My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Relentless attacks continued day and night, entering the third day.

After dismantling the stronghold of the hardliners for the seventh time, they began to surrender.

Despite deploying all sorts of means to resist, it was futile in the face of the overwhelming difference in firepower.

Even if they tried to hide and escape, avoiding Hans' mind-reading abilities was an impossible task.

[Oh, indeed, quite creative. Have you integrated unique skills into magic? If twisted just right, it seems like it could be applied in a different way...]

The vampire who had grabbed Hans by the head trembled.

Despite hiding in a secluded one-room apartment to evade the attack, unfortunately, there was a comrade who knew his whereabouts.

If Heinz prioritized targeting someone likely to have a new vampire...

Hans mainly targeted those believed to have abundant information or possessed new blood-sucking methods.

[By the way, it seems they are actively responding now.]

Hans murmured quietly after reading the memories of the enemy.

There was a slight delay, but it made sense.

They had to assess the past events, handle the current situation, gather opinions within the blood alliance, and explore future responses.

'I also sent evidence of the bloodthirsty feasts found in the hardliner's stronghold to the moderate faction. It may be difficult to join forces.'

Since research materials were obtained last time, Hans sent the newly acquired items, including data photos, to Jinsol to cause a disturbance.

He placed them in the lobby of the villa, and it seemed they were well received.

'Nevertheless, there are no immediate orders to come down. The only instruction for now is to stay hidden while preparing a plan.'

That's how it was.

Though I didn't know what measures they were planning to take...

'Before that, let's feast as much as possible.'


Jinsol was no fool.

The sudden incident of the blood alliance's hardliner attack, evidence pointing to their wrongdoing conveyed to her.

It was natural for her to suspect that Heinz might be involved in some way.

'The incident happened right after I revealed their stronghold.'

Moreover, the day after expressing frustration about the disappearance of evidence against the Gamma group, items were sent to the crew's base as if to say, 'I have nothing to hide anymore.'

At this point, it could be assumed that there was no intention to conceal anything at all.

In reality, she hadn't thought of interrogating him either.

'Well, actually, my sentiments are the same.'

After all, they had experienced the same event and formed a connection.

The only difference was that he had the strength to navigate through crises on his own and the drive to act immediately to resolve issues.

'The rift with the hardliners is already irreparable. If we had continued, we would have been absorbed by them through force.'

In that case, the weaker members of the moderate faction would have been the first prey.

In essence, despite sharing the same name, they were nothing more than enemies lurking under different flags.

'I presented evidence, and yet, it turned out this way.'

This incident made her painfully aware of that fact.

The complaints conveyed through the upper echelons were neatly ignored by the hardliner leadership.

It was a complete disregard with neither affirmation nor denial.

Fortunately, due to the abrupt attack, they were disoriented; otherwise, the hardliners might have already mobilized force to swallow them up.

Because of this, Jinsol had no choice but to contemplate the future course of action.

As a leader of one crew, she was also a high-ranking member of the moderate faction.

'I need to gather the combatants and prepare for unforeseen circumstances.'

It had been over twenty years since the interdimensional transfer incident began.

The blood alliance had withstood the test of time for over 15 years, even in the darkness.

'In-fighting... I hope the casualties won't be significant.'

However, they couldn't just passively endure it.

In that sense, the recent events within the hardliners were a blessing for them.

At least, they could gather forces and buy time to prepare.

'It would be great if the hardliners just crumbled like that, but it's unlikely.'

They held the majority of the blood alliance's military power compared to the moderates.

The difference was significant, thanks to the presence of the neutral faction trying to maintain balance.

Even so, if the hardliners suffered losses and actively moved forward, both factions would likely crumble together.

For this reason, Jinsol silently observed, waiting for Heinz to reveal more information.

He had been helpful so far, and even if he betrayed them in the future, she didn't have much to lose.

'I don't know what connection he has with that notorious dark magic user.'

The notorious dark magic user who hunted criminals using formidable force.

Whether there was a connection between him and the blood alliance was unclear, but when the time came, he would have to explain.

'Let's focus on what I need to do right now.'

What she had to do at the moment was important.

"Oh~ Hi there~ Welcome, everyone! Thank you for tuning in to my broadcast once again!"

Jinsol, or rather, the internet broadcaster Orchid, greeted with a bright smile, facing the camera that illuminated her.

Having a job that satisfied her hobbies and earned money, Orchid's profession was a win-win situation.

Since the moderate faction adhered to hitching a ride on the societal system, no amount of money seemed sufficient, even for acquiring blood packs.

Setting aside the complex issues for a moment, she energetically continued the broadcast.

Turning the attention away from hidden problems, she indulged in her hobby-turned-job.

Though they say turning a hobby into a job diminishes enjoyment, for her, it was just another story, given the high public interest.


Casually dropping hints to Jinsol was an intentional move.

There was nothing to gain by hiding, and having been directly affected, she was already hostile toward the hardliners.

'Above all, to swallow the blood alliance, the truth has to be revealed anyway.'

Having prepared everything so meticulously, it felt like a waste not to share it.

To make subordinates follow, one first needed to prove their own abilities.

"And dismantling the hardliner's conspiracy and eliminating them would be a splendid achievement."

Certainly, I planned to openly reveal it after everything was done, but for now, this hint was enough.

It was necessary for me to observe how Jinsol would act.

Engulfing an organization was no easy task, and to do so, I first needed to build my own group.

As the most promising right-hand candidate, maintaining an appropriate relationship with her was crucial.

'By the way, this place seems thoroughly prepared.'

Heinz, currently concealed in the darkness using "Concealment," was observing the upscale mansion located in the mountains.

The mansion's defenses and security levels were substantial.

'The barrier and the surveillance levels are considerable... the individuals inside must be no joke.'

Of course, it wasn't unbeatable.

Most importantly, he wasn't alone.

'Heh, discreetly infiltrate and swiftly eliminate the leadership. That should do it.'

The reason why Hans and Heinz came to this mansion together was information I recently acquired by chance.

It detailed a meeting of the hardliner leadership gathering to discuss countermeasures against me.

The source of the information held considerable influence, and the information itself was encrypted very securely, making it highly credible.

If it was true, it presented a great opportunity.

'If I can thoroughly investigate the leadership, things should become easier in the future.'

From the information collected so far, dealing with the hardliner's leadership seemed manageable for the two of them.

Hans had always been strong, and now Heinz was no less.

However, there's always the possibility of unforeseen circumstances.

So, I planned to assess the situation firsthand before deciding on an attack.

'With this level of preparation, it seems like it should be quite manageable, right?'

Perhaps I had been overly concerned.

Of course, to thoroughly investigate, there would be a need for prior preparations.

Hans first extended a wide-ranging barrier around the mansion while Heinz applied his "Concealment" within the shadows.

By combining Hans' magic, which had been meticulously developed for stealth, with Heinz's "Concealment," they were able to create a nearly invisible barrier.

'This should remain undetected until activated.'

After completing all the preparations, Hans, enveloped in darkness, seamlessly merged into Heinz's shadow.

Heinz, in turn, applied "Concealment" to himself, concealing his presence.

Utilizing not a skill but a blood magic technique learned through "Blood Fusion," this allowed me to operate with blood magic.

However, with the addition of "Concealment," it had an effect similar to invisibility.

This allowed them to approach the mansion without being noticed.

'There are quite a few security devices installed. It would have been challenging to neutralize them so easily before becoming a true vampire.'

With Heinz's senses surpassing infrared or any other technology, I could detect everything.

From the surveillance range of security cameras to the faint electromagnetic waves emanating from hidden electronic devices, modern science couldn't stop Heinz now.

Having avoided the vigilant vampires and security devices scattered throughout, Heinz finally looked up at the magnificent building.

A grand and beautifully adorned structure with no visible open doors, even after thorough exploration.

'Well... normally, the door should open around this point, and then you have to hide when someone comes in and out.'

That's the cliche.

However, as usual, reality differed from the plan.

After wandering around the building for a while, there was no sign of an open window or any indication that someone had entered or left.

'No choice.'

Heinz directed his attention toward a secluded window and maximized the use of "Concealment."

'That's it. In this state...'

Hans's hiding shadow flickered.

Then, from one corner, it elongated, sneaking through the window frame.

Although there was a security system on the window, it was meaningless against the formless shadow.

Thus, the inside and outside became connected through the shadow.


Heinz, who was standing outside, gradually got drawn into the ground through one side of the window and silently emerged on the extended shadow on the other side.

'No response from the alarm system. No cameras monitoring this area. Perfect.'

With Hans's expertise in discreet magic and the addition of Heinz's "Concealment," I could infiltrate smoothly without leaking dark magic.

'Where they gathered... it must be the room connected to the lobby on the first floor.'

After confirming the location, I moved quietly towards where the presence of vampires gathered.

Once I reached the location of the leadership, the plan was to activate a barrier, preventing anyone from escaping, and then thoroughly investigate and eliminate them.

When I reached the lobby...


Heinz's senses detected an unfamiliar presence.

His transcendent senses, honed and accustomed, set off alarm bells.

In the shadow, Hans, hidden in the shadows, noticed the anomaly a moment later.

Immediate action was taken.

Heinz raised his blood magic and assumed a combat stance, carefully surveying the surroundings.


Simultaneously, as Heinz entered the lobby, an unknown barrier enveloped him.

'No, not just the lobby... the entire building is under this constructed barrier.'

Hans quickly diagnosed the barrier that had set in motion.

'...So, even Hans. I was confident in his magical abilities. Well, I guess pride goes before a fall...'

Though irritated internally, there was no time to complain.

With the activation of the barrier, the "Concealment" that surrounded Heinz weakened, exposing him.

"Oh~ Trying to catch the elusive Hahoe mask, and a vampire shows up instead?"

At the top of the grand staircase in the lobby, a man's voice echoed through the space.



Simultaneously, as Heinz targeted the door, it creaked open, and a swarm of vampires burst out, quickly surrounding the area.

The individuals Heinz had detected beforehand with "Penetrate."

'This... feels like a proper setback, doesn't it?'

Black-masked figures that appeared out of nowhere surrounded the second-floor railing, looking down at where I stood.

They were the individuals I failed to detect in advance.

"So... who are you? What's your connection with Hahoe mask?"


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