My Angel system

Chapter 82 Death Tail Monkey

Luis was set to enter the demon settlement but there was one problem that he had to solve and he didn't exactly know how.

'They know the difference in our scent.' Luis thought, recalling what Sola had told him before they ended up here.

"But then why do I smell like a human? I thought I was a Demi-Angel?"

He was upset with his system for not explaining things like this to him.

"My aura is no different from a human's." Luis figured.

He had never taken a good look at himself with his aura vision before but doing it now he could see that his aura was completely yellow.

'Maybe there isn't any big difference between a human and a Demi-Angel that's why my scent hasn't changed.'

Seeing that his aura was completely yellow he had come up with a plan.

'Those wolves had their aura contaminated with dark magic but my system still described them as demonic wolves.'

The wolves weren't really demonic wolves, they had just gotten dark magic into their system somehow.

Demons had dark magic in their system quite alright but the dark magic wasn't unstable and wouldn't mix with their life force that was why when Luis drained energy from the spider he didn't get dark magic in his system.

The only demons that had dark magic mixed with their life force were the experimented demons.

'I haven't even seen any of those experimented demons since arriving here.' Luis thought.

He decided to start approaching the demon settlement, for now, maybe he would find an experimented demon around there.

On sliding down from the strange terrain Luis discovered that he had exited the desert, there was no longer any sand and this area seemed to have more life than he had expected.

There was a river running by the side with trees everywhere, he couldn't see it when he was up but he had to pass what appeared to be a small jungle before he could get to the demon settlement.

There weren't exactly many trees in the jungle, the trees there weren't that tall but they all seemed to be arranged in a zigzag manner.

'I just hope I don't run into any dangerous beasts here.'

He walked deeper into the jungle and the deeper he went the scarier it became as he could hear strange sounds and croaks from toads.

Luis had his aura vision active just in case, any surprises wouldn't be good for him in this situation.

As Luis walked past a tree that happened to be taller than the others there he heard something drop from the tree.

Luis turned to see a small figure in the shadows and when it revealed itself Luis could see that it was a small red monkey with a crazily tall tail.

[ Death tail monkey ]

[ Type: Demonic ]

[ Grade: Unique ]

[ Trait: A very mighty tail capable of slicing its prey into half ]

Luis gulped after reading what the monkey's tail could do, even if he wanted to he couldn't afford to fight something like this, at least not now.

He started to slowly back away while keeping eye contact with the monkey.

The monkey didn't move and just kept shifting its head in different angles to look at Luis.

'Maybe it's not into attacking somebody just like that like the other ones.' Luis thought as he was about to turn around and double up.

His thoughts were proven wrong immediately as the tail came lashing towards him and slicing into his shoulder.

[ -8 HP ]

"Ahhh!" Luis quickly held onto the tail to stop it from going deeper into his body.

He followed the tail to see that the monkey that had been standing a little distance away from him a few seconds ago was now directly above him on a tree.

"You demonic piece of crap!" Luis screamed as he speedily pulled the tail out from his shoulder.

[ -10 HP ]

That tail was a great damage dealer and was going to be Luis' main trouble here.

"You'll pay for taking this much hp from me," Luis said as he tightened his grip on the blunt part of the tail.

[ Power drain blocked ]

"What the."

The monkey quickly pulled its tail back and started howling while jumping from tree to tree.

Luis was in a dilemma of what to do as he held onto his bleeding shoulder.

The monkey beast was jumping from tree to tree and was circling him from up.

Luis slowly removed his hands from his shoulder as the wound slowly closed up, he pulled out his flaming sword and was ready for the monkey now.

"Why don't you come down and face me, coward." This was the best he could do since he couldn't fight the monkey while it was in the trees but he never expected it to work as the monkey quickly jumped down in front of him after he said that.

"You are dead now." Luis smiled.

He thought dealing with the monkey was going to be easy now but his thoughts immediately ran away when he started hearing monkey howls coming in his direction.

"He called his friends." Luis gasped.

More like he called an army because looking up now all the trees were covered with death tail monkeys, there had to be about fifty of them.

Knowing that this situation was going to be a tough one to get out of, Luis resorted to the one thing that had a chance of saving him.

[ Fire slash activated ]

Michael had arrived at the edge of the strange terrain and looking ahead towards the small jungle he could see the light show going on there as some of the trees were falling while a flame would constantly rise and fall.

"Luis." He gasped and quickly slid down.

At the same time, the group which Zroka had ordered to go check out the teleporter readings was exiting the demon settlement and on getting outside they could see that the jungle was in flames.

"What the hell?" The growing demon leading the group said.

"Did one of those demons escape again?" One of the demons asked.

"I don't think those demons can do something as big as this."

They all watched as the flames rose and fell and they didn't need someone to tell them that something big was going on there.

"Whatever that's causing that flame has to be really dangerous." The leader said. "Let's go check it out."

He started walking towards the jungle as the other demons who were only seven in number followed him.

The flames had finally stopped, Luis could be seen standing, his face totally covered in smoke and he was exhaling heavily.

All the monkeys were gone and he didn't have to worry about them again but they had given him something to worry about.

[ Critical condition ]

[ 3/50 HP ]


Hope you enjoyed the chapter?

Please check out my new work titled Wonder Boy: Rebirth of the wonder warriors, I promise it's a fun read and also set in the same world as M.A.S.


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