Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 677: Courage

Chapter 677: Courage

After this Clark came forward to speak his mind and boost the morale of the crowd present. They have come a long way from home and all they received was one shock after another. They needed to calm their minds and give hope to them.

They have been really far away from home and tossed among the people who came from different universes. This was already overwhelming for them and after what John said about the future, if the people present were normal human beings they probably would have broken down mentally.

The future was something that should always be a mystery and never spoken about. If a person gets to know the date of his death, he would probably go crazy little by little. knowledge of the past and future isn't always good for everyone. It was one of the reasons why Gods don't try to peek into the future too much and don't trust it most of the time. Kang was one of the people who had looked into the future.

And he had gone crazy!!!

So it was better to help the people to be mentally stable. Even Wayne came forward to speak about his plans and try to divert the situation from the horrible death that was waiting for them. Though the general knowledge of the death of the multiverse wasn't good for everyone, John had watched too many movies and comics to see that if in future there wasn't any trust between the members it would never go down well.

Though it was hypocritic of John to think that as he had hidden the greatest secret of his but in the end many of the superheroes had always hidden their means of power. John's source of power had always been vague and it wasn't like he was manipulating people blatantly.

He had given almost full freedom to everyone and only for villains did he stop his hands.

The meeting went on for more than 2 hours where many of the people raised their hands to ask about the doubts about the Wall and other related matters. John had been patient about the questions and he answered whatever he could. At the beginning, the people weren't responsive as they were still trying to digest what they came to know, but soon after initial trouble all calmed down and tried to gain as much knowledge as possible of the future.

After the whole discussion John finally said

"I will suggest everyone to go through the movies that I have made for all of you to get a more graphic picture of the things and enemies we might face. And also the future series, which will come out in 2 years. According to my calculations and precognition there is still time for the war to erupt and thus giving us time to prepare. I hope everyone will go through the movies and series to know your allies and work accordingly."

Everyone was confused by such a weird request from John as they didn't understand why movies and series were important but they didn't question it. Since he said it was important they might just look over all and get an idea.

In this way the greatest meeting of all of the superheroes of their multiverse ended. This meeting was the first one of its kind and it happened at the Void. Such a situation had never happened before so it was a new thing for many.

Even Oblivion felt that this meeting was too huge and John overdid it but he didn't call it out.

The people were allowed to stay at the harvester for two more days to see if there was anything they could do to contribute to the research that was going on near the Wall.

John meanwhile had returned to his home to work on his series. There was still a lot to do. When he returned, there were many who had seen the Chronicler so they were curious about the person but none had the guts to question John.

Not even the famous actors who were playing the great superheroes in the series.

Finally after a few days of awkward mood at work, Kevin approached John and asked who that person was in front of the whole public.

"Sir, can you tell us about the person who had visited. I know it might be very top secret but everyone here is curious. Everyone present here is binded by the laws that whatever happens in the studio and shooting will be a top secret so you don't have to fear that any secret will ever leak out."

John, who had been working all these days, was surprised that they had the courage to ask him. All this time, everyone present had been seeing him from the glasses of worship. When Constantine had arrived the last time many had seen him. After all these years many present here had known that he was an Avenger but none had asked him of his other 'work'.

This was a first.


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