they were talking about. I didn’t understand their language.... But I think my wolf did. He even talked with them and I think... I think they wanted to kill me”? He mumbled.

“So that’s why you kept saying, ‘let me go, let me go'”Caleb mumbled.

“What”? Ashton was taken aback.

“In your dream. You kept mumbling to let you go, before you started to sweat harder”

“Oh” Ashton whispered. “I didn’t see much after that, I woke up. But I think... I think one of them called me an abomination”

“What”? Caleb was taken aback. “Maybe you misinterpreted it.” he suggested.

“I didn’t” Ashton shook his head with confidence. “Those wolves, they were Valestine wolves. Why would they call me an abomination?” Ashton wondered.

“Well, whatever their reason might be, they were wrong,” Caleb declared. “They don’t know you like I do, and I can assure you of all the things you are, you are not an abomination.” Caleb declared.

“Thanks for saying that,” Ashton mumbled half heartedly.

“Do you want me to... help you figure out more? Caleb offered.

Ashton looked at his mate intently before shaking his head. “No” Caleb didn’t expect that response so he tilted his head, “Last time I was this obsessed with my past, I lost eight years with you. No matter what my past is, it doesn’t change much. I don’t wanna look back anymore, I don’t wanna be stuck in my past and miss out on my future” Ashton sighed.

“Is that why you proposed?” Caleb asked. “Because you didn’t want to miss out”?

“NO”! Ashton shouted immediately. “I proposed to you because I love you. Because almost losing you the other day terrified me to my very core, I proposed because I want to be with you... for the rest of my life” Ashton declared.

“I’m glad, but look, if you are suddenly remembering, and if you wanna talk about it, I am happy to help. I’ll listen.” Caleb took Ashton’s hand and pressed it gently.

“Thank you, for saying that” Ashton gave him a gentle smile, before kissing his mate. Soon, the terrifying night for Ashton turned into a memorable one.


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