My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 66

Chapter 66


It was an opportunity to transform into a completely new race, not one changed from humans like undead or vampires.

With a pounding heart, I immediately used "Customizing," and the medium seemed to be disposable as the branch I was holding crumbled and disappeared.

And unlike before, a translucent figure appeared before my eyes.

An elf that resembled me, with black hair, black eyes, and pointed ears.

"He looks handsome in a different way than Heinz."

Unlike the cold and sharp impression of Heinz II, he was a handsome man with a soft and warm feeling.

"Maybe I should just tweak it a little."

It would be hard to see my original appearance in this face, but caution was needed.

After all, the number of avatars would continue to increase.

Hans, being a skeleton, was meaningless, and Heinz II and Halli could change their appearances on their own.

It seemed inevitable for Heinrich, who had already formed numerous connections, but Hubert would likely need plastic surgery soon.

After several hours of extreme concentration and careful work on the appearance, the ideal elf itself was created, with skin like white jade, blond hair, and green eyes.

"Gender change isn't possible."

I checked just in case... but it seems either the skill level is too low or other conditions are needed, as it was impossible to create a female avatar.

"Not that I'm particularly disappointed... Just curious. It would also make hiding my identity more secure."

Muttering excuses to no one in particular, I cleared my throat and continued with the avatar creation process.

It was time to readjust the initial stats.

The candidate professions were Spirit Master and Archer, but it was hard to give up either.

"Then, I'll do both."

Since it wasn't a real game, there was no problem in pursuing both.

After all, both were also fundamental aptitudes for elves.

"Let's focus the stats on affinity. To become stronger faster, it's better to start with the Spirit Master side."

Most of the stats were converted into affinity.

Of course, since I also planned to be an archer, I couldn't reduce the physical stats too much, but I could grow them later through training.

"The recovery power has dropped a lot, but having the 'Ultra Recovery' common skill should compensate for it to some extent."

Since it's a skill that amplifies existing recovery power, the effect would be lower if the base number is low, but it's better than nothing.

After much deliberation, the elf avatar was finally created.

<Entity Information>

- Name: Harris

- Race: Elf

- Common Traits: "Mind Hub," "Persona," "Ultra Recovery," "Clairvoyance"

- Unique Trait: "Child of the World Tree"

- Note: Hansung-hyeon's seventh avatar. Born as an elf using a branch of the World Tree as a medium. The effect of "Child of the World Tree" greatly increases the growth speed of affinity and natural power.

Just like Hans, noticing that there's no mention of "Instant Death Immunity" in Harris's information window, it seems that abilities received as special perks are not displayed there.

"But he looks even more handsome in person."

The beautiful elf male seated before me smiled gently.

It might have been my imagination, but it felt like the fresh scent of a forest was lingering around.

"Being born through 'Customizing,' the initial skills seem to be influenced by the medium."

It fit the entity's characteristics too well to be randomly assigned skills.

It must be an additional effect of "Customizing."

This would be useful information for when I create a new avatar in the future.

But Harris's expression, which had been smiling softly, unknowingly began to furrow gradually.

It was hard to manage his expression due to the unpleasant feeling he had been sensing for a while.

"It's suffocating..."

It felt like being in a cloud of smoke.

The eco-friendly air purifier that was there had disappeared, and the remaining effect gradually faded, allowing the pungent smell of the outside air to seep in.

'He's more sensitive than I thought.'

While it didn't bother me in my original body, Harris was sensitively perceiving the surrounding environment.

In the middle of a dry city with nothing but street trees and a handful of parks.

Just being here felt torturous.

'Have I become accustomed to this environment, so my natural affinity in my original body has decreased...'

It was pointless to be exposed to such an environment for too long, so I dismissed Harris's summoning for the time being.

Since I used the interdimensional transfer circle today to send Hans as a substitute, it would be tomorrow before I could send someone to Outerica.

'Meanwhile, Heinrich has finally come to his senses.'

After several hours immersed in creating a new avatar, more than a day had already passed in Outerica...

Heinrich had woken up in the treatment room.



"Ah! Sir Heinrich, are you coming to?"

As he opened his eyes with a groan, a woman's excited voice could be heard beside him.

"Where is this?"

"This is the intensive care unit. It's been exactly one day since Sir Heinrich arrived here. It's fortunate that you've regained consciousness now."

The healing priestess, with a puppy-like demeanor, sighed in relief and began to check Heinrich's body again.

"Considering you were cursed to such an extent with just your bare body, the prognosis is very good. Thanks to the blessing of resilience and your inherently outstanding recovery power, it seems there won't be any lasting aftereffects."

"That's good to hear..."

In fact, that was also the result of meticulous planning, but Heinrich nodded seriously.

"Still, you're not completely purified yet, so careful management is needed. We'll need to monitor your condition for about a month..."


The healing priestess started to explain various things.

Feeling suffocated just lying there and listening, he sat up straight away.

"Ah! You shouldn't move recklessly yet! The pain must be tremendous!"

As she said, moving even a little caused the amount of information filtered by "Mind Hub" to surge.

Had I had to endure this, I would have been rolling around in tears and snot.

"Ah... It does hurt a bit, but I can bear it."

"You, you're bearing it? Oh... No! You can't do that! Lie down, lie down!"

The momentarily flustered woman finally managed to get Heinrich to lie back down and calmed down.

"It's not just the pain that's the problem. That curse has also inflicted severe damage to your psyche, so for the time being, you need to keep your mind calm at all times. You've become vulnerable to stress, and even minor stimuli could trigger an episode."

"Hm, is that so?"

Of course, I was already aware of that.

I had carefully selected curses that would have no effect on him from among high-level dark magic.

'"Mind Hub" is blocking the mental contamination from the "Heart of the Immortal King" to this extent anyway...'

More than that, I was curious about what had happened after Heinrich had fainted.

When he asked about it, the healing priestess, thinking it might cause unnecessary stress, just repeated that he should rest and not think about anything else.

"It's too suffocating just lying here. Staying like this feels like it will cause me more stress. Could you at least tell me a little?"

However, due to Heinrich's persistent insistence, she eventually had to let out a sigh and speak up.

"First of all, there were no casualties. It's partly thanks to the barrier of the Grand Temple of Rosellia, but a lot of it was because the Immortal King let his guard down and was complacent. There are many injured, but all are receiving treatment in the hospital."

And the expedition team that had been dispatched to the Forest of Beasts quickly returned to strengthen the security of the Grand Temple of Rosellia further.

Having allowed such a significant breach, it was unlikely that the level of alertness would decrease anytime soon.

"The inquisitors are busy understanding the circumstances of the incident."

Investigations were underway to find out how the Immortal King had managed to invade, including on-site investigations, and inquisitors were dispatched to the Forest of Beasts to understand the true situation.

'This situation must have complicated things for the elves...'

After all, they had inadvertently played a part in lowering the defenses of the Grand Temple of Rosellia...

While the Order might not openly criticize them, those who had merely observed last night's turmoil would inevitably find their position uncomfortable.

'Well, once the inquisitors discover Hans's secret laboratory, the elves' grievances should be cleared.'

They had the capability to figure out when and how Hans had disappeared from that spot.

"Ah! Sir Heinrich! You're awake!"

Just then, the saint entered the treatment room and locked eyes with Heinrich.

As she approached with a happy face and greeted him, the healing priestess who had been sharing the information bowed her head and quietly stepped back.

"How do you feel? Shouldn't you still be resting? Wouldn't it be better for you to sleep rather than sitting up like this? Shall I put you to sleep?"

As the saint babbled endlessly beside Heinrich, who was lying on the bed, he quickly shook his head.

If he didn't, the saint might actually use her holy magic to put him to sleep.

"Oh, it's fine. It's just lying down, after all. Besides, it was good to hear the story after I fainted. Fortunately, there were no deaths, right?"

He quickly changed the subject, and she nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.

"It's all thanks to you, Sir Heinrich, for driving away the Immortal King not a moment too soon. It's regrettable that we couldn't finish him off then and there, but at least we avoided the worst-case scenario of everyone being annihilated."

"It was thanks to everyone's combined efforts. I could never have done it alone."

"Still! The moment you received the blessing and thrust the Sword of Light into the heart of the Immortal King during that critical moment, it was like a scene from a tale of heroes!"

The air softened between the saint, who was throwing flattering words with sparkling eyes, and Heinrich, who responded with modest smiles and words of humility.

However, given the nature of the situation, that atmosphere didn't last long.

"I was actually on my way from seeing Sir Laphori. Given the circumstances, I've requested him to check the Immortal King's location once again..."

Laphori, already roughly aware of the situation, hurriedly began a re-search upon the saint's request.

However, as expected, the aura of the Immortal King, which had been lingering in the Forest of Beasts until yesterday, had already disappeared.

"Of course, we don't suspect the Elven Kingdom. Sir Laphori has even received the Blessing of Silence, and there's no reason for them to do such a thing in the first place."

Although the timing was coincidental, it was more reasonable to believe that the Immortal King had perfectly seized the opportunity when the temple's defenses were weakened.

Still, the question of 'how' remained unresolved.

"Ah! I've been ranting too much! I shouldn't be bothering a patient like this!"

"It's okay. As I said earlier, it's much better than just lying down. I'm happy to have someone to talk to."

This way, he could also gather various pieces of information.

They spent the time talking about this and that until the saint had to leave for her duties again.


It was on the 10th day of Heinrich's hospitalization that the interdimensional transfer circle could be used again.

"The transfer to the Outerica dimension has been completed."

Harris was immediately transferred to Hubert, who was staying at Tarak's base.

And from Hubert, he received the High Elf bracelet that, despite being worn all this while, had not shown any change.

"Hmm... It definitely feels different."

The reaction came as soon as the bracelet was placed on the wrist.

Perhaps because it was in a state of strong affinity from the beginning, the sensation felt when worn by this avatar was different from that felt by others.

The surrounding natural forces felt more vividly, and the responsiveness to elements had noticeably increased.

This was truly equipment prepared in advance for Harris.

'It's practically the ultimate equipment that needs no further upgrades. After all, it was directly used by a High Elf.'

While he was contentedly stroking the bracelet with a pleased smile, an unexpected notification appeared, just as he was deeply immersed in the sensations it invoked.

[The World Tree gazes upon its child.]


The World Tree began to take special notice of Harris.

My avatar is becoming a significant figure.


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