Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 642: Introduction (3)

Chapter 642: Introduction (3)

This time it was Batman who stood up and came forward to introduce the being that had just appeared on the screen.

"Most of you know me. I am Bruce Wayne and I hail from a multiverse that is beyond the wall. I am not sure how I and others had landed here but we are not ill towards this multiverse. I know that many might be suspicious of us that we are the reason for the break of the Wall. We might be. Or we might not be. But we can promise you this that we didn't arrive in this multiverse by breaking the Wall or by our own wish."

Bruce spoke those words at first. Although nobody had pointed it out to them, he wanted to make it clear to everyone. This was important. As he needed all of them to work together he needed to say these words out in the open from the beginning itself.

"Don't worry Bruce. Everybody here trusts you and your team. You have fought with us side by side for a long time. If the Wall was really broken by the emergence of your team, it still wouldn't matter because you are not the only beings who had arrived from a different multiverse." Banner said as he looked at the Shinigamis who had come with John.

"I believe so, but I still wanted to make it clear to everyone. Now for the person who is presented here. He is called Yuga Khan. Father of Darkseid. Most of you don't know who Darkseid is. Think of him as Thanos of our multiverse. Only difference is that he is more cruel and more dangerous. And Yuga Khan is more cruel than Darkseid and more powerful. So powerful that he willingly invaded the Source Wall to get more power as there is a rumor that if a person ever comes back from Source Wall, he would be more powerful and have an eternal body. And this Yuga Khan is nothing in front of the real bosses who are struck at the Wall." Wayne said as he pointed at the image.

Then the image changed and showed four massive beings. Beings so huge that could easily rival the size of Galactus. And there were four of them!!!


"Is this for real?"

"We are truly fucked by daddy!!" Deadpool commented as everybody could imagine what would happen if any of these beings were set loose. One Galactus was already a headache and now if the Wall was broken they might have to fight these 4 beings together.

"These are the primordial Gods or as we call them 'Omega Titans'. And like Galactus they devour worlds but they are not as hungry as Galactus. Only a seed of a world would be enough to satiate their hunger. But the thing is the world should be a living one. Believe it or not, they can be termed as warden of the Source Wall. If they break away and don't return them to the Wall we will be truly and honestly 'fucked'."

This whole single speech sent shudders to everyone present. If a prison had Galactus-like beings as wardens, then they could imagine the prisoners. This was the worst situation they could imagine.

"Some of the beings that we have knowledge about who are trapped in the multiverse are Ares, God of War and other such Gods who wreaked havoc once. Then we have Perpetua who can be termed as one of the ultimate bosses. She was trapped there a long ago because of her transgressions. Her title is 'Mother of the multiverse' so you can already imagine what kind of being she is and what might happen if she is let loose." Wayne said.

"And these are beings that we know of. On top of that there are 7 dark forces that are trapped in the Wall. Many of you have come across the Speed Force that is wielded by Barry and Pietro. There is the opposite of it. The Still Force which can make things slower and is the evil counterpart of the Speed Force. Anyone who can wield can easily be termed as our enemy and should be hunted down."

"And that is just one of the forces that is trapped there." Barry mentioned that from the stage.

"At first we can understand that there are beings trapped there. But now you speak of invisible power that is trapped there? What the fuck!! Give us a break already!! And you say that it is just one of the forces that is trapped?"

Wayne and others nodded their heads. A small introduction that they had heard was already enough to cause an Avenger level event in any universe. And now they have multiple of these trapped, itching to come out. And once they do, it would be game over for everyone.


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