Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 733 - The Painting Realm’s Core

Chapter 733: The Painting Realm’s Core

Lin Jin didn’t know what else to do. Shu Xiaolou said, “We can’t help it. But don’t worry, as long as we’re in a painting realm, my Cosmos Ink will work. Also, if I manage to enter this Unending Nature Landscape’s core realm and seize control over the painting, I’ll be able to use the painting realm’s energy to force out this thing in your shadow.”

Lin Jin’s eyes lit up.

“Now that’s a reliable plan. Let’s make haste!”

Fortunately, Lin Jin’s shadow didn’t make any moves. If they calmed themselves down, they could pretend nothing happened. The shadow wouldn’t affect their plans either.

The two sped up the process.

Each layer of the Unending Nature Landscape was mysterious beyond imagination. It even had a layer that represented somewhere below the earth’s ground where there were strange rocks and underground caves. Lin Jin and Shu Xiaolou had never seen anything like it before so this further enhanced their experience.

Some layers were incredibly suitable for cultivation, especially for Lin Jin. For instance, there was a realm of flames with magma and fire everywhere that they couldn’t even find a place to stand. Unsuspecting wanderers who entered this realm would surely die an instant death, but to Lin Jin, this was a great training location.

Xiao Huo, in particular, was evidently excited about being in this realm of fire. If Lin Jin could place him here to cultivate for years or maybe decades, Xiao Huo might just show signs of evolution on his own.

However, gradual cultivation was still too slow for Lin Jin’s liking. Maybe it would work in the future, but it surely didn’t work now.

The Beast Deity Cult still had one profound immortal, and that old fox, Patriarch Xue Pao, was still around. The latter would most definitely use sly tricks rather than face Lin Jin head-on.

With two of these hidden enemies, Lin Jin had to increase his level quickly. If he didn’t do anything, he would just be a sitting duck.

And so, two days went by.

Lin Jin and Shu Xiaolou never rested for a single moment. They had continuously ventured further down the painting realm.

Thankfully Lin Jin had Shu Xiaolou on his side. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made it this far down as this had nothing to do with strength. What they were trying to achieve required professional insight.

Of course, they had also encountered many dangers in the past two days. There were just too many things hidden inside this Unending Nature Landscape. Lin Jin was sure that the Beast Tamer Sect, including Du Li, had no idea such mysteries existed inside this painting.

They only saw it as a normal magic tool.

Also, he was sure that it wasn’t a member of the Beast Tamer Sect who painted and crafted this Unending Nature Landscape. It was made by the three people whose names Shu Xiaolou had found.

Huang Longgong, Li Jian, and Xuan Xuanzi.

The identities of all three figures remained a mystery. Aside from finding Li Jian’s name familiar, Lin Jin had never heard of the other two. Shu Xiaolou knew even less than he did.

Although they had no idea who the three immortals were, Lin Jin and Shu Xiaolou came to a consensus that these people must be prominent figures with at least unfettered immortal cultivation.

Their assumption had improved since Lin Jin’s initial speculation two days ago. Assuming they might be profound immortals was a severe underestimation.

Even profound immortals may not have the ability to craft a one-hundred-layer painting realm.

By now, Lin Jin and Shu Xiaolou had reached the ninety-ninth layer.

This layer was somewhat unique. It was a bright sunny sky with white clouds stretching far beyond the horizon. They even saw a majestic gate standing tall up ahead.

With three doors and nine eaves, it had dragon and phoenix carvings around it. The largest doors in the middle even had a plaque hanging on top with the words ‘Dragon & Phoenix’ engraved on it.

The nine heavens!

This grandiose display made them gasp in awe. Shu Xiaolou stared at the doors before turning to Lin Jin. “Lin Jin, this realm is very strange.”

At first, Lin Jin didn’t understand what Shu Xiaolou meant by that. But after hearing her explanation, he nodded. “It is indeed strange.”

In the other realms, every Divine Cloud Passage was hidden so Shu Xiaolou had to find them. Sometimes, the process might even take longer than they expected.

But at this ninety-ninth layer, the Divine Cloud Passage was in blatant view, and it was those gates on clouds up ahead that screamed ‘the nine heavens’.

This was the strangest part.

The person who designed this layer clearly had no intention of concealing the last core layer of the painting realm.

And no one knew where the last layer led to.

Perhaps it might be a huge trap just waiting for outsiders to fall into.

Shu Xiaolou went over to examine it but found no problems. This felt like a treasure hunting adventure where they had to go through tough levels to get to the treasure vault, only to find the vault’s door wide open as if it was welcoming your presence.

Things surely wouldn’t be that easy.

“What do we do? Do we go in?” Lin Jin asked. Shu Xiaolou grinned. “We do!”

Of course they had to.

They had been here a few days now, working their way down. And now that the entrance was right in front of them, it didn’t matter if hell was waiting for them on the other side. They had to go in and take a look.

Even more so for Shu Xiaolou as this concerned whether or not she could take ownership of this Unending Nature Landscape.

Once they were ready, the duo stepped through the massive gates. Brilliant light streamed around them and finally, they were at the last layer, the one-hundredth, and also core layer of the painting realm.

Lin Jin’s pupils immediately dilated at the sight of their surroundings.

Because this last layer looked too familiar and Lin Jin had seen such a place more than once before. Shu Xiaolou noticed his unusual response so she asked about it.

“This is the Nine-Heaven Realm, also known in legends as the immortals’ realm!” Lin Jin looked up at the layers of clouds above that stretched endlessly upward. The pavilions up there felt magnificently oppressive and there were even strange beasts and immortals flying about.

This was one of the differences from the Nine-Heaven Realm Lin Jin previously saw. This place actually had immortals!

“Those aren’t real immortals,” Shu Xiaolou said. As a painting spirit, Shu Xiaolou had a better understanding of painting realms than Lin Jin did. What was real and what was drawn, she could tell with just one look.

Even if they could deceive an immortal, they surely couldn’t deceive Shu Xiaolou.

Lin Jin came to that realization after hearing her remark.

It was no wonder the Nine-Heaven Realm here had tons of immortals. They were all paintings and didn’t actually exist.

Only, why would the last layer of the Unending Nature Landscape be of the Nine-Heaven Realm?

After careful consideration, Lin Jin thought of something. What was the Nine-Heaven Realm?

It was the immortal realm in the distant past, the place of residence of the immortal emperor and all other immortals. Here, profound immortals were like ants in number and unfettered immortals could be seen everywhere.

At the thought of the immortal emperor, a light bulb suddenly went off in Lin Jin’s head. He finally remembered who the name ‘Li Jian’ belonged to in the three signatures.


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