My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 232

Chapter 232: Cut some Slack

“I think I saw Chris,” mumbled Caleb, while looking at the door. Ashton turned his head around and tried to spot the said person.

“I don’t think he is here, he traded places with me last night, remember”? Ashton reminded him.

“I know, which is why I am a bit confused,” Caleb frowned.

“Dad!” Connor, who was twisting and turning in bed a while ago, jumped up. He was wide awake in a manner of a few seconds as he came down running to Caleb and jumped on him,

“Ouch” Caleb winced making Connor pull away abruptly,

“Did I hurt you”? He asked.

“No, I am good.” Caleb chuckled. “I am fine now”


Connor without any word hugged his dad and remained like that. Soon enough he heard silent sobs, “I was worried something happened to you” He mumbled. Ashton was surprised for a moment, since he technically didn’t tell Connor about Caleb’s mishap. but somehow he seemed to have figured it out. Or maybe he was surprised to see his dad in hospital gown.

“How did you know”? Ashton asked after a whole minute.

“We are in hospital, clearly Dad is the patient! I am not an idiot”! He snarled at Ashton before hugging his Dad tighter. Ashton pouted at him while Caleb simply laughed at these two.

“Don’t worry baby, I am absolutely fine” Caleb assured his son, patting Connor’s back in a soothing manner.

“So, we can go home now”? Connor asked.

“I suppose so” Caleb looked around, “I think you should see if the doctor is in or not. I wanna go home” Caleb grunted. Ashton nodded and left these two alone. Once he was gone, Caleb said, “I heard you were very brave. I am so proud of you” he mumbled.

“I am not leaving you! I am staying with you”! Connor insisted.

“Okay” Caleb agreed. “You are safe with us anyways” he mumbled.

“Dad... can I ask you something”? Connor looked up.


“Why are they attacking us?” Connor asked.

Caleb pursed his lips as he hesitated. As much as he wanted to lie and protect him he recalled how hurt Connor was when he hid his parentage, why would risk it again this time? “They captured Ashton and put him in prison. We got him out of there, so they are mad at us” That was definitely an oversimplification. But technically he was correct.

“Why did they capture him?” Connor asked.

“Because... they felt he was dangerous” Caleb mumbled.

“Well, he is,” Connor agreed. “But that’s not a reason to put someone in prison! I am dangerous too, will they do the same to me?” he asked.

“NO”! Caleb exclaimed immediately. “I will never let them”! He assured him. “I will make sure of that.”

“But.... you are hurt” he mumbled.

“No, I have healed,” Caleb smiled. At that moment Sebastian walked in their room as if he was looking for something.

“Do you know where Ashton is”? Sebastian asked.

“I think he went to check with the doctor, why”? Caleb asked.

“Your brother asked me for protection duty for the kids. I was hoping to get an idea of what happened with him out there” Sebastian shrugged.

“Wait, where is my brother”? Caleb asked.

“In his office”? Sebastian shrugged. Caleb was confused so he explained to him how he shifted the safe house location. He also ended up mentioning a call from the Luna, but he didn’t reveal the specifics. “I’ll see if I can find him. If I delay further Christian will most definitely kill me” Sebastian rolled his eyes before taking his exit.

Wondering for a while he decided to link his brother, [What’s going on? I heard from Sebastian.] he began.

[It’s not a big deal, I will be fine.] replied Christian.

[Wait what? What did she demand?] That’s when Christian realised that he didn’t hear the whole story. [Sebastian just told me you got a call from the Luna of Ice Fountain Pack, he didn’t give me the specifics. What did you mean you will be fine?]

[Nothing, it was not important] Christian tried to brush him off.

[Don’t tell me... they are asking for you instead of the war! Don’t be an idiot!] Caleb panicked.

[They are not asking for me!] Christian clarified. [It’s Ashton they are asking for. She is mad because he.... He killer her mate]

[Ashton killed him?] Caleb was stunned. That was not the story he heard.

[I don’t think he knows. But she is mad, so I negotiated with her.] Christian explained.

[For what?]

[I’ll fight with her. If she loses, she will have to leave this town. She will retreat from this war.] Christian explained.

[It’s still dangerous] Caleb paused for a moment. [I’ll go with you!] He proposed.

[Not a chance!] His brother shot him down.

[Look, if they want Ashton I doubt they’ll let you off the hook so easily. I am definitely coming with you! You are my brother] Caleb kept on insisting.

[Don’t you think I have considered that? Don’t worry, I got this.] Christian tried to convince his brother. [I will take backup with me, just in case. Just... stay out of sight.]

[I can’t just sit here and not do anything!] Caleb groaned.

[I am not asking you to sit and do nothing. I need to keep Ashton safe. And Connor. I ended up blurting out how the wolf they are hunting for is your mate, which means while I fight with her, I need you to protect your family. Cause they might come after you!] Christian instructed,

After a long pause Caleb finally agreed with his brother. [Okay, fine!] and let go of the link.

He was busy contemplating everything when Ashton walked into the room. Sensing the tension on his mate he asked, “Everything alright”? A fake smile appeared on his face as he nodded. Ashton wasn’t convinced so he took a peak at Caleb’s thoughts. What he found out left him mortified. “I... killed him”?

Caleb’s eyes widened as soon as he realised the trick Ashton just pulled, “I know you didn’t mean to” Caleb assured.

“Doesn’t matter. I still killed him, I... I didn’t want to kill him”. Ashton breathed.

“I know” Caleb held his hand and pulled him closer to himself. “I know you didn’t want to. I am so sorry that he didn’t survive.” He tried to console his mate as he gently brushed his fingers over the back of his mate’s palm. “But this was not your fault. You were not in control”.

“Is my lack of control supposed to excuse everything?” Ashton asked. “Control or not, it doesn’t change the fact that I killed him.”

“You gotta cut yourself some slack” Caleb sighed. “It wasn’t just some random loss of control, he attacked you. He threatened to attack everyone there, including our son Connor” He mumbled. “If I were there, I would have made the same choice”!

“I didn’t choose to kill him,” Ashton pointed out.

“Exactly my point! It wasn’t a choice, so you gotta forgive yourself.” Caleb insisted.

“Thanks for saving us” Connor who listened to the whole conversation, whose presence they forgot about in their heated argument, blurted in the hopes of making Ashton feel better.

“See? He is glad that you fought back. And I am sure so is everyone else” Caleb sighed. “I know it’s not easy for you... But you gotta start cutting yourself some slack. You cannot pull away everytime you lose control... promise me”! Caleb pressed his hand and gave him a stern look.

“I’ll try” is all Ashton could mumble.

“Good” Caleb nodded. “Now...” he looked back and forth from Ashton and Connor. “I need you two to do something for me. Will you”? He asked. Both of them nodded immediately at him. “Okay then.” Caleb sighed.


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