Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 17: Gremory Peerage vs New born Saiyans

Chapter 17: Gremory Peerage vs New born Saiyans

The next day, Gremory Territory.

All the Gremory peerage had tensed faces. Azazel had told them that 'a special guest' will be assisting their training. All the Gremory peerage was standing with Rias Gremory at the front.

Azazel and three figure appeared. One of them was in the center ahead while the two simply followed him with reverence and awe in the eyes. His dark green robe fluttered in the wind, he gave the feeling of an Emperor. Motohama and Matsuda wers silent as they were still impressed by how big the Underworld was. Marek looked over at all the devils.

'Damn, they are all like succubus, its like they draw the male gaze to them.'

He then smiled looking at Ise:

"Quite the good-looking Harem you got here Ise-kun!"

He instantly got all flustered:

"What are you sayingMarek-san! It's not what you think!!"

He laughed lightly, his gaze then stopped on Akeno, a little bitterness in his face:

"Himejima, are your cousins still engaged?"

She was a little surprised by the question but kept on a calm face:

"Indeed, Tobio-nii-san and Suzaku-neechan are still engaged."

He immediately stared daggers at Azazel with his white Ki enveloping him, the earth started trembling, like a Earthquacke was taking place. They had cold sweat in their backs.

"Such a horndog, what a larvicolous beastTo Dare to get in the way of this Emperor alliance plans. How many people's share of women does he intend to get? This kind of handsome bastard should be castrated!"

Azazel immediately responded:

"What?! You already knew that! Are you still hung up on that? Besides there is a lot of ways to tie alliances!

-I am an Emperor! I only believe in blood alliances!!

-Look, I assure you, I will find good matches for your servants!"

Matsuda and Motohama who realized that their Emperor had already planned women for them were moved to tears. One of them was even, Akeno-senpai elder cousin! She was obviously an unmatchable beauty!!

Marek turned to Azazel with vicious eyes:

"Tell that little shit, if I find that another women fell in love with him. I will kill him, I swear it on my honor!"

Azazel only sighed pointing at the Peerage who were crouching on the ground incapable of even standing up. He immediately withdrew his Ki:

"Well, I guess they can't handle a little Ki"

The Peerage could finally breath again. They slowly stood up, with disbelief on their face. Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima stood up with a terrified expression.

'Such power, and it's only 'a little' for him. What a terrifying guy.'

Draig spoke to Ise:

"Partner. He is probably stronger than me when I was alive and not by a little."

He then sighed:

"I may have overreacted, but seriously, what a troublesome fellow. Who marries their cousins anyway. That's so gross."

Ise immediately snapped:

"How shameless?! Both your wives are your cousins!!

-I told you that in confidence! Ise-kun!"

The rest of the Peerage had round eyes. They had a hint of admiration for Ise who could retort to him without worry. But they were baffled by the shamelessness of this Emperor! Such a shameless person at the top of an Empire, is it really okay?

-I am sorry! But that was completely unreasonable, Marek-san!

-Just which side are you on?!

-Its Akeno-san beloved brother, of course I am on his side.

-Really? Do you know what he looks like?

-What does th-

He then pointed at Akeno's face.

-Imagine the male version of that.

The moment he did that, his protective eyes, turned into angry ones:

-That handsome bastard! Seducing girlsAAAH Unforgivable.

- And also suppose that if he can seduce one of his cousins, he could seduce two!

The moment he heard that, something inside him snapped :


Akeno who has worried about her cousin was blushingly giggling. Happy that Ise would actually get that angry for her.

"So whose side are you on?

-Yours!! A handsome bastard like that should just DIE!!"

Marek had a smile on his face as he gently nodded, he then swiftly turned his face to meet the gaze of Rias Gremory. An arrogant smile on his face:

"I have a question for you, Gremory Princess.

-Yes, your majesty.

-What are the most beautiful cities of the Underworld?"

She kept herself composed as she answered:

"Lilith, Lucifaad and the Agreas."

The same moment he heard her response, he was immediately frozen on the spot. From some reason, be it for him coming purely for City building or him looking down on all the Underworld, he completely overlooked the Agares Fortress!

"Agareas Fortress; Archeduke AgaresSeekvaira Agares,.. Hehehehe Such a Monumental oversight !!"

He started laughing as his Ki started going wild again.

His laughter sounded like an evil monarch about to unleach terror on the world.. He then ordered as he laughed :

"Azazel-kun, my beautiful little crow! I finally found a good match. I will help them in their training too!"

"Sigh, How troublesomeI will stay with you just in case."

-It seems you don't trust me around your little students.

-Of course, look at you, you already lost control of your powers twice!"

He retracted his Ki as he looked at the difficult face everyone was doing:

"You are doing a little better. You too, Matsuda, Motohama

-Thank you for your praise, your Majesty."

One face particularly difficult, she looked like she was about to faint, she had an ojou-sama vibe, her hair was fiery like the sun.

'It seems the Phoenix girl is also pretty weak.'

"Gremory Peerage, today you will be training under my supervision. Your only task will be to fight Matsuda and Motohama. They are unfamiliar with their body, but they could still make you bleed hard. You've been warned"

Kiba was surprised:

"But they are newcomers!"

"Matsuda, Motohama, by the end of this day, I want you two to be able to rival the Gremory Peerage. Advice, Ise is as strong as all of them combined. Do not disappoint me, you are now Saiyans, weakness is not allowed."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Let the training begin. Show me all your powers, go with the intent to kill. I will be guiding each one of you."

The moment they heard that the bloodlust they've been feeling will finally be satisfied Matsuda smiled ferociously, as Motohama licked his lips. Instinctively they felt the mysterious energy in their body erupt as Ki started enveloping their very being!!

It wasn't nearly as powerful as Marek. Yet, it was extremely violent!

Rias nerves immediately tightened as she felt coming the threat coming for them. This wasn't the aura coming from a newcomer to the supernatural world!!!

"Split in too two groups, On the left

"Rossweiss, Gasper as support Koneko and Ise as vanguard.

"On the right With Me and Akeno as support Yuuto and Xenovia will be the Vanguard"

Marek had a hint of appreciation for the Princess:

'Good Probing technique, but' He smiled as he saw the hint of malice in Motohama eyes. The two nodded to each other before Matsuda disappeared and reappeared right in front of Ise's baffled gaze, his punch already nearing his gut:

"Let's dance. Ise-kun!"

The Sekiryutei got immediately thrown out faraway, as Matsuda flew behind him.


The rest immediately tried to go after them but multiple blasts blocked their way!!

"Dear Gremory Peerage, where are you going? Your opponent is here."

He said as he was brimming with Ki. The fastest Kiba immediately tried to regain his comrade, to find Motohama in his way. He immediately slashed him, only to be met with a fierce punch. Kiba was immediately thrown away. The Powerful Xenovia with her Durandal in hands dashed forward, Koneko immediately used her senjutsu in Nekomata form to throw a punch. Motohama used his forearm to intercept the Durandal and his other hand to intercept the punch as he laughed:

"Such Power. To think you could live as High School girls with this sort of strength. Wonderful!! Yet, its not nearly enough!! HAAAA"

His Ki started going wild as its repelled all his enemies!! As winds raged in the training Area. Akeno and Rias flew immediately using their demonic powers. A large amount of power of destruction and Holy Lightening attacked Motohama.

"So this is demonic power!!"

He Joined his hands as an enormous Ki Ball appeared in front of him:

"Take that!"

The Ki blast easily destroyed their demonic energy as they barely escaped. It exploded brightly as it pierced the sky !! The whole training area was shaking.

Kiba stood up as he muttered:


Xenovia also stood up a smile on her face:

"An opponent worth fighting!"

Marek nodded as he thought:

'Good, he actually succeeded in holding them back. By being fast and decisive. Responding with his best at each attempt at distracting him, he pushed them to stay by worry for their companions here. How shrewd, Motohama'

He then looked at the opposing side when Ise was standing up and got into His Balance Breaker form! A browl was going down as the both of them kept exchanging fists!

"Good! Good! Ise-kun! I wouldn't expect something less from a Hero!"

The wind was invoked, cracks appeared on the earth as the both kept exchanging moves. Wherever they went, everything was destroyed. Ki Blasts and Demonic ones kept being thrown around destroying the whole scenery ! Ise's Balance Breaker kept boosting up by the second ! And Matsuda Ki kept escalading as he was getting used to his body! The Scale Mail kept being broken and repaired! Ise was already spewing blood from the punch earlier. He felt as every inch of body was in pain, yet he didn't have the slightest idea to retreat. Matsuda has blue spots all over his body as he kept laughing like a battle freak!

Marek finally started speaking :

"Good, Saiyans are warriors who could extinguish civilizations at the age of 8, only relying on their terrifying instinct. Your bodies are those of High Class Saiyans, yet you are not using even a tenth of its real power. Connect more with it."

"More, More, Ise !!"

He said as The Red Dragons got blasted by him on the ground. Matsuda didn't stop as two Ki blast appeared on each of his hands.

"I know this isn't your full power! Show it to me!"

He threw them at him as a crater could be seen with the Red Dragon slowly standing up:

"You are very strong Matsuda-san. But be careful. Things are about to get serious. Promtion Queen!"

"Illegal move Trinia! Welsh Sonic Boost Knight! Release Armor!"

Ise immediately disappeared from Matsuda before appearing

"Welsh Dragonic Rook! Solid Impact."

Matsuda was immediately blasted out as his body pierced throught several mountains before slowly dropping out:

"Such strength actually exists!"

Ise kept attacking him combining his three forms as Matsuda barely managed to not be knocked out. He felt pain from all his pores as he attacks were blocked by the Rooks or dodged by the Knights.

"He managed to push Ise-kun to this extent, huh. I mustn't hold back too, then.

Blade Blacksmith, Glory Drag Trooper"

Said Kiba as armored knights appeared around him. Rossweiss who had been silent finally advanced as hundred of Magic circles appeared around her.

"Indeed, let's end this"

Koneko charged at Motohama with even fiercer momentum, unlocking her form 2. He stopped her attack with difficulty on his face and he threw Ki blasts at the Silver knights who swiftly evaded it. Xenovia then jumped on him with fierce momentum:

"Take that! Motohama-san!"

As he stopped it, his forearm started bleeding:

"Great power!"

He didn't even finish fending off for himself that he saw Blasts coming from the Magical Circles, completely obscuring anything in his view. He immedeiatly retreated in the air as he started generating Ki blasts at frightening speed:


His Ki kept spiking up as he resisted the blast.

"Never let your back unguarded, newbie"

Kiba appeared behind as he slashed, Motohama had barely the time to avoid his vitals. But he got hit but what was left of the Elemental Attack of the Rook! He was still descendeding in the air when he saw Akeno flying on top of him with a sadistic expression:

"Holy Lightening"

He resembled his remaining strength as he countered with an enormous Ki blast! But! After that, there was a sound sealing his fate!! A big ball of Power of Destruction!

A gigantic blast was heard as a silhouette crashed in the ground.

Matsuda was also battered as he was barely managing to stand up. Azazel looked at the two with a baffled gaze:

"To think they brought them up to this point by sheer body power alone. What a frightening race."

"You still haven't understood everything about Saiyans. "

This battle is not over yet"


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