Mutated Tao

Chapter 722: Remove

Chapter 722: Remove

A drop of brown sauce slowly slid down the plump chicken drumstick, landing on the heap of steaming white rice.

Qian Fu didn’t care about that. He held a drumstick in each hand and took a big bite of the braised chicken. He savored the delicious taste as the rich flavor filled his mouth, leaving him very satisfied.

This wasn’t enough for him. While eating, he kept eyeing the plate, worried that Chen Hongyu might snatch it away.

Li Huowang sat across from them and watched in exasperation as they ate. He regretted inviting them to his home.

“Come, eat more. There’s plenty left.” Sun Xiaoqin smiled and brought another plate of drumsticks from the kitchen. Her hair was freshly curled.

“Mom, we already have enough.”

Sun Xiaoqin didn’t respond. Yang Na reached under the table and pinched Li Huowang hard.

“Why are you pinching me?” Li Huowang asked. Yang Na looked at him with some dissatisfaction.

Qian Fu loudly burped, interrupting them.

“You’re already full. Don’t overeat. It’s not just about money. Don’t upset your stomach.”

Qian Fu took two more drumsticks from the plate, shoved them into the rice, and then glared at Li Huowang.

“You don’t understand! It’s a hunger burp!” he said, then picked up his chopsticks and devoured the food.

Chen Hongyu was not to be outdone. She grabbed a braised drumstick and tore it apart with her teeth. When she pulled it out, only a clean bone remained.

This seemed almost like a special ability compared to her disgusting pus-filled boils.

Sun Xiaoqin leaned close to Li Huowang and whispered, “How can you talk like that? They’re guests who came to help you. Besides, a big bag of frozen drumsticks from the supermarket isn’t that expensive. It’s even cheaper than some vegetables.”

Li Huowang sighed and stopped talking as he watched them continue to wolf down the food.

“Do you want some?”

“No, thanks. Watching them eat has filled me up.”

Li Huowang watched as their bellies swelled after three plates. He was amazed at the sight, which he had only seen in cartoons as a child.

After lunch, the two reclined in their chairs and rubbed their bellies contentedly.

Li Huowang glanced at the kitchen, then leaned forward and asked quietly, “Have you two not eaten lately? How are you so hungry?”

“You can’t carry yesterday’s meal over to today. We have to eat every day. What a funny guy,” Qian Fu said just as a knock came from the door.

“Coming,” Yang Na said as she put on her slippers and walked over. “Qing Wanglai? Come in. Those two behind you are...”

Li Huowang turned to see Qing Wanglai, dressed in white and blue, entering with two other people.

The two didn’t speak to Li Huowang. They simply lifted his foot and removed the device around his ankle.

After they left, Li Huowang turned to Qing Wanglai. “What’s this about?”

“The Neighborhood Office surveillance is gone, but they’ll still check in periodically. Also, you can’t leave the province or the city.”

“You’re free to move around now, but there’s still one device on your leg. It’s best to avoid crowded places to avoid provoking them.”

Li Huowang was stunned. He rushed to the window to look outside, where he saw Madam Qi and some others gesturing towards him before leaving the neighborhood.

Li Huowang was astonished. “Are they really gone? How did you do it?”

Though they hadn’t known each other long, Qing Wanglai seemed far more reliable than the other two mentally unstable individuals.

“Simple. I got a lawyer to check. The extended surveillance and house arrest were infringing on your personal freedom.

“You should have regained your freedom last month since you passed the doctor’s check, but you know how it is. Higher-ups say one thing, and those below exaggerate to avoid trouble. I also pulled some strings.”

“I see.”

Qing Wanglai chuckled and said, “I don’t think you fully understand.”

Li Huowang frowned. This guy had a strange way of speaking.

“Anyway, thanks for your help. Now that I’m free, let’s go somewhere to talk.” Li Huowang headed eagerly for the door.

Qing Wanglai stopped Li Huowang. “Don’t be in such a rush. If you start wandering around right after the restrictions are lifted, it’ll raise suspicions.”

Qing Wanglai saw Sun Xiaoqin bring fruit to the table and patted Li Huowang’s shoulder. “I’ll pick you up at nine tonight. I’ve found a safe place where you can meet some new friends.”

“New friends?” Li Huowang felt curious. Were there more allies out there?

Soon, Qing Wanglai left with Qian Fu and Chen Hongyu, who took some fruit with them. Sun Xiaoqin looked happier than Li Huowang at the news of his regained freedom.

“Are you actually free now? Can you go out now?” Sun Xiaoqin was overjoyed.

“Yes.” Li Huowang nodded. He was deep in thought about what to do next.

“Stay here. I’ll go buy groceries and call your dad to skip his night shift. We’ll celebrate tonight!”

Only Yang Na and Li Huowang remained after she left.

“Huowang, do you believe Qing Wanglai? I’m still suspicious of him.”

“I don’t fully trust him, but if I want to shake these people off, I need their help. Their surveillance is tightening,” Li Huowang said, turning and looking at the building outside.

“They’re watching now?” Yang Na pulled the curtain and peeked out. “Where? Which one?”

“They’re not in the neighborhood. They’re using binoculars from a distance!” Li Huowang stared at the distant high-rise buildings.

“Really?” Yang Na squinted, then studied Li Huowang’s face. “Can you really feel their gazes?”

“Yes, it’s a distinct feeling. Their hostile gazes are getting stronger!”

Li Huowang continued, “I guess it won’t be long before they make a move. I need to act first.”

Time flew by and evening quickly arrived. Despite the celebratory dinner for his freedom, Li Huowang had little appetite. He was preoccupied with thoughts of the new friends Qing Wanglai had mentioned and how to collaborate against their common enemy.

By nightfall, Li Huowang said goodbye to Sun Xiaoqin and prepared to leave with Yang Na.

His mother didn’t ask much, and his father even slipped him some money. Li Huowang judged that they might have misunderstood the situation.

As he stepped out of the neighborhood without surveillance for the first time, a four-seater white sports car pulled up before him.

“Get in,” Qing Wanglai said with one hand on the steering wheel.


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