Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 8: End of the training

Chapter 8: End of the training

DBZ World, Hyperbolic time Chamber.

A portal opened and Saiyan came from it. Vegeta appeared in front of him a smile on his face:

"You've succeeded.

-Yes, I did. I even did a little extra.


-I will do it, when I get the full control of my body."

Two years and half.

Ki Blast were sent everywhere as the two training buddies were going at it like fighting maniacs. Marek moves were savage but controlled, he canalized or the berserker powers of his body and uses them to his advantage. The whole Chamber was shaking. Vegeta who was fighting him, was also elated. The reason?

His long golden hair that has gone down his waist: Indeed, he has attained the SSJ3!

Marek was going toe to toe with him in this form now!! The battle continued to take place for an hour before the two of them dropped down, their breath exhausted.

Marek started laughing, elated by his progress:

"I can't believe you have achieved the Super Saiyan 3, Vegeta-san!

-You thought I will let you overtake me?

-You are so bad Vegeta-san, I already told you about the Super Sayan God. Once you get that transformation, even when I achieve 100 pourcent I won't be your opponent.

-You should care more about yourself, you still have to refine your martial arts. You have more Ki than my SSJ3 yet you can't beat me.

-hehehe. You admitted it Vegeta-sanhehee

-Hmph! We will see when I become Super Saiyan God.

-Vegeta-san, you are always so easy to rile up.


-I told you there was thing I wanted to talk about.

He nodded.

-Vegeta-san, my empire is actually in tatters, there is so many problems I have already lost count. But I have a vision for an Empire, a Mighty one, using my King Piece. Every great general, every meritourous retainer, will become a Saiyan. Vegeta-san my dream will be the creation of an Empire ruled by the Saiyans.

As I said. Vegata-san started laughing :


-Also, keep in my mind. That wherever you went, you will always be the Prince of Saiyans."

Vegeta understood the underlying meaning and nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.

-But I will be the Emperor, tho

-Hmph! Only if you uphold the glory of our race! If I caught you fooling around I will strip that title from your hands!

-HeheheVegeta-san is so happy!"

Three years and half.

Three people were fighting each other in the room. Two red auras and one white one.

"Vegeta, to think you were having this much fun without me!

-Geez, Marek, I told you to not bring him! He is so annoying!

-But he wanted to try this God form so hard!"

As they were in their three person melee. Marek was getting pushed out:

"So Impressive Marek-san, to think you could resist this much in your base form! A legendary Super Saiyan indeed!"

As they continued to fight Marek was getting bested again and again. It was then that Vegeta stopped first, then Goku stopped too:

"The joke is over now, get out the ace you've been hiding."

Marek smiled provocatively:

"Are you sure? You won't be able to handle it.

-Hmph! That's for me to judge!

-So you were hiding something! Intersting.

-Lets do it"

Suddenly Marek white aura turned green, his hair spiked up as if he was about to go Super Sayan. The walls trembled, his eyes became a deep yellow, as a oozaru growl emanated from his mouth! His smile was still apparent, yet a tinge of madness could be seesn as the endless Green Aura took over everything that could be seen before gathering on him.


Even his voice gave the feeling of oppression. Goku had his blood all boiling as Vegeta had a sense of accomplishement that only a dedicated mentor could feel. Externally he put up a mad front:

"Don't get cocky! Goku let's go!

-That's a fight I won't miss!"

The three-party melee resumed as level of powers never seen before were unleashed. The three Saiyan's universe level strength collided again almost breaking the Hyperbolic Chamber. Punches after punches were thrown as Marek took on the two saiyans alone.



The two finally joined hands, Marek still madly laughing as Ki began concentrating on his hands. He cried with all his might as a giant sphere of energy appeared on his palm:


As the three were about to unleash destruction. They finally stoped. The three started laughing:

"Impressive, Marek, what was this transformation?

-It is the "Wrath State", it uses the power of the oozaru without transforming into it.

-Hmph! It seems we have nothing to teach you, anymore. Sayan Emperor. Let's get out of here."

Capsule Corp, Shahrazad was playing cards with Goten and Trunks, as she kept talking to Bulma:

"Its been three days, Three years for him, isn't right?

-Three years and half. He wistood all this time, he is a tough one. Even his own son couldn't stand that much.

-And if I understand well, this is supposed to be 'Future Trunks' is it ?

-Yep, you got it. How are the things going in the Empire?

-The soldiers are resisting. I guess my father and the ministers are doing a good job even without the Generals. They ingrained in their mind that Big Brother was some kind of envoy chosen by the King Piece to bring them a new reign.

-You seem to admit it begrudgingly.

-Those damn old men, they wanted to sacrifice big brother to the King Piece. If it was up to me, they would all rot in the dungeon right now! Hmph! If they couldn't even carry this last order correctly then Ihmph!

-I bet you have a lot to do with it too.

- The capsules make everything easier and big brother practically told me what to saySoo

-Trunks, you saw Big bother, how was he doing?

-Again? I already told you everything I know. He is fine, he got hella stonger. I don't know how much tho.

"He was training with Vegeta, he shouldn't be too shabby."

18 who has also sitting with the ladies interjected.

"I would take that as a compliment, Miss 18"

A voice interfered as Goku immediately teleported them there.

"Miss Bulma

-You little runt, you look stronger.

Goku immediately said:

-Stronger?! He is already stronger than us!!

-Don't rope me with you, Goku! We didn't end the battle yet!"

Sternly Marek looked at Shahrazad as his approached with steady steps:

"How is the country?

-They are fending off the invaders.

-Mother and Lina.

-Better, Imperial Aunt has absolute fate in you.

-The moral of the soldiers?

-Nearing its end.

When he got near her:

-Finally, how are you?

-Worried. About you.

Suddenly, he took her in his arms, his new rough muscles were hard, but they gave off a secure feeling. When she was in his embrace, she felt like nothing could harm her in this world. He whispered to her:

"You did a good job. I have missed you, my love.

-I have missed you too, your majesty."

She said calmly as she let her self-go in his embrace. Marek was lovingly brushing off her long sliky hair. A light cough could be heard from a little embarrassed Bulma.

"Okay, Shahrazad that might be a little bit too much for this crowd.

"What a disgrace of a Saiyan! Acting like that!

-Sorry, Vegeta-san but I am not stuck up like you. I smother things I love.

-Hmph! Such a weak mentality.

A little riled up, Marek, retorted:

-You are the one to talk! After how cheesy you got when you told how you fell in lo-


His hair suddenly turned red, as embarrassment loomed all over his face. Krillin who somehow arrived couldn't believe their ears. Bulma has a red face and a curious expression on her face. She didn't even know her husband had this side to him!


-Well, I need to go."

Said Marek as his flew up in the air, with Shahrazad giggling in his chest:

"Didn't expect, Prince Vegeta to have such a cute side.

-He does have a difficult a character. Its hard to bring him out of his shell. I would like it if you warm up to him, he became like a big brother to me.

-As your majesty wishes.

-You said 'majesty'. You really don't want to do that.

-The sight of you getting beaten up to near death, was just 3 days ago for me. I can't help it.

-Indeed, that can't be helped.

-Your majesty, earlier Mister Son Goku said that you were stronger than him, is it true?

He smiled lovingly, pinching her nose:

- I am indeed stronger than them at this stage.

-So that means, you are as strongs as gods, too?

- Yes, even if the gods themselves were to try. They wouldn't be able to snatch you from my grasp.

-Your majesty! I am being serious and you keep teasing me!

-Okay, okay, let's head home.


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