My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

A mountain not too far from a villa.

"Kuh... The barrier is stronger than I thought. I didn't expect it to be this taxing."

Moreover, he couldn't move as far as he had anticipated.

It must be due to the barrier set up by Hahoe Mask.

"Phew, his level is higher than I thought. It's better to leave this place quickly."

Park Gwangcheon forced his trembling legs to stand.

It was too soon to use "Spatial Manipulation" again, so he had to walk as far as he could.

'Still, it was worth enhancing my unique skill twice, even if it was a struggle. Unique skills are powerful but grow so slowly.'

Though skills grow steadily as proficiency increases, using the Karma Store for rapid growth had its merits.

The fact that he could set up an undetectable barrier, detect their infiltration, and hide his and his subordinates' presence was thanks to that.

Still, he ended up running away, but the enhanced effect of 'Immediate Activation' was helpful here.

'The recovery time has also shortened. In a few more minutes, I can use it again. This time, I can run farther since there's no barrier...'

[I've found you.]

Suddenly, from behind.

A voice that shouldn't be heard in this place.

More like an echo resonating in a cave than a human voice.

A shout that seemed to tear away at one's mental strength.

Park Gwangcheon's body stiffened.

'How did they know? From the remnants in the barrier? But that should only give them a rough direction, how did they pinpoint my location... No, that's not important right now. I need to buy time. As soon as I can use 'Spatial Manipulation'...'


[You seem to be deep in thought.]

A cold hand in a black glove grabbed the back of his head.

It lacked any softness that a human hand might have.

Perhaps like a hand carved from ice.

[I wasn't planning to kill you easily at first, but then I thought you might escape somehow. So, I decided to just do what I usually do.]

"Ah... No..."

Dark magic energy seeped through the back of his head.

Park Gwangcheon twisted his body in resistance, but his entire body was already bound by black shadows.

"Cough! Just a minute... If I had just a bit more time... Urgh..."

His mind grew dizzy, and his thoughts intermittently cut off, as if his head was being prodded with a metal spike.

[Hehehe... Don't think it will end with death. In my presence, even death cannot be an escape.]


Hans's dark magic ruthlessly scrambled his brain, digging into his memories.

Of course, this guy was also under a seal.

Maybe because he had done it once before.

It was a bit more complicated since he was a high-ranking official, but not too difficult to unravel.

The memories I read were...

'What's this?'

In the slow passage of time, I encountered something entirely unexpected in the enemy's mind.

-I never thought you'd be able to break the security and enter this far.

[Ho? Who are you?]

A human figure glowing green.

Only the head and limbs were distinguishable, with no discernible facial features.

-I knew to some extent, but seeing it in a spiritual state is truly remarkable. Such a density of dark magic... Hahoe Mask, you are more than I thought.

Hearing that, I realized that I, too, had a similar form.

Unlike him, it was a deep, congealed blackness.

[So, you've been hiding in this fool's head, watching everything. Then you must be the brain behind Abyssal Conclave.]

-There's no point in denying it now.

He was a despicable character, hiding in a safe place while implanting seals in others' minds to spy on them.

-Hahoe Mask. It's surprising how rational you are for a user of dark magic. It's a pity, really. By the way, have you thought about joining us?

An unexpected offer to join them.

Still, it was a good opportunity to gather information about them.

[Ha! Trusting a group of unknowns? Alright, let me ask. What is your goal?]

-Returnees' freedom. To create a world where we lead.

'Sounds too formal. Is it genuine?'

It was hard to tell if he was serious.

From all I knew, it was just a superficial reason to entice Hans, a returnee.

[Your goal seems too ambitious for an organization that has only recently become prominent.]

-We have existed for much longer. We have always been fighting for freedom.

The word 'fighting' somehow irritated me.

As did the phrase 'for a long time'.

[So, you mean to say you've been carrying out terror all this time?]

-Terror... You could see it that way. But it was necessary. Unavoidable sacrifices.

'I knew it.'

There it was, the 'unavoidable sacrifice'.

These people considered the sacrifice of others a matter of course for their goals.

Clearly 'evil', and my 'enemy' trying to rationalize their terrorism.

An unexpected memory surged, and I quickly managed the rising emotion with 「Mind Hub」.

Perhaps due to my unfamiliarity with the spirit state, a fraction of my emotion seemed to leak for a moment.

Noticing something amiss, his demeanor changed.

-Make a wise choice. Here in the mental realm, mental abilities are more important than magical power. You cannot defeat me here.

[Oh? Showing your true colors now. What if I agree? Are you planning to implant a seal in my head too?]

-That would be necessary. If you dislike it, feel free to resist. Damage to the spirit here also affects the physical body. It would be a good opportunity to get rid of an obstacle.

His attitude was full of confidence.

If I quietly followed orders and stayed obedient, good; but if I resisted, he could deal with me anytime.

There was an air of ease about him.

-Make your choice. And just so you know, it won't be easy to escape. Even if you're lucky to get out, you'll suffer serious damage and give up a lot.

Time in the mental world was still flowing slowly.

Only a few seconds had passed since Hans grabbed the Abyssal Conclave executive's head and started infusing dark magic.

In other words, there was still plenty of time...

[Heh, heheheh— In the mental world... You say we'll fight with mental strength?]

That meant I had enough time to turn the tables.

[How dare... To threaten me, who controls death. It's laughably absurd.]

In this realm, I was the veteran.


"Heinrich? Heinrich! Are you alright? Strange. There seems to be nothing wrong with your body...?"

My consciousness slowly returned.

Before I knew it, an elderly priest in vestments was closely examining Heinrich's face.

"Oh! My apologies, Archpriest. I was just lost in thought for a moment... Ahaha!"

"Ah, young people these days, where do they keep their minds? I thought you had spaced out completely with your eyes open. I understand it's been tough with training from dawn."

It was just a matter of urgently needing to focus for a bit.

But since it was a problem he couldn't share with others, Heinrich hastily made up an excuse.

"Ah, I was just reminiscing about the past after achieving some success. It's been quite a struggle..."

"Exaggerating, are you! To be able to use such advanced holy techniques in just that period of time indicates tremendous talent. You have the makings of a great combat priest!"

Indeed, he had just witnessed the fruits of his holy technique training just before he 'spaced out'.

[Through repeated training, you have gained enlightenment. You have acquired the skill「Outerica Holy Technique」.]

The 「Outerica Holy Technique」, a sacred power technique he had learned not long after receiving a blessing.

It had taken him a while to master it due to its distinct differences from the other energies he was accustomed to.

"Thank you, Archpriest. But I'll soon become a Paladin. I will strive to use the holy techniques you've taught me to save even more people as a Paladin!"

"That's right, I forgot you're becoming a Paladin. I have no worries about you; you grow more every day. It's quite astonishing."

Of course, 'taking a long time' was only relative to his standards.

The synergy of the adjustments given to the awakened in this other world and the accelerated growth of my 「Avatar」 's clone body provided a rate of growth that astounded the people of this world.

After exchanging greetings with the Archpriest who had taught him the holy techniques, Heinrich stepped out of the training hall and looked up at the rising morning sun.

'I've finally achieved my first goal!'

Yes, soon Heinrich would be officially appointed as a Paladin, a long-held aspiration.

He had reported the acquisition of 「Blessing: Fortitude」 the previous evening and met the requirements to become a Paladin, which was immediately approved.

It was a remarkable achievement for Heinrich, who had joined the Holy Order only six months ago.

Naturally, becoming a Paladin in just six months was unheard of.

Heinrich's case was very special.

It wasn't just talent; the timing was incredibly fortuitous.

The nature of the Holy Order, where one could rise quickly with sufficient sacred power and ability, also played a part.

'Things are going smoothly here, and that other matter resolved well too... Pfft, but what did that guy say earlier?'

That even if I managed to escape by luck, I'd be severely wounded and have to give up much?

Heinrich chuckled to himself and headed to the training ground to sweat a bit before mealtime.

"Huh... Lucky, am I?"

He left with a mysterious smile, addressed to no one in particular.


In a luxurious room filled with extravagant red and gold decorations.

"Cough... Cough— Choke!"


A man in his thirties sitting in a chair suddenly spat out blood and collapsed to the floor.

"Damn it...!"

"Lawgiver! Are you alright?!"

His guards, hidden until now, emerged to secure the area, but it was futile since the attack hadn't come from the outside.

'This is absurd...! Defeated? Me? In a mental realm battle?'

The battle with Hahoe Mask had taken place in the mental realm.

A familiar battlefield and a familiar fight.

Except for the unfamiliar opponent.


Blood mixed with pieces of his innards spewed out.

Not only that, but something pale and bloody was also oozing from his left eye.



"Hurry! Prepare medical treatment immediately!"

The door to the guest room burst open as subordinates and healers rushed in frantically.

'...Cough, but it's probably useless.'

This wasn't a physical injury.

It was a backlash from damage to the spirit body.

Still, it was better than nothing, so he resigned himself to his subordinates' care and closed his eyes.

Blood continued to flow from his mouth, but thanks to the healing abilities, it didn't get worse.

[Hehehe—! Got you—!]

As he closed his eyes, the last scene in the mental realm replayed in his mind.

The moment when the black figure, like a condensed abyss, reached out towards him with a grotesque laugh.


At the very last moment, if it hadn't been for his unique skill, 「Mental Projection」, the situation would have been much worse.

...Even after using that and still losing the battle, his trust had hit rock bottom.

'Why did I lose? It's not just a matter of mental strength. A difference in skills? It's unlikely that my mental skills are lacking. It's something more fundamental...'

At first, the battle was somewhat even.

Sharpening his mind to slash at the opponent, erecting barriers to block each other's attacks.

But at some point, the opponent's responses changed.

His attacks were like cutting through fog, doing no harm, while the other's strikes were deadly, wielding all the world's madness and malice.

So powerful that they shattered what he had believed to be his impenetrable mental barrier.

The opponent's form at that time was anything but normal.

A conglomeration of negative emotions: fear, despair, sorrow, pain, anger, death.

It felt like fighting a monster, not a human.

'I didn't sense that madness when we talked. How could he hide such insanity? Or, initially...'

Is it even possible for a human to harbor such evil?

Was Hahoe Mask really human?

'His form was more like a high-level undead... No, that's impossible.'

In the other world, if an awakened person becomes undead, they are considered dead, unable to return to Earth through the Karma Store.

Even if they seemed to have a consciousness, it was nothing more than a dense, twisted remnant of their human days.

If it were an undead from this world, it couldn't escape the laws of Earth, and creating such a high-level undead on Earth was nearly impossible.

'But when I first encountered him in spirit form, he was definitely human. He had an enormous amount of dark magic, but that was certain.'

Of course, he had transformed drastically during the battle.

Yet, there were still traces of humanity in him.

If anything, somewhat similar to him.

The level of madness and disparity was much greater, though.

'...Did he have a demon sealed inside him?'

And had he unsealed it in a crisis...

'For now, that hypothesis seems most plausible. Then he won't be unscathed either. To reseal such an entity would require a heavy price.'

Thinking that it wasn't a one-sided defeat gave him some comfort.

He sighed and opened one eye.

"Lawgiver! Are you alright?!"

The first guard who noticed his distress asked urgently.

Other subordinates were still trying to treat him.

His insides were in tatters, the left eye permanently damaged, and there was no feeling in both legs.

Part of his soul had been torn away, and his magic circuit had suffered critical damage. His current state was practically that of a living corpse.

But there were still matters to attend to, so he needed to hurry.

"Send an urgent order to the Seoul branch. Cease all operations immediately, destroy information, and go into hiding. From the Blood Alliance, retrieve only Alpha, cut off all minor connections, and cover our tracks."

He paused to catch his breath and continued, "Send a first-class directive to all branches in Korea. Close current bases, erase all traces. Establish new bases at your discretion and report later. Cease activities until further instructions... Cough!"

Speaking so much caused him to cough up blood again.

"Lawgiver! You need to rest now!"

The healers screamed, but he gritted his teeth and delivered his final message.

"And tell the Leader there's a monster in Korea. ...I need at least a few years of recuperation."

With those murmuring words, he let go of his forced consciousness and dropped his head.

Receiving his orders, a guard hastily moved out, while others who had finished emergency treatment began moving him to a more secure location.

With the collapse of the Lawgiver, who oversaw operations in Korea, Abyssal Conclave's operations faced a sudden halt.


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