My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 224

Chapter 224: The War

“They are gone”? Christian asked his brother as soon as he stepped into the office. With a reluctance to admit, Caleb nodded at his brother affirming his statement. “Good, I am worried that despite our accepting them into the pack the link might not work due to the distance. Melanie didn’t tell me the exact address, but I know they are far enough.”

“Won’t that be a problem”? Sebastian asked.

“I hope not. Caleb, I need you to be connected to Ashton all the time. Keep me updated on everything and anything that happens to him.” Christian ordered. Caleb simply nodded at his brother. Suddenly they heard incoming hastily approaching footsteps forcing them to attain an alert stance as they fixed their gaze at the door.

The door swung open and the wolves in the room were ready to jump until they realised that they knew this person, “Duke?” Caleb frowned.

“Camilla, she was attacked.” He gasped.

“What”? Caleb mumbled while all of them deadpanned. “Yeah, We brought our kids here to send them for hiding and she was attacked out of nowhere. Her mate is with her, and I scratched that wolf pretty badly, but I couldn’t catch them.” He announced with terror evident in his voice.

What happened earlier shook him to his core, and why wouldn’t it? His sister was just attacked right in front of him and he failed to protect her. “How is she doing?” Caleb asked before Christian could ask something else.


“I dunno,” Duke shook his head in terror. “The attack, the one that you warned us about. It’s here”.

Again, Christian was interrupted before he could speak as Melanie tried to link him, [The wolves are attacking rampantly. Somehow they managed to infiltrate our borders. We have secured the perimeter of the pack house, but I can’t ensure how long we can hold them back]

Christian took a moment to respond, [Make sure no one is outnumbered, and no wolf fights alone] he ordered. “They are here” he declared once he disconnected.

“They are.. Brutal” Sebastian mumbled whilst he stared out of the window. “I wonder which one of them is Alpha Miller” He sighed as he looked back.

“None” Christian declared.

“How can you know for sure”? Sebastian frowned.

“In our wars the head doesn’t come on the field until and unless it is an absolute necessity. No head shows up in the front this early”. He explained.

“I see” Sebastian was min-nod when he stopped abruptly, “Wait, does that mean you will stay in here?”

“Yeah, not unless the situation worsens,” Christian shrugged.

“Are you crazy?!!” Sebastian snarled. “They are fighting with all they have got and you, the leader they look up to, you are gonna sit here like some coward”?

“Sebastian” Christian voiced sternly. “I know you are concerned about them, so am I. But if we don’t follow protocol things can get really messed up”

Sebastian scoffed at that, “Well, I am going out there”

“Wait”! Christian shouted. “As your pack leader I order you to stay in”.

Sebastian scoffed again, “When I joined this pack, I swore I would treat this pack as my own family. There is no way I am letting my family get hurt like this” He pressed on every syllable, since ‘I’. “Ever. I won’t just sit around and watch my family get hurt” and with that he disappeared.

Christian stared at the spot where Sebastian left his line of sight. In his heart Christian knew that Sebastian was right. The fact that he would do the right thing instead of going by the book was one of the things he admired about Sebastian. Maybe because the book was too old, but Christian was not sure how to not follow the rules.

“You know, I hate to say this... but I think he is right” Caleb prompted catching his attention.

“So you’re suggesting I go out there?” Christian asked calmly, partly hoping for a yes. One yes and he would be on the field with everyone.

“No, I think I should go” Caleb clarified. Christian tilted his head lightly, “You are not the only leader figure here”.

“But-” Christian began to protest.

“Brother, have faith in me. I have been training with you since I was five. I can take care of this”. Caleb insisted.

“I know you can” Christian clarified, “But I am also aware that you can be a bit reckless when your emotions are on overdrive. With Ashyon and Connor gone, I know it is” Christian declared. Caleb opened his mouth to protest but he closed it recalling that in the past he had made a few reckless decisions just to prove himself but ultimately getting himself in trouble. “You can go, but not alone”. Christian warned.

“I’ll go with him” Duke suggested. Duke used to train along with them when young, and even though it’s been years since they fought together, Christian would like to believe they could coordinate.

“How about both of us join Sebastian. He ran out all by himself, I think he can use us” Caleb suggested.

Christian after a moment of thought nodded in approval. “Fine, go ahead”

Caleb and Duke ran out of the house to see a almost a literal blood bath. So far no wolf was dead, but there was still a lot of blood out there. When a few of the angry wolves of the other side noticed Caleb and Duke exit the building, they jumped on them. In a second both of them jumped up in the air and shifted into their respective white and bronze wolf and dodged their attack.

When the wolves didn’t look back the duo realised the were headed inside, So Caleb jumped and scratched through the fur of the taupe wolf while Duke bit the tail of the charcoal wolf making her wail in pain. The fought with them for a while until Caleb managed to Knock the taupe wolf out. After that he helped Duke fight the Charcoal one.

Once they were done and shared a nod and looked around. They finally spotted Sebastian outnumbered by two wolves and both of them jumped at the heap over him. Yhe wolves flew back as Caleb and Duke flanked Sebastian. [Thanks] he replied in the link. Soon, they were flanked two more silver wolves. Caleb shared a nod at them as he acknowledged their presence. The twins were here.

Some of the wolves from the other side seemed surprised by the skills of the omegas. A few wolves tried to take on them, assured that they will succeed. Alas, that only brought them a deep sleep after the knock out. They didn’t know how long they fought, but the sun was starting to set and many wolves started to retreat. [Should we follow them] the wolves in the link asked.

Before Caleb could say anythinghe had a flash of vision. He was surrounded by many kids, Riley and... and Alpha Miller was there. Caleb’s eyes widened, as he realised the Alpha found their kids. Immediately, Caleb informed his brother. When he was about to let go he felt an incredible amount of pain before everything turned dark for him.


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