Mutated Tao

Chapter 709: Help

Chapter 709: Help

The conversation continued. Surprisingly, despite their differing viewpoints, they didn’t get into an argument.

Qing Wanglai turned back to Li Huowang. “This is our first meeting, but since Qian Fu said he would help you, I assume we are allies. He has a talent in this area.”

Li Huowang scratched his head. He was even more confused by the conversation. He said, “I’m curious, how did you end up discussing things with him? Your worldview is completely different from theirs!”

“Because we are not real. Although we have flesh and blood, we are projections and are truly false. Absolute reality and absolute truth do exist, but the truth in question exceeds our understanding and perception.”

“If everything is fake, why care about what others think?”

“Hehe, I don’t believe things are as they say, but everyone’s ideas are unique. There’s no need to impose my thoughts on others. I respect their views,” Qing Wanglai said and raised his tea cup toward Qian Fu and Chen Hongyu.

Li Huowang looked at Qing Wanglai’s profile through the screen. He was pondering his words, and he was highly skeptical of what he had said.

Even though it was just for a moment, he noticed that Qing Wanglai had taken some kind of psychiatric medication.

This guy might seem knowledgeable, but mental illness had nothing to do with intelligence.

In fact, from his years of observation, Li Huowang had noticed that intelligent people were more likely to suffer from mental illness than ordinary people. The less intelligent someone was, the less likely they were to have mental issues.

“This is our first meeting, and I understand your concerns. Don’t worry, I am indeed trying to help you. Moreover, you’re the one in trouble, not us, isn’t that right? Regardless of who those people are projecting.”

Li Huowang was temporarily convinced. It was true. Since Qing Wanglai was offering his help, it would be imprudent to display open suspicion, regardless of his intentions. He decided to remain cautious internally without revealing it outwardly.

“I apologize. This situation is too strange, so I have to ask more questions. What method do you have to get me out of this predicament?”

Qing Wanglai replied, “In today’s world, you need connections to get things done. I know many people who can help. Your situation isn’t too serious.”

He continued, “You just need to wait at home. We will find someone to help you, and you’ll have an answer soon. Once you’re out, we can discuss our next steps.”

Find someone? Is he looking for another mental patient? Li Huowang thought and frowned silently.

He wanted to ask for more details, but Qing Wanglai seemed unwilling to reveal too much.

“That’s all for today. I have some things to do later. Right, add me on WeChat so we can keep in touch,” Qing Wanglai said and stood up.

After exchanging contact information with Qing Wanglai, Li Huowang felt that they had at least made some progress. Their efforts hadn’t been in vain.

Qing Wanglai escorted them to the university gate before he turned back. As Li Huowang was about to end the video call, he saw Qian Fu rush to a trash can, stick his arm in, and lick his lips as he rummaged through it. This attracted strange looks from a few passersby.

“Qian Fu! What are you doing? Act normal!”

Qian Fu held a half-full cup of milk tea as he turned around and retorted, “How am I crazy? This stuff is still edible. Why waste it? I’m just picking it up to eat. What’s crazy about that? Many people in the world still can’t get enough to eat. I think those who waste food are the real lunatics!”

Li Huowang was at a loss for words. This guy's way of thinking was really different from that of normal people.

After Chen Hongyu forcibly dragged Qian Fu away, Li Huowang ended the video call.

Li Huowang sat alone in his bedroom, reflecting on everything he had just heard and wondering if he had missed anything.

Ding! His phone buzzed. Li Huowang swiped to unlock it and saw a message from Yang Na.

Huowang, didn’t Auntie Chen say she has special abilities? I was curious and asked her what they were. Guess what she said? (⊙ω⊙)

What did she say?

He quickly received a video from Yang Na.

Chen Hongyu stood lazily by the roadside, her expression solemn as she looked into the camera.

“Huowang, watch closely.”

Li Huowang was puzzled. Watch what?

The camera zoomed in on Chen Hongyu’s forehead.

However, Li Huowang saw nothing apart from some pimples on her face.

“Mmm...” Chen Hongyu’s expression became serious. She made a low sound as if she was channeling inner energy.

As Li Huowang wondered what she was up to, Chen Hongyu let out a low shout, and two pimples on her forehead burst open.

Yellow pus mixed with tiny bits of flesh oozed out onto her greasy face, making Li Huowang feel nauseous.

The video ended abruptly, and Yang Na quickly sent another message. What a disgusting superpower...

Li Huowang threw his phone onto the bed and sighed. What kind of people had he gotten involved with?


“We need to take the initiative. Those worthless people from the Dharma Sect think they can ambush and kill us whenever they want! Do they think we’re easy targets?” A burly man in a black coat roared angrily inside a military tent.

No one inside the tent argued with him. This was the Great Khan, the tribal leader and Dragon Vein of Qing Qiu. As the emperor of Great Liang was absent, he was now the most esteemed person present.

“Khan, you are right. We must counterattack. I have a skill that could be useful, but may I borrow your country’s tiger tally first[1]?” Xuan Pin said.

The Great Khan clutched his sleeve warily. “Are you joking? The tiger tally that commands the Qing Qiu army can’t be given to an outsider! Do you know how short on troops we are right now? Go ask your stingy emperor of Great Liang if you have the guts!”

He continued, “He sure has a good plan. We’re fighting for our lives here while he reaps all the benefits!”

“Khan, the emperor has already dispatched troops,” an old eunuch reported and bowed respectfully.

“What good is that now? The Great Liang is so far from Hou Shu! It will be too late by the time they arrive!”

The Chief of Qing Qiu sensed the tense atmosphere and stood up to mediate. “Xuan Pin, just state your plan clearly. If it makes sense, our Khan will naturally send troops to assist you.”

1. a special token carried by military commanders as a sign of authority. ☜


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