Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 790 - Mending Heaven

Chapter 790: Mending Heaven

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

This was Lin Jin’s first time seeing the Heaven’s Foundation Stone. He had imagined many times what it would look like but the actual thing was very different from what he pictured.

This black stone pillar seemed to run through the sky and earth. Despite being called a stone, it looked more like some sort of metal that Lin Jin couldn’t name. It also had texture.

From a physics’ perspective, such a tall pillar couldn’t possibly stand so sturdily because there was nothing at the bottom to support it. Yet, the black stone pillar stood tall with a length exceeding several hundred, thousand, or even tens of thousands of miles.

It was a miracle.

“This was the place the immortal emperor struck,” Tianzun said, pointing at a certain area. At a height of about one thousand feet tall, the Heaven’s Foundation Stone was visibly damaged. It looked like a playful child had just taken a bite out of a very long piece of bread.

Lin Jin found it immediately because black electricity was surging around the gap and the air around it seemed twisted. The affected area was quite huge too.

Just like a frozen lake being smashed by a hammer, cracks spread around the damaged spot.

With a solemn look on his face, Tianzun performed divination. He closed his eyes and calculated with his fingers a few times before saying, “This is it. The sign of the world’s end comes from the same source as the Heaven’s Foundation Stone’s damaged spot. This must be the cause of the imminent catastrophe.”

Lin Jin nodded.

Tianzun performed divination for the world this time and not only did he find the problem but he also found the source.

“If we mend the stone’s damaged spot, can we prevent the catastrophe?” Lin Jin asked as Tianzun had a right to comment on this.

If Tianzun said ‘no’, Lin Jin wouldn’t waste time. He had better go home and spend the remaining time with his family and friends.

Tianzun smiled. “I hadn’t dared to affirm it earlier, but now I can say that it’s highly possible.”

Highly possible!

That was enough.

Lin Jin sighed. The responsibility for such a task couldn’t be placed on just anyone as only he and Tianzun had the capability to complete it.

“I have a few fragments here so let’s try it out.” Lin Jin had a total of four fragments in his possession. He flipped his hand over and four small black fragments floated on his hand.

Then, he summoned a ball of flames that condensed into four firebirds. Each bird picked up a fragment and flew toward the Heaven’s Foundation Stone’s damaged spot.

Flames didn’t fear electricity and no living creature could get close to the Heaven’s Foundation Stone.

Lin Jin already considered that.

The four firebirds rushed in and tossed the fragments over. The four fragments were immediately sucked into the damaged spot by a mysterious force.

“It works!”

Lin Jin saw how the contorted space around the damaged area smoothed slightly.

This was good because it proved that Tianzun’s assumption was right. If they gathered all the Heaven’s Foundation Stone fragments and put it back, they should be able to resolve the imminent catastrophe.

However, that wasn’t an easy task. No one knew how many fragments were created when the immortal emperor struck the stone.

No one had been counting after all.

It was quite a huge gap and the four fragments hadn’t filled even ten percent of it. Looks like the task of gathering the remaining pieces wouldn’t be an easy one.

Tianzun suddenly said, “When the immortal emperor was drunk on power and struck the Heaven’s Foundation Stone, the entire Nine-Heaven Realm shook as a result. The spell he used caused a huge explosion and fragments were scattered everywhere. No one had paid attention to the fragments and it’s been two thousand years after that so they’ll surely be difficult to find. But the way I see it, most of them must have fallen around the Nine-Heaven Realm. This immortal mountain should have quite a few of them.”

Lin Jin pondered for a bit and then nodded.

What Tianzun said made sense.

The other places aside, they had to gather the fragments scattered around the immortal mountain first. Also, Lin Jin was sure that there was a piece inside the immortal devouring beast. It may even be the biggest piece of them all.

After a thought, Lin Jin said, “Tianzun, let’s split up. I’ll handle the ones in the immortal mountain and leave the ones scattered elsewhere to you.”

Tianzun was stunned.

Then, he understood. Despite the task of asking him to search for the fragments fallen elsewhere sounding hard, the greatest challenge was actually the ones on the immortal mountain.

Because he also knew that the immortal devouring beast possessed one.

And that was the hardest piece to obtain because the creature wouldn’t just flip over and let one slice its belly open. The only way they could obtain that fragment was to defeat the immortal devouring beast.

And that was the hardest part. Lin Jin offering to take up the hardest task comforted and delighted Tianzun.

“Alright, let’s make haste. I’ll be taking my leave now. In my previous prediction, we still have seven years of peace until the day the world ends, so let’s make a seven-year pact. Seven years from now, I will return with all the fragments I can find. Lin Jin, the fate of the world rests in our hands. Do take care!”

Having said that, Tianzun saluted Lin Jin.

Lin Jin was startled and quickly returned the salute.

Both men bowed at each other and shared the same thoughts. This mission of theirs was of grave importance that concerned the fate of the world. Whether or not everyone lived would depend on their results seven years from now. This mission would also be dangerous for both of them, so that was why they saluted each other and urged each other to take care.

Tianzun left.

Although Lin Jin took up the most dangerous task, Tianzun’s part was just as tough.

After all, the world was so big and there were tons of Heaven’s Foundation Stone fragments. With no hint or direction, it was challenging for Tianzun to gather the pieces scattered outside. Even Lin Jin would be just as troubled if he took up this task instead. From a certain perspective, Tianzun’s task was actually much harder than Lin Jin’s.

The good thing about working together was that Lin Jin didn’t have to worry about the fragments outside the mountain now. He just had to focus on this area.

What should he do next?

Lin Jin thought about it.

This surely wasn’t something he could accomplish in a few days. Otherwise, Tianzun wouldn’t have set the promised date to be seven years after. Since this would take time, he needed a place to stay.

Where else would be safer than staying in the Unending Nature Landscape?

Lin Jin immediately took out a canvas to paint a Divine Cloud Passage that could help him travel here with ease.

It was a great idea but Lin Jin soon found out that his spells didn’t work very well here on the immortal mountain. The Cosmos Ink couldn’t open the painting realm either.

Lin Jin considered this possibility too. Since this didn’t work, he would resort to something else.

Using the Clear Wind Sword, Lin Jin dug out a residential cave somewhere nearby the Heaven’s Foundation Stone. He also had an idea how he should collect the Heaven’s Foundation Stone fragments.

“Xiao Huo!” Lin Jin called.

An ember emerged from his arm, taking the shape of a fire wolf.

Lin Jin pointed at the vast immortal mountain area.

“Xiao Huo, from today on, you are to become this immortal mountain’s king. You will hunt beasts and strengthen yourself. The key to your Rank 9 evolution lies in this immortal mountain so don’t come back from now on. Think only of survival and ways to get strong.”

Having said that, Lin Jin patted Xiao Huo on the head and the latter understood his intention.. He stared at Lin Jin for the longest time before letting out a long howl and transformed into a large wolf, sprinting away.


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