Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 46: Second Day: A massacre at Rosemary

Chapter 46: Second Day: A massacre at Rosemary

Fairy Tail World. Rosmary Village.

A young boy came by with giant beast's corpses dragged behind him as he slowly strolled into a cabin built outside the woods.

The door slowly opened up as he saw a little scarlet haired girl run through with little tears in her eyes:

"Ma-niisan I though you abandoned me again!"

The boy sighed:

"For the last time. I didn't abandon you."

"I just think it would be best for you to make more friends. Someday, I am going to disappear, you know?"

Erza had a sad face:

"You already told me that. After you achieve your purposeCan I know what it is?"

The boy had a pondering look:

"Well, I am an Emperor. So it should something like world conquest or the like...Umu! Umu!"

Erza had wide eyes:

"OohIf that's the case then you will never actually disappear, will you?"

The boy seemed offended:

"How could you say that to an Emperor?! Emperors are meant for great conquests after all!"

Erza had half-closed eyes:

"Ma-nii, it's because you keep saying that nobody wants to talk to you anymore!"

The boy only remembered the first two letters of his name, so Erza started calling him 'Ma-nii'

The little boy had a sad face as he thought about Rosemary Village. The moment they saw his tail, they kept a distance from him, like he was some kind of demon.

Well... Him talking like he was an Emperor, didn't really help. He then looked at the cute girl warmly. Since that day, a year ago, she has been following him around wherever he goes.

Although he very much liked her company, she was also avoided with him.

That's why he 'abandoned' her so that she can have more friends. But the girl was relentless and fearless, following him through the dangerous forest into his Cabin.

Yet as much as Erza was stubborn, she had met with the Emperor of 'stubbornness':

"I am an Emperor!"

Little Erza titled her head sideways:

"Ma-niiI asked the people at the village about it. Emperors are really great people you know? Are you sure you are really one?"

The boy had puffed cheeks:

"One day I will prove it too you! I will show you my Magnificient Empire that would make the whole Ishgar Continent tremble. Just you wait!!"

Erza had widened eyes then looked saying timidly:

"AndWillyou still make me one of your Empresses?"

The boy was flustered as well:

"I! I might consider it !! Your cooking still needs work tho"

Little Erza pouted:

"If that's the case, you can cook on your own! I also want to fight!"

She said with unwavering determination in her beautiful big brown eyes. The boy who saw the errors of his ways, took a box from his bag:

"HeyI also bought sweets from the bakery this morning, if you are a-"

He didn't even finish that the girl took it from his hands:

"Hmph! I will *Munch* forgive *Munch* you this time!"

They spent all days in their little home. The boy hunted and the girl accompanied him. Of course, he took care to never go out in Full Moon nights, as the King Piece explained to him.

The days continued to pile up, with Erza having her 10th Birthday, the both of them growing up, getting into memorable arguments:

"Ma-nii, you are so messy. And you eat way too much! I always end up apologizing after you!"

"You don't have to apologize for me! I am an Emperor! If they don't understand the deeper meaning of my actions, it's their fault!"

"What's the deeper meaning behind eating all people's share of food!"

"I paid them didn't I?"

"They don't want your money anymore! It's impossible to feed you with this village's harvests alone"

Little Erza 'strict' side began to show up earlier than expected as she got on the back of 'Ma-nii' anytime he made a 'mistake':

"If you don't apologize to them, I won't forgive you!"

"What? How in the world did this become about you!"

"And Emperors don't apologize!"

"You are not an Emperor!"

"I am!! How dare you say that! Apologize for what you said!"

"I will apologize, if you do the same!"

Until the fateful day came forth.

The boy was napping in his poor man's house, thinking about various things, he looked over at the blue screen:

"Main Quest Completion 15 %,huh."

"Since I have met Erza the quest grew up to 15% and then stopped growing. Is she really somehow related to me being here?"

Suddenly a 'DING DING' sound was heard:

"Second Main Mission: Protect Rosemary Village."

The boy stood up:

"What's happening?!"

Rosemary Village.

A little scarlet Haired girl was horrified as she saw the massacre that was unleashed in their hometown.

Black Magicians roamed and captured innocent men and women alike. Behind her was a little girl sobbing as much as her. Erza still kept up a tough front:

"Stay here. They won't find you."

"ButSimon! He is!"

She still advanced trying to help everyone she could, not caring about her safety. She was scared, she was in tears, she felt weak, seeing everyone being taken.

Finally, she was captured, she felt terrified, she wanted to cry the name of the boy in her thoughts but she still held in!

Not wanting to implicate him, yet from all her heart she wished to see him again.

She wanted to bicker with him, laugh with him, live with him.

Suddenly she heard a powerful and calm voice:

"What is going on here"

Erza looked only to find the boy flying over the burned village. All the people saw him too.

The boy looked at this destruction but strangely felt extremely calm, he then looked at the black mages with his ominous Rinnegan, a cruel smile on his face:

"So you are the people who ruined this Emperor's abode?"

The Black Mage didn't even respond only using casts on him. He also didn't dodge and let everything land on him, his eyes visibly searching for something. Finally he heard a shout:


He immediately turned around to see the battered Erza, his smile immediately widened again:

"GOOD! GOOD! It seems today is the first day I kill something other than animals!"

He immediately got in the middle of all the mages as he screamed:


A Monstruous attraction covered all the space as all the Mages began to converge in the Boy's direction.

He grinned wildly as he began to slaughter everything that resembled to a Black Mage!! His hands pierce through hearts and ribs, his tail could cut through steel, his mouth could eat entire heads.

Heads flew up, wails were heard and limbs were severed as a child evil laugh resounded through all the ordeal.

He was like a demon from hell! The evil Mages were like weak sheep as they all began to escape abandoning their prisoners, but the Kid continued to pursue everyone of them like an obsessed killer.

The massacre continued until he heard a 'Ding' Ding' sound!

"Quest completed. Reward: Preta Path Memories"


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