Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 683: Get together

Chapter 683: Get together

This was a happy ending from all angles. There was a new lantern corps and that was the most powerful ever to be seen in the multiverse. But it did raise questions on many things. Especially the Guardians who had been guarding such a huge secret for a long time.

But a person from a higher point of view could easily understand why the Guardians did what they had done. The secret of Entity was too huge for anybody to have knowledge of and it was too powerful and could easily be misused if the Entity was used badly by others who might have nefarious intentions.

And even if the intention was pure, it should always be remembered that Death would eventually arrive for everyone. Batman was the prime example. People didn't understand it was still dead as the series had a post credits scene.

The post credits scene showed Darksied using his signature Omega Beam on Batman. He was supposed to be dead but in the next scene they saw Batman opening his eyes on a desert. On a far distance of the desert he could see many people pulling huge cuboid shape rocks. There were various guards using whips on people who were pulling these huge rocks. And on another side of the desert there was a half built structure that looked like a Pyramid.

The people instantly made the connection. Their Batman had travelled back in time due to the Omega Sanction. Tony and others had finally understood by what John meant when he said those words to the Presence about Batman travelling back in time. The story was finally coming to light for everyone.

"Is Nekron dead?" Clark asked.

"Let me ask you a question? Can Death ever die?"

Everybody gulped when hearing those words. Few months ago they killed Darkness. This wasn't a huge deal for many and others would rejoice on this but everybody knew that the balance had been broken.

But it was just balance. It was only about Darkness. It was nothing in front of Death. Death must always be there or else the multiverse or any universe would just collapse on itself. And by those words John meant that Nekron was till out there. Somewhere.

(I have not portrayed all of the stories of War of Light. There was the Anti-monitor inside the Black battery and other small tid-bits. If I did that I would have to explain the events of Sinestro Corps War which was like a prequel to it. I won't go the lore of Anti-Monitor as it would make everything too complicated and he isn't important to the story)

"This was one hell of a story. If it wasn't real I would have given a review of 10 out of 10. Sadly this story is real so I would now rate it 0 out of 10." Tony declared.

"0? Why?"

"It was one hell of a tragic story and many people had to suffer. Though it was all goody two shoes at the end, only the people who fought know the pain and the trauma."

John was impressed by Tony's words. The heroes were able to save everyone at the end but they had to go through so much just to save themselves. If there was even a small mistake in their judgement, everything would have been doomed.

This story showed how thin the line was between eternal damnation and life. If Nekron had won, their whole multiverse would have plunged into death and there was nothing that could be done to stop Nekron and his army.

These were the thoughts that were revolving in the head of the Avengers. This series brought everyone together. In this hectic schedule of the Avengers relating to the Wall and the preparations for war.

All needed a time off and this series was the best way to get their mind off. After the series ended, everyone discussed the series and its implications. Batman especially was able to deduce many things from the series.

Like the universe had been connected for a longer time and there was more chaos around. His absence was in itself a huge matter and it showed how Batman was so important in their lives. After much trial and error were they able to defeat Nekron. It was a long process and thus showing how important he was to the team.

The Avengers were dying to know of what would happen to Bruce after he was sent back in time but John didn't open his mouth on that. He refused to spoil foe the team. Not because he didn't want to, but because if he did he would have to talk a lot of explaining to do. And that would itself take more than a day.

He just asked them to have patience and see how everything would turn out as the new series was already in the works and it would be out soon.


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