My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 462 - Two Degrees of Plum Blossom

Chapter 462: Two Degrees of Plum Blossom

Translator: EndlessFantasy TranslationEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sally lay on the bed, feeling as if she was completely limp and boneless.

Seeing this, Mike began to probe his manhood into Sally’s hidden cave.

After searching for a while, Mike finally found the secret entrance.

Mike smiled and said to her, “Sally, I’m coming in!”

As he said that, Sally felt her body suddenly being filled with something huge.

“Abbbhhbhhbhh… Ahhhhhhhhhhhh… slow down… Mike… slow down!”

Mike listened to Sally’s coquettish voice.

So he gradually began to find a common rhythm and began thrusting more fiercely.

At this time, Mike felt waves of wetness within Sally’s hidden depths.

Mike went deeper and deeper as the swing of his movements became larger and larger.

Mike looked with satisfaction at Sally, who was moaning under him, and pinched Sally’s buttocks hard.

Then, he reached his hands out to hold Sally’s hands and he pulled them until her arms were stretched backward.

Her hands were pressed against Mike’s warm palms as his movements became more and more intense.

Sally then began to spasm violently and Mike knew that she was going to come again.

So, Mike once again increased the speed of the thrusting of his lower body.

Then, with a lusty voice full of pleasure, she cried out, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I… I’m going to… Anhhhhhhhbh!”

An intense burst of viscous liquid gushed out of Mike’s body.

At the same time, Mike seemed to have reached his critical point.

‘The expression on his face became tense and another burst of rich essence gushed out into Sally’s body.

“Sally! Catch it!”

When Sally heard Mike’s words, she raised her hips.

It was as if she wanted to absorb all of Mike’s essence.

Soon, the essence from Mike’s body flowed into Sally’s body.

With a twist of his waist, Mike pulled his manhood out again.

His manhood was still filled with a lot of essence, so Mike turned Sally over.

He aimed his manhood at her mouth before thrusting it into her mouth.

Sally naturally followed Mike’s movements.

Sally’s entire body collapsed onto the bed.

Mike looked proudly at Sally who lay beside him.

Then he held her in his arms as he looked at Sally affectionately.

Then he said to her, “Sally, how long do we have to live like this?”

Sally saw the sadness in Mike’s eyes.

Then she held Mike’s head affectionately and held him to her chest.

“If you feel tired, just take a good rest!”

Sally said gently to Mike.

Mike listened to Sally’s words and closed his eyes.

‘The two of them stayed silent for a long time until the sky gradually lit up.

Sally gently patted Mike’s shoulder again, and then said to him, “It’s almost time for me to leave!”

When Mike heard what Sally said, he felt a wave of reluctance in his heart.

However, he soon began to understand her words.

He gave Sally a deep kiss again before saying, ”

Sally smiled at Mike, then tured into a ray of light and disappeared from the room.

Then, Lilian’s face appeared on the body again.

Mike looked at Lilian who was in his arms.

After thinking for a while, he finally put her down.

Then, he took a pen and paper out from his backpack.

He began to write.

After a while, Mike put the handwritten letter next to Lilian with satisfaction.

He covered Lilian with the quilt.

Then, he put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

“Lilian, please forgive me!”

After Mike left the hotel, he immediately headed to Yogmo Academy.

‘When he came to the dormitory building, he finally found the White Spirit Dragon who was sleeping soundly.


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