Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 20: Eyes like never before.

Chapter 20: Eyes like never before.

Naruto World, the Moon.

"Who..Who are you?!!"

The men of the Otsutsuki clan were already floored, as a man in a deep green robe advanced towards the Energy vessel (The giant Tenseigan). All the clansmen who tried to attack him were crippled.

"A man from another world."

He continued to advanced as he penetrated effortlessly through each barrier:

"Don't be such a pain. I only need a pair of eyes from it and I am gone."

With his hands he took swiftly what he needed. He then turned and looked at the clan leader:

"By the way, you and your branch family better watch yourselves. Don't attack the Shinobi World, because, by the time you are ready....

It will already be my Empire's!"

He laughed and left as he came.

Uchiha graveyard. Plain dark, a man in a conspicuous robe traveled slowly through the cemetery.

'Letting the Graveyards this unguarded knowing of the existence of the Edo Tensei. What a big oversight.'

He then stopped in front of one of them:

'This one look fairly new, only a week.'

He pounded the ground with his foot and the ground opened showing a coffin. Marek didn't know whether to cry or laugh:

'From a dignified Emperor to a grave robber.'

He opened it to find the corpse of a young girl.

'Very young, doesn't seem trained. Probably a civilian of the Uchiha Clan. The eyes are still intact.'

He took them off and got everything back in place.

'Well, that was gross.'

He has been eyeing the dojutsu of the Naruto World for a while. The creation of an imperial city was a good excuse.

Hendeply realized something in the DxD world.

'Strength is not everything. It's barely a tool to secure the Empire's safety. To build other abilities are required.'

Imperial Hall, Atlas Empire

Marek sat quietly on the throne room a deep smile on his face as he wrote his monthly letter to his Elder Cousin:

"Elder Sister, I thank my fortune today, that I am still able to write you these words. I could feel the worry in your previous letter. Worry not, for your dependable brother has ascended to the throne of his Ancestors and saved his people. I still hear of your feats; you are indeed the pride of our Empire. You have even joined the Headquarters of the Sword Sect in the Rwa Empire and became a privileged disciple there. Yet that doesn't ease the sorrow of your absence from my heart. I long to see your face everyday the sun rises, and hear your voice everyday the moon lingers. It has been years, I have changed, yet stayed the same. The Inter-sect Competition will be held in the Lan Empire, I will be attending it in a years' time, I hope you grace my sight there. To you, My Kosem."

Shahrazad had a big smile as she read the sweet words her Emperor wrote:

"Your pen also became as sharp as a weapon. Big Sis Kosem, will be pleasantly delighted by your words."

Marek with warm eyes only snickered:

"She is so spoiled; she will only say I haven't tried hard enough the previous times. And come beat me up."

Shahrazad smiled teasingly as she wrapped her arms around his neck:

"Your majesty is as mighty as the Gods of the Ancient Continents, surely you can handle a little Kosem.

-Why do you say things you don't believe in? You two already had me wrapped around your fingers by the time I was big enough to know what a girl is.

She giggled in his ear:

-We didn't have it easy; you were pretty dense too.

He grabbed her hand as he sighed:

-5 years.

-5 years indeed.

-In the next year we will go to the competition to get her back from the sect.

-In three years will be your enthronement ceremony.

-The fifth year. All will be ready. We will declare war on the Continent.

-How is the construction projects going?

Marek smiled plainly:

-It will eventually work out. I should be back soon. I did bring some interesting youngsters. I made them Saiyans.

-Oh? You must really like them

-They are heroes in the making. They will be the symbol of the new Empire. But

-But what?

-They need women to reign their character. They can't take care of themselves, not for now.

-Let me guessIt's those two friends that I read in the books about the world codename 'DXD'. Motohama and Matsuda, isn't it?

She said smartly. He suddenly took her by the arms and plunged her in his chest:

-You think you know me like the back of your hand, don't you?

-Am I wrong?


She giggled :

-It was easy to guess, three people with a strong yet weird character, one born with the capacity of using it and the others shunned for it.

-What do you imply?

She posed her hand in his cheek as she smiled elegantly:

-I indeed know you like the back of my hand.

He immediately got flustered as all his face became red. She giggled:

-But I didn't know the Legendary Super Saiyan had such weak defenses. Should I worry about you?

He immediately started coughing:

-Hum! Hum! NoI onlyYou took me by surprise that's all!!

She got out from his embrace as she lightly purred:

"Your majesty we have more pressing matters to attend to.

-Is it about the diplomatic emissaries? Decline any meeting with anyone. Cut off all diplomatic relationship with this continent. Making deals with people, is allowing them to probe your situation. We will continue making business with Bulma's partners for now. Let them always second guessing our intentions. We will begin the restructuration of the Empire after we rebuild it. I will leave you in charge. I need to figure out what to do with these eyes.

She nodded before silently leaving the Throne Room

The Astaroth King's Piece appeared before him:

{Genetic Material: Dormant Sharingan, High purity Byakugan, S-cells type B eyes}

"So? What do you think?

-The genetic data of the three of them is extremely attractive.


-As they are now, they are completely useless.

Marek softly sighed as he continued to listen:

-The Sharingan, The byakugan are what is called Genetical transformers. They take a certain amount of energy and transform it into effects. Illusions, optical analysis and accuracy, ectAnd their effect is better the more energy is given to them. The problem is they have a pretty low energy max cap.

-I see, if the energy cap is exceeded, then

-The Byakugan tend to stop the energy but the Sharigan tend to go into overdrive and continue to overwork the eyes until-

-Blindness. The curse of the Magnekyou Sharingan.

-The Cap is High Kage level energy, estimated at City Level. You could respect the level cap while using but-

-Yes, My Sharingan wouldn't even be able to see Ten Shin Han moving let alone fight important battles. My normal eyes would do a much better job.

-The cap is augmented via genetic fusion and the defect of the overdrive is diverted like the Byakugan. But even with that the cap is still Island or Country level at most.

-You mean the Eternal Magnekyou Sharingan.

-Regressing it with the Ancestral Genetic Digression would elevate the cap and even make it a more heaven defying transformer, and the cap is not registered but it will never exceed Multi Solar system-level.

-So you tell me the Rinne-Sharingan is not the cap for the Rinnegan?

-The information is registered as uncertain, for the lifeform codename 'Kaguya' had really weak control over its genetical prowess and overall energy.

-Its indeed true.

-Yet to think that there is a genetical transformer who could transform Planet-level energy like Juubi to potentially Solar system-level capabilities, is in itself heaven-defying.

-It seems you have a solution.

The King Piece seemed to smirk without a mouth:

-We do have Miracle cells with a strength cap that keep increasing with each challenge.

-The S-cells.

-The solution is to recreate the Sharingan's, the Rinnegan's and the Tenseigan's genetic sequences on your Type B S-cells and turning your normal eye into a transformer too. This process is only possible because of the closeness between the Saiyan race and Human race, the Otsutsuki race.

A trilled expression appeared on Marek's Face:

-A Saiyan specific eye, an eye that constantly evolves with its user!

-Indeed. I can guarantee the enhanced base abilities of the Sharingan and Byakugan. But for the other abilities we will only discover once we have done it, because the randomized process is a part of the transformers too, after the Magnekyou Stage.

He sighed:

-I am sure whatever abilities. They are going to be great.

-The two eyes will be lost in the process, is it okay?

-You know that I don't care!

-Indeed. It's still procedure. The process will take 17 hours, do not move from the Throne Room.

-Much more time than the evolution process.

-Yes, Genetic evolution is basically awakening the latent limiters of the race. This complete genetic reconfiguration of your eye's S Cells. It's much more complex.


Marek leaned silently on the throne, and shut his eyes, as he rested his face against his hand. A warm feeling invaded his eyes and a sharp headache attack him. A pain that should be hundred times sharper than the last time. Yet this time he was as calm as a spring, unmoved. He wasn't the same man anymore. He only bathed in the feeling of bliss that evolution did bring him.


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