My Angelic System

Chapter 71 Again?

'Seems like I was right," Kye smiled as this time, he stop swimming around the monster and rushed toward it. With the adrenaline, he didn't even sense his wings flapping a little. Though, it was still too small of a flap to be considered like a real wings' flap.

Sensing danger, the strange dog swung its four legs one after the other. Unfortunately for it, Kye managed to dodge two of them while he parried the other two. 'Now he's going to retract them and...'


The strange dog's head got separated from its body with blood accompanying it, thus dying after this one single swing of Kye's sword.

[You killed an ordinary rank Tentadog, +300 EXP]

'Haha, yes I did it,' Kye thought with joy as he looked at his EXP bar.

[EXP: 1055/1600]

'At this rate, if my theory is correct, I will become a real angel far sooner than I expected. Haha,' He chuckled because of how happy he was internal. As he said, at this rate, it was only a matter of time before he could become an angel and learn the astral ability that Aria had told him about. 'I'm so excited to have a long-lost ability. Sure it would be hard since I won't know anything about it nor there is any record about it, but I'm sure that I will be able to do a great thing with it. And if Aria's correct, I would even be able to hide my halo with it. Though I still don't know how I trust her. She had a lot of wisdom, after all. So she must know things that I don't."

Kye then continues fighting monsters after monsters. He found another group of five black sharks, making him level up, as well as two more Tentadog. Though, as he killed his last enemy, he saw the surroundings being darker. As he look up, he could see some moonlight rays entering the water, giving it a strange glow.

'I should probably search somewhere to rest for the time being,' Kye thought as he began to swim. 'Food and water won't be a problem since I don't need much of them. Though, my stamina isn't the same. I thought that I had pretty high stamina after increasing it so much, but it seems that a few hours of swimming and fighting made me more tired than I had expected. And I increased my agility after my level up instead of my stamina. *Sigh*. Guess it's still good. The faster I am, the faster I will be able to kill my opponent. And my stamina is already pretty high, so I need to keep things balanced. There's no point in having one of my stats much higher than the rest so I guess it was the right choice.'

As he was thinking, he finally found a large cave where he could rest for a few hours. His angel side increased his regeneration, but it didn't regenerate his exhaustion or his mental state. So no matter what, he needed to rest if he wanted to continue fighting later without doing any mistakes. After all, the more he swam, the stronger the monsters seemed to be.

Earlier while he was searching for a place to rest, he could see in the distance strange monsters. There were still black sharks and Tentadogs, but it seems to be other stronger monsters as well. And he didn't want to go there without being at his fullest.

He also kept his angel's eyes active all along to see if something was wrong somewhere. He didn't want to be chased by another balena, after all, so he kept them active, even though he didn't know if it was very useful or not. The description of the spell only told him that he could know what was the truth or not, but that was all. So it may have other features that he didn't know about. So he needed to keep it active to see the full ability of his angel's eyes.

So after resting for about two hours based on his internal clock, Kye finally began hunting again. Though, as if life liked to play funny tricks on him, he suddenly heard strange noises from the end of the cave. 'I swear the caves on this planet are cursed,' Kye thought as he swam at full speed, leaving the cave far behind.

A few seconds later, a giant snake came out of it. It looked like it was a very large and long snake. Ten meters long and three meters wide. 'I don't want to fight this sh*t right now, I'm not strong enough!!' Kye screamed internally and swam as fast as he could toward the monsters he saw earlier before finding his resting place. However, as if the giant snake knew that Kye was its prime target, it swam at full speed toward him.

'It's fast,' Kye couldn't swim further away because the snake had caught up with him in a matter of a minute. It was so fast that even though Kye had already a head start, he had to stop and defend, or else, he would have surely died.


The snake tried to bite Kye with all its strength to kill him with one strike, but the latter managed to block the sharp teeth with his sword. The confrontation lasted for several seconds before both of them backed down. The snake because it was now wary of him, and Kye rested his arms a little. He was sure that the snake in front of him wasn't an ordinary rank. Its speed and strength were a dead giveaway, so he needed to act with cautiousness. Not to add that the pression coming from the snake's body was far heavier and scary than the black sharks and the tentadogs.

So after recovering his calm, Kye decided to give his all. It was clear that he wouldn't be able to escape from this opponent because it was faster than him. So if he couldn't escape, he could only fight it.

[New quest]

[Kill your opponent.

Reward: Instant level up]

"What?" Kye exclaimed since he didn't expect to see the system giving him a quest right now. "For the love of god, stop doing that system," Kye mumbled to himself. Though, since he didn't have much time to think, he needed to act fast. So he went toward the snake.

He swam toward it, with once again an unknown flap of his wings that made his speed burst for a moment. Though, Kye was too focused on his opponent to notice it. But it wasn't the same thing for the snake. It was surprised by this sudden burst in speed and didn't manage to react to Kye's swing.


The sword, even though was very strong, wasn't at its full potential yet. So instead of piercing the snake's scale, Kye's sword bumped into it. 'Sh*t, even its defense is high,' Kye, even though was surprised, didn't let this feeling overwhelm him and swung his once again, but this time, in an area that was softer than the snake's scale.


The snake cried in pain as its left eye was pierced by the sword.


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