My Alter Ego’s Path to Greatness

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Hans achieved satisfactory results and subdued the undead.

The increased number of undead, like a tide, seeped into the abyss spread across the floor.

'Come to think of it, I should also research spatial magic that can be used for dimensional travel.'

The current spatial magic utilized the subdimension beyond the dimension, making it impossible to share contents.

To transcend dimensions, one had to physically cross or resort to using small, rare spatial magic tools.

'It would be convenient to explore mind control magic as well. There's a method in the 'Forbidden Knowledge,' but it's not a practical option.'

Dark magic that destroys the subject's consciousness and turns them into a puppet was not particularly challenging.

However, manipulating recognition while retaining the self was a complex process, requiring a considerable amount of time, effort, and various materials.

'I can somehow acquire items unique to Outerica. The problem lies with other things.'

The name 'Forbidden' in "Forbidden Knowledge" wasn't just for show.

The materials required for the process were uniformly horrifying.

Was it not ethically questionable to use things like a child's blood or parts of a fetus for a bit of convenience?

'I'd better research anew based on that knowledge. There's so much to do, but time is running out. Going to Outerica would be efficient to save time, but first, I need to find a way to evade the Church's tracking. It's a headache.'

Continuing, I headed towards the warehouse where survivors were trapped.

Beyond the thick iron door guarded by undead, I sensed about a dozen life forces.

There seemed to be a gathering in a corner, possibly reacting to the commotion outside.

Before breaking the door open, I took a moment to survey the surroundings.

'I might be better than these guys, after all. There are things to confirm.'

Rather than facing moving corpses with sinister appearances, wouldn't it be better to have Hans, who covered his entire body, even if it was a bit frightening?

I pressed down the hood to cover my eyes and minimize the horror effect.

With a sharp sound, I broke the door and entered, revealing frightened individuals huddled in a corner.

Dealing with these frightened people was not something I could afford to delay.

I quickly took out a smartphone confiscated from the Mines, made a call to the police, and threw it to the survivors.

"Uh... What?"

Controlled by magic, the smartphone smoothly glided through the air and landed in the hands of one bewildered survivor.

"Yes, this is the police station. What can...?"

Soon, a faint voice of the police officer was heard from his hand.

Perplexed, he hesitated for a moment, glancing in my direction before cautiously engaging in a conversation with the police.

Having observed them until then, I discreetly slipped away.

'Seems like there's no spy among them. It should be fine now.'

Mixing troublemakers among hostages wasn't the usual tradition of criminals.

Hans was sensitive to negative emotions like fear and despair.

After directly facing them and confirming their emotional responses, there didn't seem to be any suspicious individuals.

Considering this place was secretive and guarded by Mines, the guards were all mages, so they probably didn't pay much attention to ordinary people.

'I've added another achievement to my record as a Mine hunter, huh?'

Initially, I planned to act as discreetly as possible, but my thoughts changed at some point.

Since there was no way for them to trace me and controlling each witness was cumbersome, I also had the idea that spreading rumors about me might help deter crime rates.

Honestly, it was amusing to see discussions about me wearing a mask popping up on the internet.

So, I hid my identity and facilitated the spread of the rumors by witnesses.

As a result, information about Hans wearing the Hahoe mask was circulating on internet communities.

'By the way, who are the guys from 'Cheonhwehoe'? They seem to have their fingers in every pie, yet their true identity is unknown.'

Information obtained by reading the memories of the Mine guys.

The ones I dealt with this time had some indirect connection with Cheonhwehoe, making it difficult to trace their support.

The information obtained from the previous organization I exposed was similar to what I had now.

'Still, if we keep cleaning up criminal organizations like this, we'll catch them eventually.'

If the recent chaos in public safety was because of these guys, we'd inevitably cross paths with them soon.

Hans confirmed the approaching sound of police sirens and left the scene.

As always after a skirmish, only the drawing of Hahoe mask was left at the site.


A private room in an upscale restaurant that thoroughly ensured the user's privacy.

Two people sat facing each other, sharing glasses of alcohol.

"I heard there's a crazy guy wearing the mask lately, playing hero and roaming around."

The man with a vague and unimpressive impression poured a drink into the glass in front of the person sitting across, speaking.

"He supposedly uses dark magic."

The middle-aged man with glasses, taking the drink, responded indifferently.

The conversation continued with a back-and-forth of pouring and receiving drinks.

"I've never seen a sane guy using dark magic."

"Well, considering his level, you might say he's gracefully crazy. At least he seems to have some beliefs and avoids harming civilians."

"Hah, beliefs of a dark magic user. That's scary. Probably more extreme than fanatical terrorists."

Dark magic, corrupting the energies of nature, was both insidious and rapidly growing, with lethal effects on those who encountered it.

However, as much as it was a corrupted force, the more it was used, the more it negatively impacted the user's mind.

"His influence is expanding. We have to do something, but haven't found any clues yet?"

The area where Hans, as Hahoe mask, started near the southwest of the Han River in Seoul had now encompassed several districts.

Moreover, the unpredictable pattern of his actions made it difficult to anticipate.

"Capturing him isn't easy. He casually uses spatial teleportation, and it's hard to detect his presence before he uses his power."

"Heh, spatial teleportation. Add to that his concealment ability. He seems more formidable than I thought. Is he someone who recently returned to Earth?"

The man with the vague impression downed his drink in one go and then looked at the middle-aged man sitting across.

The man's hazy gaze made the middle-aged man adjust his glasses while avoiding eye contact.

"In any case, his meddling in our affairs is quite a nuisance."

"Well, pay more attention."

"Sure, if you say so. We'll handle it in our own way too."

The man with a sly smile put his glass on the table and stood up.

"Well, I'm busy, so I'll leave now. I'll take care of the bill, so take your time coming out."

With a wave of his hand, he silently left the place.


Relieved to be alone after the uncomfortable conversation, the middle-aged man sighed in a much lighter mood.

Then, he continued sipping his drink.

Perhaps because it was an expensive establishment, the taste of the alcohol was surprisingly good.

How much time had passed?

Ring, ring...

Suddenly, the sound of a ringing bell shattered the silence.

Frowning, he checked the caller ID.

The subordinate's name appeared on the screen.

What could be happening at this late hour?

Reluctantly answering the call, urgent voices flowed from his smartphone.

"Manager! I apologize for the late hour! We received a report from the outskirts of Seoul, and it seems quite significant."

The subordinate quickly explained the situation.

A large-scale human flesh factory discovered through survivors' reports and Hahoe mask.

After ending the call, he sighed again and stood up from his seat. It was no longer a time to be drinking.


3 AM. Heinz, done with the gold transaction, was strolling through the streets.

Meanwhile, Hans, who had just finished a battle, was now in the process of cleaning up.

Heinz, who had come from a distant place to check if there were any hidden tricks on the lotto ticket, planned to wait until the task was completed.

'I might as well expose them if they try to tail me.'

I had been subtly anticipating something, but there had been no significant updates until now.

When we parted ways, I noticed a hint of suspicion in the masked man, but perhaps the warning had its effect, or maybe they were naturally cautious?

'Well, as long as they know how to keep a balance, they won't be bad as trading partners. We've completed the deal, so that's that. If they show any signs of causing trouble without reason, I'll take care of them.'

This place, too, was within Hans's surveillance area.

It would be manageable with a bit more attention for a while.

Hence, he was roaming the streets, but compared to before going for the deal, there was noticeably fewer people now.

Even for a somewhat lively district like this, it seemed to be quite a drop.

Since Hans had stirred things up here once, it felt like the locals were being more cautious.

Let's not create big problems and move on seemed to be the prevailing mood.

Thinking that I had created this peace, I felt proud.

'Whether it's peace made through violence or not, what does it matter? To this, that's this, and to violence, it's violence. At least, one effect is certain.'

While a couple of intoxicated patrons were quarreling with each other in one corner, it was a common occurrence.

There was no need to intervene in such a trivial issue.

"Oh, nice uppercut! And a hook! The opponent isn't easy either? Quite a match."

Not feeling any pain due to the alcohol, they recklessly continued attacking each other, adding excitement to the atmosphere.

Both were swaying, and more punches missed than landed.

It was while I was amusing myself by watching the patrons' fight when a voice called out from behind me.

"Hey, you, let's talk for a moment over there."

A voice calling out behind Heinz. In an instant, tension surged, and nerves twitched.

My senses became so acute that I could hear the heartbeat of the patrons fighting up ahead.

However, there was still no sign of the person who had called out.

Slowly turning my head to look behind, I found the person standing just a meter away, gazing directly at me.

As our eyes met, the person nodded toward the alley and took the lead.

'I still can't sense any intent. What should I do?'

Although momentarily flustered by the sudden situation, the answer was already clear.

'I've been hiding my presence from when? If things go south, I can always make a run for it. Escaping is my specialty.'

I promptly followed the person into the alley.

The person, who had taken a position leaning against the wall with fists clenched, was waiting.

"Well, you're still quite alert."

It seemed like a remark acknowledging that I didn't run away.

Without responding, I continued to gaze at the person.

Although I didn't know who it was, they must have had a reason to call him.

"Don't be so guarded. I don't have any malicious intentions."

With a wry smile, the person detached from the wall and approached.

Ignoring my distrustful expression, he came close enough for our noses to almost touch, then wrinkled his nose continuously.

What exactly does this guy want?

"Well, I still don't know. It's the first time smelling you."

The man backed away again and looked into my eyes.

"So, where are you from?"

"What are you talking about? Suddenly smelling someone for the first time and asking where they're from?"

I replied with a hint of annoyance.

I understand that he's not an ordinary person, but he seemed to be taking liberties without even understanding the situation.

"What's up? Is he one of those who recently returned to Earth?"

He mumbled to himself, nodded, and then casually spoke.

"You're a vampire, right?"

A strange smile appeared on his face.

"In fact, I am too. Though our origins may differ."

It was the moment when Heinz encountered a vampire from a different dimension.


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