My Angel system

Chapter 134 Orah's True Motives

Orah walked into the library and submitted the book he was holding to Rose on her desk, after checking if there wasn't anything wrong with the book Rose gave it back to him.

He took the book from her and started heading toward the shelves, his stop was as always the little shelf where there were books about Angels.

"Although some of these books seem exaggerated there is some useful information in them," Orah said as he slid the book he was holding into its place.

"Let's see I know about their various abilities and their traits." The demon said. "What else would be interesting to learn about Angels."

He searched through the shelves until his eyes caught a book with a pair of wings drawn on the cover page. He didn't hesitate to take the book.

"Everything About Angels ' Wings." He read the title. "I like this one already."

"You know for a Demon you're quite the Angel enthusiast."

Orah quickly turned to see Luis standing a little distance away from him.

"Luis." His voice sounded almost startled.

"What's up, haven't your evil schemes been put to progress yet, or do you still want to learn more about my weaknesses?" Luis didn't hold back saying everything he had in his mind, if a fight was to break out here and now it wasn't a problem for him, besides he was the one at advantage.

"It's not what you think," Orah said.

"Then what?" Luis said, moving closer.

[ Anti Gravity boots equipped ]

"Why else would a demon suddenly arrive here become a student and read books about Angels every day?"

Orah was shocked by the words he had just heard come out of Luis' mouth.

"Have you been monitoring me?" Orah asked.

Luis was silent for a while as he regretted putting his words like that but he still found the right thing to say.

"Why wouldn't I, you are a demon?" Luis said, stepping closer.

Orah stared right at his face for a while before putting his head down with a sigh.

"You're right," Orah admitted.


"Demons are horrible creatures who want nothing but to turn humans into their slaves and rule the world." The Demon said.

Luis blinked his eyes a few times to make sure he was speaking to the right person.

"That was all I was always told about as a kid, taking over the earth and making it our home." The Demon continued. "But let me tell you something Luis, I don't see a point in all those schemes.

"We are all happy on our planet, even the peasants go about their daily activities with smiles on their faces, that was the reason why I started asking the question.

"What did the humans do to deserve being turned into slaves in their own world? If someone did that to me I wouldn't like it."

"Nice speech," Luis said. "But that still doesn't explain why you're reading about Angels."

"I learned the first war was stopped by an Angel, a powerful being who took out almost all the Demons, since I was told that story as a little kid all I wanted to do was learn more about Angels but sadly there wasn't anything about Angels on our planet."

'They teach their children about Zillah.' Luis was surprised to hear that.

"So you want to learn about Angels so you can deal with the Angels easily when your people attack," Luis said.

"No Luis, you got me all wrong," Orah said, shaking his head. "I wanted to know about Angels because I hadn't seen one before, I found them fascinating and that feeling was stirred up when I saw you on our planet.

"I want to learn about Angels so that I can help put an end to this war, it's all I ever wanted, I have no grudges against you or the humans."

His words sounded really genuine but Luis wasn't going to buy it until he had tested something.

"If you really want to put an end to this war we are on the same side but," Luis said.

"But what?" Orah asked.

"You have to make a promise to me, a promise that you will help me stop this war no matter what."

"Ok, I promise to help you stop this war no matter what," Orah said.

[ Error ]

[ Race unidentified ]

[ Cannot be added to allies ]

'This should be because of his suppressed aura.' Luis figured. 'But if the system tried to add him to my allies doesn't that mean his words were genuine?'

"Do you mind releasing your aura and saying that again?" Luis asked.

The system never indicated that Demons could be added as allies since they were the ones he was fighting anyway but he wanted to test something here.

"I can't," Orah said, tightening his grip on the book he was holding.

"Why not?"

"Because there are many people here with Demon detectors meaning that the slightest aura I let out will be detected by them and they will come looking for me."

To Luis that was a very valid reason, even he didn't think of that before asking him to release his aura.

"Alright, I think you're genuine and not like any of the Demons I've met," Luis said as he grabbed onto the book the Demon was holding. "Please can I borrow the book, I'll return it before you leave."

"Ok," Orah said, letting go of the book. "I will just grab a short one and read while I'm here."

He picked a smaller book from the shelves and slowly walked out of the shelf area with it.

"I can't believe, I never saw this on this shelf." He said as he walked out of the shelf row. "Knowing more about my wings will really be useful."

"You're back Luis," Nika said immediately as he walked into the room.

"Yeah and I'm not here to beg you." He said and sat down on the seat placed in front of the monitors.

He opened the book and was about to start reading when his eyes caught something on one of the monitor screens.

"Oh common, even in broad daylight."

'And what's he doing there?'

On the screen was George, Zach, and one of the other boys and then another person which Luis knew, they had surrounded a boy on the lonely roads leading to the school.

The main thing that was prompting Luis to get involved was because the other person he had spotted was the same boy he had saved from Zach one night.


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