My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Gathering Of The Bloodfang Mercenary Group

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Loess Street, Old Housing Area...

After treating Linda’s body, Mike carried Linda back to her room to rest.

“Mike, is Linda alright?”

“Mother, sister is fine, so don’t worry.”

“That’s good. That’s good.”

Hearing this, Hestia finally took a deep breath as if she had just found her savior.

Looking at Hestia’s gradually aging face, Mike said to her firmly.

“Mother, from now on, I will protect you well, and I will let you live a good life.”

“Haha, it’s good that you have such a heart. Mother doesn’t have many expectations for you. You only need to ensure your good health, do a simple job in the future, and stay by mother’s side.”

Mike nodded heavily.

At this moment, there was a heavy knock on the door of Mike’s house.

“Bang, bang, bang!”

Before Mike and Hestia could get up and open the door, another angry roar came from the door.

“Open the door quickly, or don’t blame me for crashing the door!”

Hearing this furious roar, Mike frowned. The anger that he had just suppressed in his heart was once lit up again.

Mike and Hestia looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other’s eyes.

Just as Mike was about to open the door, Hestia was worried about Mike, so she followed Mike out.

With a click, the door opened directly.

Soon, Mike saw a bald, angry man.

Without waiting for Mike to speak, Harris said directly.

“Hurry up and hand over that little girl.”

The Bloodfang Mercenary Group was used to being tyrannical in this area. The moment they saw someone coming out, they immediately gave an order.

After all, in this area, no one dared to offend the Bloodfang Mercenary Group.

“Was it you who bumped into Linda this morning?”

Mike’s voice was extremely cold as if every word was squeezed out.

“What Linda? Your family is able to be taken fancy by my Bloodfang Mercenary Group, so this is your honor! I won’t say it again. Hurry up and hand her over!”

Harris straightened his back and said with a dark expression

“I won’t say it again. Was it you who bumped into Linda this morning?!” Mike said in a deep voice.

“You lowlife, do you want to be beaten up? So what if I bumped into her? Not only did I bump into her, but I also used the queen wasp to bite her. What can you do to me?”

“I’m telling you, hand over that girl now. Otherwise, I’ll ask the Bloodfang Mercenary Group to tear down your house.”

“You’re looking for death!”

Mike narrowed his eyes and did not hide the killing intent in his heart.

Mikeclenched his fist and was ready to punch him in the face.

However, Hestia, who was beside him, quickly dragged Mike, afraid that his son would have a conflict with the other party.

Their conflict was naturally noticed by the neighbors nearby, and they all surrounded Mike’s house.

“Sigh, Mike’s family has always been so good, so I didn’t expect them to offend the Bloodfang Mercenary Group. What should we do now?”

“Why don’t we go up and reason with him?”

“Come on, do you dare to reason with him? There have been several murder cases in the past few days. I suspect that they are the ones who did it.”

“F*ck, they are such bastards. It would be great if someone could teach them a lesson.”

“Is there anymore who dares to teach them a lesson? Even the Loess Town’s Military Police wouldn’t dare to offend the Bloodfang Mercenary Group. Who can make the decision for us?”


The anxious voices of the neighbors rang out in the surroundings. There were worries, complaints, and regrets, but most of them were terrified!

However, just when everyone thought that Mike was going to clash with Harris...

An angry shout interrupted the actions of both sides.

“Impudent! Harris, how dare you people from the Bloodfang Mercenary Group behave so atrociously in my place?”

Mike looked over when he heard the voice and saw a man who reeked of alcohol and looked like a Military Police Officer. He was rushing over with a group of people.

Although he did not recognize the man, Mike knew the person beside him.

It was the two vice-captains of the 15th Division.

At this moment, the street that had just quieted down became lively again.

“Oh my God, the Military Police came so quickly this time, and there are so many of them.”

“Yeah, the important thing is that there are three Military Police captains here!”

“A good person gets a good reward. With these Military Police Officers here, Mike’s family can be saved.”


Everyone was discussing excitedly, and their hearts were filled with joy.

“Bruce, what do you mean? You want to keep him?” Harris frowned, very confused.

When the Bloodfang Mercenary Group was established, their Bloodfang Mercenary Group had a good relationship with the city’s Military Police.

At this moment, the Military Police Corps was actually going against the Bloodfang Mercenary Group for the sake of a family in a slum.

“What do you mean? As the captain of the Military Police’s 14th Division, I’m in charge of the public security management of Loess Town. Naturally, I have to protect every citizen. You better leave now, or I’ll invite you directly to the police station for tea!”

Hearing this, a trace of anger flashed across Harris’s face.

Bruce had taken quite a lot of benefits from them, but at this moment, he actually turned hostile and refused to acknowledge them!

Otherwise, a Beastmaster whose body had been emptied by the smell of alcohol would not dare to go against them.

Previously, the Bloodfang Mercenary Group needed the protection of the Military Police Department. However, at the moment, they did not need to care about the Military Police anymore with the help of the Archmage.

Moreover, if they could join a sect...

With Harris’s status as the leader of a small squad, he would not be able to catch his eye.

“Ha, Bruce, if you are sensible, then turn a blind eye. I will pretend that I did not see you. Otherwise, don’t blame me for asking people to come over!”

“What? You still dare to call others over?” Quinn clenched his fist and wanted to go up.

“Be sensible and quickly apologize to the gentleman next to you. Otherwise, I will let you taste my Earth Gorilla’s iron fist.”

Brian did not waste any words. He immediately summoned his Battle Pet and stepped forward.

They either had to make Mike owe them or asked for Mike’s forgiveness. Naturally, they had to perform well in front of Mike and try to win his favor.

Mike, who was beside him, also somewhat understood that these people were standing up for him.

Although he did not understand why these Military Police Officers were doing this, with the intervention of the official forces, it was hard for Mike to get involved.

Thus, after comforting his mother, he looked at them calmly.

“How dare you, you little Military Police?!”

As he spoke, a signal gun appeared in Harris’hand.

Seeing this signal gun, Bruce’s expression changed drastically, his face filled with panic.

He knew about this signal gun.

This was the Bloodfang Mercenary Group’s assembly tool. As long as it was used, it could mobilize all the members of the Bloodfang Mercenary Group.

It could not be used casually during normal times. It could only be used during emergencies.

The last time the Bloodfang Mercenary Group used it was during the internal strife eight years ago.

He did not expect Harris to actually want to mobilize all the members of the mercenary group.

If this was not handled properly, there might be a bloody war on Loess Street today!

At that time, he might even lose his life, let alone get promoted.

Thinking of this, Bruce silently thought of backing out.

“You have many people, right? Let’s see what you guys will do when the members of my Bloodfang Mercenary Group come!”

Harris directly fired the signal flare, and a blood-red wolf fang exploded in the sky.

In an instant, all the Bloodfang members in Star City saw the signal and rushed in the direction of Mike’s house.

Seeing this scene, Quinn, Blane, and the others had an uneasy expression.



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