Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 746 - Six Hundred Consultation Tokens

Chapter 746: Six Hundred Consultation Tokens

“Appraiser Lin, I have a request,” He Qian said, not beating around the bush. Lin Jin smiled in response. “Your Majesty, do tell me what it is.”

He Qian nodded. He understood Lin Jin’s character and knew that dilly-dallying would have an adverse effect. And so he said, “Do you have any ideas on how Jade Dragon can be promoted to premium country status?”

He had asked in an earnest manner, as if seeking guidance. Lin Jin mused at how interesting He Qian was. For Jade Dragon to rank up from intermediate to premium country status, there were a few base requirements and one of them was to have the country possess a Rank 5 beast. The more the better.

Sure enough, only Lin Jin could help Jade Dragon with this.

“This is simple. I’ll just make a trip to the Jade Dragon Lair one of these days,” Lin Jin said casually. Promoting jade dragons with talent and potential to Rank 5 was no longer a challenge for him.

He Qian was delighted to hear this.

He got so excited he didn’t even know what to do with his hands.

This was too significant for him as He Qian’s dream was to lead Jade Dragon Kingdom back into the ranks of premium status once again.

For this, he had worked strenuously for years.

Now that hope was right before his eyes, he had to be excited.

After a bout of joy, He Qian said, “We will be inviting premium countries from all continents for Jade Dragon’s status promotion. It would be great if you can join us at the ceremony.”

Lin Jin thought about it. He didn’t exactly have anything important to do for a while. If he had to name a few, it would be to wait for Shu Xiaolou and find a way to help Xiao Huo advance to Rank 8. And so, he agreed to attend the ceremony.

He Qian was more than satisfied.

Jade Dragon had been wanting to advance to premium country status for a while now. Only, despite their previous effort, the effects had been minimal. Now that they had Lin Jin’s assistance, He Qian had a feeling they would surely succeed.

It shouldn’t be too difficult for Lin Jin to promote pet beasts to Rank 5, and in He Qian’s mind, he estimated that about four or five should be enough.

Although this amount would still be a far stretch compared to the veteran premium countries, He Qian was happy enough with that. As for reputation, Jade Dragon was sorely lacking. But with Lin Jin around, the other premium countries might just acknowledge Jade Dragon’s advancement.

Now that He Qian’s request was taken care of, Lin Jin had a request for He Qian too. He wanted to expand Jade Dragon’s Beast Appraisal Headquarters and this required the support of a government official. He Qian had agreed to it almost too easily.

He had to! Only fools would reject this request.

With Lin Jin around, Jade Dragon’s Beast Appraisal Headquarters was sure to develop sharply. Even establishing an academy like Heavenly Spiral Kingdom had done wouldn’t be an issue.

It would all eventually translate into a power increase for Jade Dragon Kingdom, so of course He Qian allowed it. He would give it his full support too.

And so, Lin Jin was to stay at headquarters for the time being. Tan Xun had swiftly arranged for a most peaceful courtyard for Lin Jin. Lin Jin also told Tan Xun that from tomorrow onward, he would be taking consultations at the headquarters for a month. Twenty consultation tokens were to be allocated each day, and he was only doing so to raise the headquarters’ fame.

Once the news was released, the entire city was worked up.

Appraiser Lin would be taking consultations for a month at the headquarters and would see twenty customers each day.

And who was Appraiser Lin?

Why, he was a godlike existence. It was said that Appraiser Lin could easily promote a beast’s rank with a point of his finger, much like a golden touch. No matter the beast or its rank, he could promote them in an instant.

Appraiser Lin could even revive dead beasts.

So who would possibly miss out on such a rare opportunity?

Almost at once, every aristocrat, dignitary, and nobleman rushed over to seize a token. The token would only be distributed tomorrow, and by afternoon, there was already a long line extending from the headquarters.

How many dignitaries did Jade Dragon City have? Countless. Twenty tokens were just too few. Some who assumed they had come early enough were surprised to see that a long line had already been formed. They then began to tremble from anxiety.

Still, they had to queue up. Some had wanted to buy a token. They were willing to offer over ten thousand worth of taels too, but only a handful of people were willing to sell.

It was getting dark but the queue only got longer. It had already exceeded more than twenty people so this confused some people. They began to ask around as to why folks were still queuing despite knowing that they couldn’t get tomorrow’s token.

The smarter ones would say that a person had to look far ahead. Even if they couldn’t get tomorrow’s slot, there was still the day after tomorrow, and the day after that. Appraiser Lin would be here for a month so as long as they were within the total number of thirty days, they would queue for it.

The people who heard this gaped in response and realized the truth. They too hurried behind to seize a spot.

Others aside, if they could get one slot with Appraiser Lin, even if they didn’t use it themselves, selling their token would bring them unimaginable riches which would then propel them to success in life.

There were many of these types of clever people so by now, the queue had extended up to a thousand meters long.

News of this flowed back into Lin Jin’s ears and he frowned.

He didn’t decide to take up consultations so everyone would queue up for a month. He didn’t want this to turn into a huge issue too. He had all intention of giving up on his plan but then remembered that he had already given his word to the people. After brief consideration, Lin Jin called the young appraiser over who had just served as his messenger.

The young appraiser came over.

“Arrange to have six hundred tokens prepared and then distribute them by order to the people outside. Remember, only one person can take one token. These six hundred tokens will be for the entire month so they don’t have to queue anymore. Also, register everyone’s name so that they don’t sell their tokens. If the name of the patron differs from the name registered, no services will be given,” Lin Jin said.

The young appraiser nodded at this.

Admittedly, Appraiser Lin’s idea worked. At least the people no longer have to queue for a month and on-the-spot registration could solve the issue of the tokens being sold.

Although it wouldn’t curb all problems, it still solved quite a few.

This young appraiser practically worshiped Lin Jin like an idol, so he heeded Lin Jin’s orders immediately without hesitation.

When everything was taken care of, it was already late at night.

The young appraiser was exhausted beyond measure. Of course, he didn’t do everything alone. There were about eight other young appraisers who looked just as tired.

One of them said, “So this is Appraiser Lin. No one else has an influence like his. My god, a month’s worth of tokens gone in an instant. In over twenty years of my life, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“Learned something, did you?” another young appraiser said, wiping the sweat on his forehead, chuckling. “What do you think we came all this way to Jade Dragon City for? It’s because of our admiration for Appraiser Lin! To be honest, I witnessed with my own eyes how Appraiser Lin used some kind of purple electricity to save that eagle today. Amazing indeed. Right, everyone still looks energetic. The night is long and since I don’t think we can sleep, why don’t we seek guidance from Appraiser Lin?”

The others were intrigued by the suggestion..


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